Rei covered her mouth again as she heard the knocking on the door and Tifa's voice. With another smack to the head with a pillow in Axel's direction, she jogged over to the door while looking over her shoulder and sticking out her tongue. Reaching for the handle and opening it, seeing Tifa and Cloud standing there. "Hey guys, all cooled off?" she asked in a sing-song manner.
OOC: Make your posts into nice paragraphs from now on or you're being reported. Follow the rules n00bs.
OOC: *HONK! HONK!* n00b alert...n00b alert... Paragraph= 4-6 sentences per character But seriously, lol xDD Rei watched from the roaring audience, laughing hysterically as Axel came up on the camera. Cloud sat a few rows ahead of her, but she couldn't see him well through the crowds of people. She couldn't hear his response either, due to the screaming in her ears. But really, it was only the beginning of the show and Axel as already on a roll.
Reixa exhaled, watching his expressions carefully. "I'm... fine with it. I'm not happy about it, but I've accepted it." Turning away, she closed her eyes for a few seconds. "The things he said... made me realize how much he cared about her." Looking up at Roxas, this time in the eye, Reixa loosened up her tense shoulders and smiled. "By the way, thanks for coming to hear me out. Unless you want to discuss anything, I should be going."
OOC: Please look at the first post <.< K, squish
OOC: Well, we have our Tifa. Let's start on a segment called "You might be emo." xDD. Cloud and Axel, here we go!
Rei giggled again, covering her mouth. "No, I don't think you're just any old goober. You're a goofy goober." Rei smiled, laughing as her bright pearly whites gleamed at him. "And why, Spike? Can't wait?" Rei picked up a pillow and thonked his side, smiling slyly. "Well, too bad!" OOC: Haha, you missed A LOT. Well, to be brief, Axel now knows that Rei did the thing to Larxene's dress @ the dance and that she knows about him and Larxene. Cloud blurted that she had used aura to peek on him while he was dressing. So Cloud stormed off to and emo corner, and Tifa went to get him and they're coming nack to Rei's room. As of now, Axel and Rei are back on friendly terms and Rei started a mini pillow fight. *Takes deep breath* So much for brief. xD
OOC: I was totally serious xDD. This is gonna be funny as hell :D @ cloud's buddy~ Yes, but please reply with full paragraphs.
Haha, this is an RP inspired by the folks at High Times at Twilight High, during a tense, dramatic scene. Let''s just say it wasn't very pretty ^^;. Well, this RP will be based on the all well known "Dr. Phil" show, with Tifa as the host. Many FF and KH (And some pre-made OC's) characters will be attending, working out their problems and battling it out, all on live television! You may create OC's by filling out the following form: Name: Age: Appearance: Powers: Problem/Addiction/Obsession etc.: History(possibly cause for category above): RULES: 1. Let's keep it PG-13 here, people 2. Edit swear/vulgar words with an asterisk (ex. F*ck) 3. No yaoi/yuri 4. You can have up to 4 characters 5. Replies must consist of full paragraphs! LIST: Rei~ chula-claire Tifa~ *TwilightNight* Cloud~ Tularim Angel~ Firekeyblade Axel~ *TwilightNight* Marluxia~ Larxene~ Nymph of Destiny Roxas~ Xemnas~ Zexion~ Nymph of Destiny Aerith~ chula-claire Saix~ Riku~ Sora~ chula-claire OC's: If you want any characters with potential "problems" to be added, feel free to say so. Happy roleplaying! ^^
OOC: Oh yeah, I <3ed Ryuuk and his apples xD. But when L came to Light's college, man... then he snapped. Ryuuk looked like a scolded puppy xDDDDD. Reixa stiffened as the question was brought up, knowing that it was coming sooner or later. She folded her arms, looking off at the sunset. "I still need to talk to her as well." Remaining silent for a few minutes, Rei then muttered coldly, "... if she doesn't try to kill me first." Huffing slightly, she then turned back to Roxas, her facial expression the complete opposite; one of contentment. "Anyhow, that's all he wanted to say." Looking at Roxas curiously now, she smiled slyly. "And about that bathroom situation, I'll always have my suspicions."
