OOC: Sweet, we're buddies :) And Roxas only talked to Reixa b/c Axel told her to tell Roxas something while she was dreaming. He wasn't going to do it, but she mentioned something that was a secret of his and Axel's xDD so he believed her. They're done talking now. And yeah, Axel, Zexion, and Larxene know. Larxene is there now, actually, fighting our leader. She may need backup, and one of our members (Toxcst) is coming to help our leader. Reixa inhaled quickly, swallowing hard as Abexecca shrunk away. "A-abexecca..." Reixa took another step back, leaning against the wall. "Is... it really...?" "Reixa, Abexecca, calm down." Larpex looked between the to. "We know it was an accident. There's something more important than that." She looked at Xandlei briefly, but then turned to face Reixa, her face entirely serious. "Xandlei fell unconscious and began to fade not long ago, and he heard voices. I think you need to talk to him." Reixa's face changed entirely. "He what?!" She looked at him worriedly, knowing that this was going to happen sooner or later. "Xandlei, did you use an auric orb, were you able to sustain it?"
OOC: Oh, Roxas is still on the clock tower, and Reixa just left. She went back to the rival's hq and is with Abexecca, Xandlei (kid), and Larpex. So Marluxia can talk to Roxas xD Wonder how that'll blow over...
OOC: Tularim, xDD. Reixa froze as she saw Abexecca standing there. Abexecca alive. Her mouth parted and gaped, her eyes wide. Blinking a few times, she noticed the sleeping Xandlei in her arms. So... he found her? How?? Taking a small step back, Reixa's eyes darted between the three of them, completely flustered. Larpex had just reached for the ramen when she heard Reixa's voice, and she turned around immediately. "Reixa! You're alright!" She rushed up to her and hugged her graciously. "Cepxis said you were missing! Where have you..." She then noted Reixa's stiffness, when it finally dawned on her. She hadn't known that Abexecca was alive...
Aaron smiled, walking through the large tunnel leading into the dorms. After climbing some stairs to reach the floor Angel's room was on, he turned to her again. "Were you in the same gym class as us during the dodgeball game? I hear we're continuing it on Monday."
OOC: Hey Fire ^^ Our starting segment was about being emo. Tifa is talking with Axel, who outright shouted that Cloud is emo. Tifa's trying to maintain her composure (not working), and Cloud is snubbing it all in the audience. Then, Axel took the mic and mentioned Aerith, and Cloud went nuts. Axel and Cloud were on stage, and Aerith came out of the audience and is scolding Axel. Well, you can sit next to Rei in the audience, or join the 'emo' segment after Axel's thrown out (most likely xD)
OOC: Hey Destiny, I can have Reixa talk to Xandlei now :D Larpex portalled herself, Abexecca, and Xandlei to the main room. Stretching, she made her way into the next door kitchen to find some food. Luckily, there was more than spam in the refrigerator, and she beckoned the other two into the room. "Pick whatever you like." Reixa's eyes opened slowly when she heard voices in the next room. Sitting up groggily, she yawned. "S-someone in there?" she asked tiredly as she stood and walked into the kitchen.
Aerith pointed a scolding finger at Axel, wagging it in his face. "If you don't give Tifa her microphone right now, you will be escorted out by security." Rei sat there in her seat, covering her mouth as she tried to keep in something she had been wanting to add for a while. Letting go of her resistance, she suddenly shouted, "Zexion and Riku are emo too!!"
"...Cloud?" Aerith had been walking down the left aisle near his seat ever since Axel had mentioned her. "Please, let's not fight." She looked up at Tifa and smiled, yet quickly turned to Axel with disdain. "You should be ashamed of yourself!" Walking up to the stage, she jumped up and was soon standing next to him. "Why are you trying to humiliate Cloud and Tifa? And me?" Rei watched the scene play out, taking her feet down to lean forward. This was very interesting...
OOC: Sure thing Nymph :D
OOC: squish! Please leave. I'm reporting you as well if you don't.
OOC: Alrightie then, cloud's buddy and squish, go away... far away... Rei sputtered out between laughs, trying to catch her breath from the constant heaving. Hehe, she knew who the Ancient was, for it was indeed the beautiful Aerith. But Tifa had one-up'ed her somehow, because she had obviously "done it" with Cloud.
OOC: squish, can you please watch your grammar? It's annoying. And I'm already regretting it, <.< Are you allowed to remove them or no? Rei choked, laughing uncontrollably when Axel took the microphone. "Go get 'em, Spike!" she yelled, laughing so hard her stomach ached. This show was better than she thought. Standing up, she moved up a few rows to better seats, seeing as nobody was there. Getting a better view, she cheered loudly.
Reixa chuckled as well, smiling as Roxas looked out at the sun. "Yeah, maybe. And thanks, Roxas. I'll be seeing you." Reixa gave him a small wave, stepping backwards into a portal. She appeared in her home, standing in the main room. Yawning, she plopped onto the couch with exhaustion. Man, she hadn't slept for ages, and the couch seemed so comfortable. Laying her head on a pillow, she slowly closed her eyes. She'll get a few hours in... maybe, if she's lucky, Larxene will still be there when she wakes up. If not, She'll get... Toxcst to sniff her out... And with that, Reixa fell into an undisturbed sleep, one that she had been needing for a long time.
OOC: *ahem* cloud's buddy, you've been reported for spam. Plus not following rules of conduct ( PARAGRAPHS! )
Rei smiled and clasped her hands behind her back, staring off into space while waiting. Turning to see Cloud, she looked at him a bit disdainfully as she walked around stiffly, putting one foot in front of the other. Hearing their little conversation, she smirked and made her way back to Tifa's side. "You know, Axel, at least there won't be any witnesses to a murder." She giggled, resisting the urge to look at Cloud's expression. "But really, you guys should kiss and make up." OOC: xDD
OOC: N00bs! Quit spamming and roleplay, or you'll both be reported!
Wooooooow, this girl has issues. Rei crumpled up the paper, blasting it with aura in her palm while watching it disintegrate. She shrugged. "Whatever..." The pieces fell onto the floor meaninglessly, and Rei folded her arms. Yuffie posed no threat to her at all.
Rei scowled, building up a large auric shield to reflect the attack. She sighed, looking now at Cloud, whom didn't seem fazed at all about the situation. "Hmm, either he's an introverted emo or good actor, most likely the latter."
Rei, now infuriated, closed in on Yuffie. Without physically moving, a large gust of wind slapped her in the face. "Take that, skank!" She sat innocently in her chair, and continued to watch as Axel openly mocked Tifa. Wow, this just got better and better. With no one in the seat in front of her (for obvious reasons), she lifted her feet and rested them on the back of the chair, her large, black boots clunking together.
OOC: Well, I guess that's better. O.o Rei sat up higher in her seat as a number of screaming fangirls piled up in front of her. Angry that her view of the redhead had been penetrated, Rei extended her arm and sent one huge, radiant auric blast at them all, thrashing them all like a bowling ball striking down pins. Of course, most of the innocent bystanders in the way were thrown about too, but hey, at least her view was restored.