OOC: *sigh* I guess. Whatcha think, Twilight?
OOC: And what year was he born in? Reixa turned her head, not making any more eye contact with her. Taking a deep breath, she swallowed hard. "It was... near our base. In a dream. He told me to pass on that and a message to Roxas. Now, I've done both." Relaxing, Reixa fought back the urge to weep, clenching her fists. She abruptly looked up, her voice unsteady. "That's all I wanted to say. If you have a problem with me or Cepxis, end it here. And if you don't, then leave."
OOC: Cloud... run. xDD Rei's neck snapped as she looked directly at Cloud. Slowly walking up to him, her mood changed from heartfelt to pure recklessness as she rose her arm at top speed and landed a severe punch to his face. As he fell, she stood above him and knelt down, grabbing the collar of his shirt. "And to think, I was standing up for you, you little sh*t!" Throwing him back on the ground, she stood back and crossed her arms, disgusted.
OOC: I'm to the part with Mello setting off the bomb killing *insert name here*. So yeah. Reixa sighed, continuing to stare at Larxene. Her aura told her that she didn't trust her, as was to be expected. But she might listen... Axel's message was pretty convincing. "As much as I hate to say it... Axel wanted me to tell you... that you are the Proof of His Existence." Looking down now, she winced, not wanting to see her reaction this time. "That's all I'm saying."
Reixa stared coldly at Larxene, but straightened and brushed off her comment. Closing her eyes for a beat, she opened them quickly to stare into Larxene's cerulean eyes. "It's about Axel." Dismissing her staff as well, she left her arms at her side, waiting earnestly for her reaction. Reixa stared coldly at Larxene, but straightened and brushed off her comment. Closing her eyes for a beat, she opened them quickly to stare into Larxene's cerulean eyes. "It's about Axel." Dismissing her staff as well, she left her arms at her side, waiting earnestly for her reaction. OOC: Rival organization mems, I can make a membership card for you if you want ^^ Just give me the info.
OOC: Haha, yep ^^ Larpex looked at her friend worriedly, looking down. "I know you're scared... but this power they share... she's the only one that knows about it. Whatever happened to Xandlei earlier, it's something that has also happened to Rei. But I was able to heal her and stop her from fading right away. Xandlei... it took a long time. We almost lost him." She turned to Abexecca seriously, looking her in the eye. "If it happens again, and he doesn't talk to Reixa, he won't know what to do."
"He left." Rei stood, looking up at Tifa and Axel. Smiling weakly, she nudged both of them. Now that we have all regained our inside voices, maybe we should all talk together. Including Cloud, and no buts, Axel." She added the last bit with a semi-stern look at the redhead, wagging her finger. "You should at least try." Then smiling, she sighed and yawned. "Man... what a day this is turning out to be."
OOC: Lalalalalala... watching Death Note. I'm on the 29th episode (eng. sub.) I <3 it! I can't believe I started rooting for Light about half-way thru ^^; Reixa winced, gritting her teeth as the blonde failed to answer. "Hey! I told you to listn up. Got that?" She quickly summoned her staff and held it out across the front of her body. "Whether you choose to believe me or not, that's on your own accord. But get this: You'll regret ignoring me." Larpex smiled, holding Abexecca's shoulder as she led her back towards the castle. "I'm sure everything will be fine, really."
OOC: That's ok, I would have done that xDD. Rei nodded, turning slowly towards the door. On her way out, she frowned a bit chastisingly at Axel, closing the door behind her. Breathing a large sigh, she looked up at Angel and leaned against the wall. "Now, we wait for the volcano." Rei smiled a little to herself, chuckling. But she was worried, a bit of nervousness creeping out at the end of her little laugh. She closed her eyes, bending her knees to sink down to the floor, sitting.
OOC: Hey everybody ^^ Reixa stared up at the blonde, almost disgusted until she remembered the message she was obligated to pass on to her. But before she had the chance, her and Cepxis were already gone. Quickly running through what was the remainder of the portal, she arrrived in the room. Dodging a kunai attack aimed for Cepxis, she ran to Larxene's side of her own speed, close enough to whisper in her ear. "Listen to me carefully. I need to speak with you." Dashing backwards, Reixa chose a stance and stood by Cepxis. "Will you stop for a minute to listen?" Larpex nodded, smiling gracefuly as she stood by Abexecca. "Then we should at least head inside. Okay?"
Rei smiled back at Axel nonchalantly, taking a quick glimpse at his aura before looking back at Tifa. It seemed normal, but she couldn't help looking again as her friend handed him the mic. What is she thinking?!
Gee, thanks Tifa. Wonderful... Rei looked down the aisle at Axel, simply shrugging and smiling as if nothing was wrong. But... what if her crush on him got out? On live television?! Rei took a deep breath, trying to keep her cool. This could be disastrous... maybe him and Larxen will be exposed. She liked the fact that it would probably tear them apart, but Axel would get in trouble. He is a skater, after all, and she's a prep. Plus, everyone thinks Axel's single. Rei looked at Tifa anxiously. I hope you know what the hell you're doing...
OOC: Heh, I've had that happen too. But I replied in High TImes, so I'm gonna get some shut eye. Seeya :D
OOC: I'm gonna go to bed after this one :o Gotta get up at 8. Rei put a hand on Axel's shoulder briefly and smiled. "Hey, just sit tight for a minute, okay?" Taking her hand away as it fell to her side, she faced Tifa and approached the door. Looking over her shoulder, she smiled again and beckoned Angel to follw her. Seeya ^^
OOC: Haha! I know how that feels xD.
OOC: Yeah? Well, I'll be online more often now, seeing as I'm all caught up. And of course, I have another week and a half of staying-up-late vacation time ^_^. Hey, how's the fanfic coming along? I'm eager to read more.
OOC: Tula, about the planet part... O.o lol. And I finally saw Advent Children (<3ed it!). Rei was startled as Axel and Angel came bursting out of the room, Axel in particular, chasing after Cloud before she got the chance to. Following them both, she stood behind Axel as Tifa opened her door. Peeking out from behind him, she eyed Tifa softly. "...Tifa? You can tell us. The longer you hold it in, the worse off you're going to feel. We can help you feelbetter..." Aaron looked around the corner to see Angel, Rei, and Axel standing together in the middle of the hallway. He approached them friendily, but slowed when he heard the commotion. Coming to Angel's side, his eyes darted between them all. He remained silent, not sure where to enter the conversation.
OOC: K, as you can imagine, I'll be reading for a while :D. I Was gone because I got caught again, but I'll be fine, I'm just too lazy to use my DS. Too slow xD. Alrighty, good to go. And AWWWWWWWWW! You guys missed me. <3 Reixa lifted her head slowly, shaking it as she stood. Looking around, the room was a complete mess. Sighing regrettably, she portalled to the main room. Sluping down on the couch, Reixa rolled up her sleeves to examine her aching arms, only to find minor cuts and bruises. Larpex walked out on the grounds, spotting Abexecca. "Hey!" Rushing to her side, she placed a hand on her shoulder pleasantly. She smiled, looking down at the sleeping Xandlei. "...Reixa's inside, the other men left. When Xandlei wakes up... he should probably talk to her."
OOC: I'M ALIVE!!! Haha, holiday rush. Can I bother you guys with a recap? I left off when we were fighting Marly and Xiggy and Xaldin ^^;
Rei avoided looking at Axel too often, he might get suspicious. "Oh, I think he may have some hunches. But, there's something standing in my way presently. And I'd like to change that, or rather eliminate that most." But... a super special question? What could that be?!