"I think that's why Rei wanted to talk to him. I don't know... she's the only one that knows about aura in our whole organization, I think even counting Organization XIII." Looking at Xandlei worriedly, she tried to smile. "When Reixa and Cepxis come back, I'll talk to her about it. I'm sure Cepxis went looking for her, so they must be together."
OOC: Yeah, it is. And I have Direct TV too ^^, so that explains that. You can watch it from the link CG gave a page back. "She... hasn't said much about them. But she's seen things like dark hallways, heard voices... in fact, I'm worried about her. Cepxis had said she was missing..."
OOC: You click the Karma button, just to leave a good/bad comment about the user. Rei had returned the weak smile, but thought about what he had said. "I'll talk to her... and apologize. Just pray that I don't come back in a box, okay?" She laughed a little nervously, but smiled again. And about resting, she was indeed tired as well. This whole day had been entirely exhausting, not to mention the long night before. "And yeah, I think I'll get some rest in too. We... both need a break." Uncrossing her arms, she let out a relieved sigh. On the bright side, at least her and Axel were still on speaking terms. And there were no more secrets either. But on the other hand, Rei still had to deal with the blonde. "Cloud can be pretty pathetic sometimes... but I guess I agree on that one. It wasn't the best move. And will you do me a favor and punch him in the face a few times, 'Love, Rei?'" With that, she giggled a little, thinking of his face after that.
OOC: You know what?! *thonks CG* there. But yeah, you're 3 hours behind the east coast. I guess it's so everyone is watching it at the same time. Schweeeeet OOC: You know what?! *thonks CG* there. But yeah, you're 3 hours behind the east coast. I guess it's so everyone is watching it at the same time. Schweeeeet... Larpex frowned, scooting over to Abexecca's side and stroking Xandlei's back. "It's... okay, Xandlei. The next chance you see Reixa, talk to her about it. She's seen things too..."
OOC: That may be bad rep, but I gave you some good rep :D
OOC: It would appear on your User CP, four people have given me rep ^^
Larpex rustled up Xandlei's hair playfully, smiling as her strength was coming back. Then, she looked at him with curiosity. "Hey Xandlei, did you... see anything while you were unconscious?"
OOC: I hope so. Otherwise, Xadyn, Reixa, Roxas, Cepxis, and Xangel are stuck in time. xD
OOC: "I know" ?!?!?! That's it?! xDDD And I like that, we should have our characters up for grabs, and everyone reply super fast, no OC's. xDD A n00b is... so many things... Rei shivered, hearing Axel's short and stiff relpy. Well, she had figured that he knew, she just wanted to tell him in person. Taking another large breath, she let it out unsteadily, shaking a little. "And as for... the other thing, I only wanted to check and see if you were coming. And... for seeing your... it was for only a second." Rei looked at him truthfully. Sure, she had watched when he came out of the shower, but the special glimpse was unplanned. It may have been what she wanted to see, but it had been unexpected. "And I'm sorry for invading your privacy. I'm just... sorry." Heaving a sigh, she continued to look at him, just now realizing that they were alone. "And... you don't have to go with me anywhere today if you don't want to."
OOC: Yeah, *sigh* Guess she'll just leave something for you guys tomorrow then :o
OOC: Sure thing ^^ we could all write it. Maybe we should make an rp for just us, and come up with different segments xDD.
OOC: Now that would be fun to write xD. Maybe I will. Aaron nodded, looking at Angel sweetly. Thinking about subjects to talk about, he thought of something to ask her. "Hey Angel... do you have any powers?"
OOC: Wtf?!?! xDDD
Aaron laughed, nudging Angel. "That's okay, but I'd like to show you some skateboarding tricks. Haha, I was terrible when I started out. Rei kept yelling at me because I used all of the band-aids when we were little." OOC: About Dr. Tifa xD
OOC" Sure, Fire. I'm gonna find out anyway :D And I like yaoi, to an extent. I mean like amv's and fanart, not the p*rn manga XP and when they talk about how much they love each other. Just not for me.
OOC: Whoa, that would be completely epic xDD. We should write a fanfic. Rei eyed Cloud menacingly when he mentioned her peeking on Axel, and while her body remained unmoving, a strong gust of wind hit him in the head as he left. Swallowing and turning to Tifa, she met her eyes fearfully. Looking down, she realized tht this day would come, but hated that it had to be now. Taking a deep breath, she slowly rose her head in humiliation. "Axel, there's... a lot I need to tell you. And I don;t expect you to forgive me." Letting go of her breath, she folded her arms around herself insecurely. "Yes, I sabotaged Larxene's dress. That was because when you were gone at lunch, I used aura to look for you, and I... saw you two on the roof, and I was jealous."
OOC: Haha, I've been watching the television series and got hooked. By the way, it's on at midnight tonight ^^. And I think the one's I got go up to tonight's episode. It's right before he meets the girl kira (don't know her name yet). And L and Light together?? Even so, they hate each other too much xDD. But I don't like Light at all, although I give him props on his evil laugh. And I like Ryuuk and L.
OOC: Sorry, I thought he was still hugging her ^^; But Nymph should be online tonight, she's getting back into gear. And I just got volumes 1,2, and 3 of Deeeeeeeath Noooooote ^^
OOC: Now you guys did something sweet when I was gone :p Rei watched the entire scene play out before her, and had stood when Axel came in. But now, she sat back down, a bit dazed, next to Tifa. Looking scornfully at Cloud, and then cautiously back at Axel, she blinked and sighed. How long had Axel been listening to them? If he was there when they were talking about Larxene... "Oh boy..." Sitting back anxiously, Rei's eyes darted between the two men and back at Tifa. OOC: Well, Rei and TIfa were having a girl talk. Then Cloud came because he was bored. Rei was using aura to peek in at Axel, and she caught him when he was out of the shower and dressing. xDDDD Then Rei and Cloud were fighting about the whole Rei&Axel/Larxene&Axel situation, and it turned out that Axel was listening in outside Rei's door. So Axel now knows that Rei did the stuff to Larxene's dress and knows about those two. So it's time for Dr. Tifa, and all of them are sitting down. Aaron took Angel's hand and began to lead her out of the cafeteria. They walked past the office and started down the main hallway to get to the dorm wing. Turning to her, he smiled. "Hey, are you a skater, or undecided? If you don't know how, I could teach you how to skateboard if you want."
OOC: Gotcha ^^ Do you have YIM?