Rei's smirk remained, knowing that her little speech was on the right track. "Well, truth be told, he's an egotistic jerk. But he's also caring, has good morals, and looks really cute when he's mad."
OOC: Well, I'm attacking anyway ^^ Reixa remained inside the tornado as it twisted and turned. The bottom of it lifted off the ground and began targeting the three enemies now here; Marluxia, Xigbar, and the newly arrived Xaldin. She avoided using her wind on Xaldin, for he possessed the same element. Instead, the tornado surrounded the other two so they couldn't escape, and Reixa kept them trapped in there as she stood inches away from Xaldin. "Boo." Running backwards, she put her arms forward and shot multiple aura beams at him.
Rei leaned against the door, shaking her head. Knocking on the door loudly, she yelled "Just don't break anything, or you'll find things of yours broken." Looking back at Tifa and shrugging, she smiled hopefully. "I don't think they'll take it any further than words this time, or else we'll have to break down the door. In turn, they'll have to pay for it." She chuckled slyly, looking back at the door.
OOC: Hmm... I'm not sure. Let's make it interesting and say he doesn't know xD.
OOC: Well, that's no fun <.<
Reixa quickly ran down the hallway, jumping up at the end to kick Xigbar off of Abexecca. Her leg, still in midair, swung around and back to the ground as a large whirlwind developed. Her arms moved around as it grew into a large tornado that surrounded her and her friend. She nodded at Abexecca, and then jumped into the vortex with ease. She hung out in the eye of it, knowing that no one else could enter that dangerous part without being shredded to pieces. Outside the tornado, little spurts of wind slashed at the two enemies.
OOC: It's fine, just have her look again, then sit by Axel :D Rei looked at Tifa and raised her eyebrows, knowing that Tifa already had knowledge of the guy she liked. Although her opinion of him at the moment, probably not a good one. "Oh, Dr, Tifa..." she began, a loftiness to her voice. "I've liked this one guys for a while, and he's got one hell of a bod. I mean," Rei put her hands out in front of her to demonstrate. "It just curves down perfectly. And his biceps, his six-pack, uh, it's delicious." Rei sat back, grinning evilly. "Plus he has great hair, can't beat that." OOC: Watching Office Space and replying between commercials xD
OOC: xDD I was laughing so hard at the bumping into each other part. And I just found out I have a snow day tomorrow :glomp: thank you, Mother Nature. Rei was a little startled when Axel had almost mowed her down, but smiled brightly and giggled. "You better be sorry--ah!" She felt someone grab her arm and begin dragging her out of the room. "Hey, I--" she began, but stopped when Tifa turned in front of her. A few moments later, they were out in the hallway laughing their faces off. "Haha, you should have been there. It was fun. We were allowed to use our powers. It got pretty interesting." Soon they came to Angel's room, and Aaron was about to say good-bye when he heard a commotion down the hallway. "What's going on down there?"
OOC: I agree, you RP Xiggy really well ^^ Did I mention Reixa hates him though? xD Reixa winced in pain as she looked over her shoulder and groaned. As he kicked her off, she flailed her arms, aimed below her, as the air current going upwards increased, suspending her in mid-air. Now facing straight, she let herself fall to the floor a few feet away. Controlling the updraft, it was sent against Xigbar's sniper as it fell out of his hand and fell backwards, hitting him in the arm.
Reixa watched the auras of each petal as if they were coming at her in slow motion, moving precisely to dodge each one. Regaining her stance, she huffed at Marluxia. "If you recall, I volunteer to fight you alone, and would have kicked your sorry butt. But seeing as I actually have friends, I'm not going to break a sweat. You, on the other hand, must be Larxene's aid. It's your own fault for intruding on us when you should be doing your job. That is, if she's still in one piece." She jumped up towards him as if she was going to strike, but she smirked and quickly disappeared with her speed. Now behind him again, Reixa thwacked him in the back of the head again.
"What?!" Rei blinked as she stood, looking at Axel in an annoyed way. "Great..." She began walking down the aisle with her arms crossed. Thanks, Tifa. Axel just voluntarily sat by me, and I'm called on stage. Jumping up with a small gust of wind (again, knocking a few people over), she landed on stage and sat down. "Alrighty, then. Work your magic, Tifa." Aerith walked back to her seat at glanced at Axel in a displeased manner. Good, Rei would be a nicer candidate anyhow.
"Argh!" Reixa exclaimed out of frustration. Her breathing was a little unsteady, but her energy was far from drained. "You d*mn coward!" She jumped backwards, landing on a higher ledge that escalated near the stairs, not far from the real Marluxia. "Are you going to evade all day, Pinky? Or are you going to fight?"
Reixa scowled, her teeth gritted as her already extended arm became shrouded in darkness. A large gust of wind blew through her ebony hair as her Crescent Moon staff appeared, black gem gleaming. "Much obliged, Pinky." Her eyes narrowed, his aura completely visible. His weapon is right in front of him, and it's a long range scythe... so close range attacks from the front are almost impossible... Deciding on how to start, and hopefully end, this fight, Reixa ran to the side faster than the speed of light, dashing behind him in the other direction and repeatedly jabbing his sides and arms with her fists. She had used the same technique on Larxene, and it just may work on him. As she pulled away backwards, Reixa took a swing at his head to knock him down. Then, for him, getting back up would be absolutely impossible without the use of his limbs or sakura petals. Take that.
Rei smiled, walking up to the door. "Everything all honky-dory in there?" She crossed her arms and exhaled deeply, knowing that Axel hadn't been 'honky-dory' with Cloud earlier. But then again, Tifa had also calmed both her and Axel down, and it seemed that she had succeeded with the to males. "Good job, Dr. Tifa."
Aerith put a friendly hand on her shoulder, smiling. "Yeah, let's get on with the show!" She turned to Axel disappointedly, but shook it off. "But let's try for a different guest, shall we?"
OOC: Lalalalalalalala... now what? lol
Reixa turned to Abexecca to say something, but her words froze. Huffing, she turned back to Marluxia, battle-ready. OOC: I'm working on Rival Organization Membership Licenses ^^ For sigs Larpex nodded regretfully, taking Xandlei's hand. "Come on, we've gotta go, Xandlei." She picked him up and held him tight. "Remember when we went up to the window? You need to be strong and brave, we'll have to stay in the air longer than before." She smiled at him, and then suddenly they both disappeared into the atmosphere.
OOC: <3 ya Tularim ^^ And I'm baaack... Reixa growled menacingly, staring back at the pink-haired Marluxia. His aura as going crazy, he was in thought... on whether or not... to... kill them?! She focused on him hard, and without showing any physical signs of moving, a large gust of wind hit him from behind. As he fell forward, she rose her arm and sent a large aura beam at his face. "Too late for an answer now! You guys go!" "But... Rei--" "Just go! I can handle it."
OOC: I'm going out to play in the snow for around 20 minutes ^_^ "So what if I am? You have no business here." Reixa held out her arms at her sides, defending the others. "You still didn't answer my question. What do you want?"
OOC: Icccccebreeeaaakkkerrrr!!! Reixa looked down at Xandlei pitifully, reaching out and patting his head. "It's-- it's alright, but I do need to talk to you... about the dreams, and other things." Looking up immediately, she watched with scorn as Marluxia entered the room. She stepped forward in front of the other three protectively. "What do you want?"