OOC: Haha, indeed, Gexln, being a nobody, you don't need to say emotionlessly, xP IC: *Looks at Gexln* This is also your history sir! And it could become your future!
That's really clever, and evil, haha
Note what? Haha, I think I'm a bit blanc at the moment, XP
*Looks angry at Axuran and turns her head* *sheepishly stares at it* Wow, these people knew how to make art!
Ah, okay, haha, I'm a very slow writer, I think, or my conp is really slow...
Haha, very clever
*gets red* Uh, the new worlds are okay.... (was to busy looking at all the shops...)
Ahh, I can imagine..So, keep an eye out for your mom, haha
haha, I posted, XP
*rans towards Axuran and says* You could have helped him! *walkes to Docyx* Are you alright mister? Are you hurt?
Yes Sir! ^_^
Awww, poor Jesse.....Well, I'll keep it in mind, kay?
Ah, I thought you told me that, now that I think about it, haha
Akay, count me in! ^_^
I'm doing fine, haha, I didn't send you your first mail, haha
Haha, thank you'll, I'll be sure to check it, at leas 5 days a week >3<
Ey, hello, I can't see that you online, XP, How are you?
Haha nice, thank you!
Haha, finished it, Hope you'll agree, ^_^
Name: Gabi Age: 16 Type: Key holder Power: black magic (as in FF) weapon: Destiny's tale..(will upload picture...) Appearance: Brown hear, red eyes, wearing headphones, Mostly green or red clothes. personality: Gabi is a very bright girl, who loves to sing and cheer people up. She likes to help others. She acts like she isn't that smart, but she really good at acting innocent. She likes to hang out, and chat a lot. Bio: Gabi's world dissapeared. After hearing how many more worlds were in danger, she dicide she wanted to help others, so they would not have the same problem as she did.