Rei smiled in a more perky way, remembering the old nickname. "Oh, I haven't forgotten. It's just that Spike has been pushing Aesthetic Axel into a corner. Maybe Asthetic Axel should man up." Rei nudged his shoulder with hers playfully. "And of course I have my bathing suit. What'd you expect?" Rei grinned, happy that they had both calmed down and were talking like they always had. Maybe this time, even a little more intimately. "You'll just have to wait, that's all."
OOC: Gonna watch Death Note, see ya in half and hour ^^
Rei smirked and chuckled a bit at Axel's little comment, watching his green eyes wander back outside. But then, she felt color come to her face as he complimented her appearance. She turned away for a second, her eyes wide. She never blushed, not even around Axel. But for some reason, his small gesture had brought it out from hiding. Looking back over at the mesmerized redhead, she smiled brightly. "Thank you. You look very 'nice and pretty' yourself." Giggling again, she hugged her knees and continued to watch him. For a few seconds, she watched his aura swirl about in a pleasant, content manner, the usual mostly red.
Larpex stood, walking next to Abexecca. "Maybe we should leave the fighting to Xadyn and Toxst. They can handle Larxene." They left the room, finding themselves in a long hallway that led to the main staircase. "In the meantime, we have lots of video games and food. Let's just hope that there's more than spam in the fridge." She giggled, smiling again at Xandlei as he clung to Abexecca's back.
"He also told you to stop being a dumb*ss, by the way. And if you remember, Axel and I weren't on the friendliest terms. We didn't know each other well before I... hypnotized him, and he didn't forgive me after that. Do you really think he would have told me something like that?" Stopping herself, Reixa closed her eyes and took a quick, brief breath. "I know it's hard to believe, but he really wanted to say those things. He really misses you and... Larxene."
Rei stuck her tongue out as well, laughing as he stared out of the window in thought. But his question stuck on her, and she thought about it carefully. What did she think it was? A date? No... Pulling her thoughts together, Rei put her elbows on her lifted legs, her chin in her hands. "I guess it's more like a... friendly outing. A kind of bonding thing. What about you?"
OOC: Yep, it can get kinda complex around here ^^; And sorry for the late reply, I was on the phone with a friend. *jumps for joy* Yay! A kidnapping opener xD. I started hearing what sounded like a lot of gunshots, and an uber loud scream. (I live in the boonies). So I'm freaking out, and I look out the back windows and it turns out that the neighbors are shooting illegal (sweet) fireworks and the donkeys next door are having a fit (screaming) xDD Reixa lifted her arm, taking off her hood as her dark hair spilled across her shoulders. She smiled weakly, standing up straight and walking closer to Roxas. "I'm... glad you came." Reixa sighed, looking at him a bit apologetically. She had noticed his hint of disappointment, most likely because his sunset-watching buddy wasn't there. "I-- wanted to talk to you about Axel. I had this... dream, where he was a version of Axel, the one that I liked." She swallowed hard, re-living the chilling sensation. "And for a few moments, he changed to the real Axel. He said to tell you to stop wining." Rei smiled, seeing Roxas' already confused expression. "He also said that even the fact that you stayed to watch him was loyalty enough, and that you did your best. He will always be your best friend, Roxas, and nothing can change that."
Aaron smiled. That's just like her, too... Turning to face her as they walked, he nodded. "Yeah, I have psychic ability and get power from the sun. It's kinda funny, since Rei can use aura and ind, and poer from the moon. We're kinda like opposites." Thinking on the matter, he uttered another comment. "Actually, I don't think many people know about my powers."
"Okay, the guilt trip gets old after a while, Spike." Rei giggled, looking over at him earnestly. "But I will. Maybe after we come back, or early tomorrow." It was then that she reminded herself of hers, Tifa's, and Angel's outing her and Tifa had planned for the next day. And they'd be going to see Willie...
OOC: Twilight, we'll just continue and let Nymph catch up ^^ Reixa waited for a while before contacting Roxas again, Zexion had shown no signs of noticing, at least none that she had seen. Roxas, meet me at the clock tower as soon as you can. Reixa then turned to Cepxis and smiled weakly. "I'll meet you back at the headquarters, hopefully with Xangel too. If you need any help, just send a message." Rei hadn't forgotten his telepathic powers, and now she had her own method of reply. "Be careful." With that, she silently portalled to the familiar clock tower, the brilliant sunset almost blinding her as she leaned against it on the high ledge.