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  1. chula-claire
    OOC: Sounds good to me :D

    Larpex giggled, giving Cepxis a quick hug. "Heehee, I'm so happy! Well... you know what I mean." She took his arm and began leading him towards the main room excitedly. "Come on!"
    Post by: chula-claire, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. chula-claire
    Reixa relaxed her palms, the aura slipping away, as she fell short of breath. Feeling her forehead, she felt the warmth intensify. It had taken a lot out f her apparently, but the heat lessened and eventually disappeared. Sighing from relief, she looked back at Xandlei as she wiped away the sweat from her brow. "No, she can take care of herself. And we don't want them to know that we're aware of their presence. We'll just hang tight until they make a move. And that way, you can see some technique forsthand," she added at the end, giving him a small wink.

    Larpex refrained from letting her mouth gape as she stood, walking over to him briskly. "You mean... you've got a thing for Rei?!" She covered her mouth excitedly, jumping up and down. "Ohmagod!" Stopping herself immediately, she took a deep breath and calmed herself down. "For how long?"
    Post by: chula-claire, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. chula-claire
    OOC: VEEEEERY inappropriate xDDD

    Larpex looked up from one of her novels, seeing Cepxis standing in the doorway of her room. Smiling pleasantly, she nodded. "Sure thing. Whatcha need?" She closed the book, setting it down next to her on her bed. "Long time no see, huh?"

    Reixa nodded gratefully towards Abexecca, looking back at Xandlei. "Okay, let's go." She portalled them both outside the front entrance. Immediately letting go of Xandlei, she held both hands out in front of her face feverishly. Looking over at him for a second, she began to summon a small orb of white aura. "Xandlei, listen carefully. There's someone in the main room, where Abexecca is. Consider this a lesson and a forewarning, I'm going to send her a message." The orb began to glimmer brightly, the same as it had when she had contacted Roxas. Whispering into it delicately, she slithered, "There are enemies above you, don't act any different than you have, act like they're not there. Be cautious." She made sure that the small wisp of aura near Abexecca's ear was so thin that it was barely visible, so that the enemies couldn't see it.
    Post by: chula-claire, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. chula-claire
    OOC: I guess she's in her room :D

    Reixa stood up, looking back at Abexecca. "Thanks... I mean... I'm sure we're not on the... friendliest of terms, but..." She looked down at Xandlei, sighing. "But he's worse off going into this blindly. I can't imagine how it would have been if I didn't have any knowledge whatsoever before beginning my training. I'm glad you understand. I would never do anything to hurt you or Xandlei in my right mind, but..." Shaking her head, she smiled and patted Xandlei's head. "Enough of the serious stuff. Let's see what you can do. And I just wanna say that I'm not your 'sensei' or some kind of crap like that. I'm just here to help." Chuckling a little to herself, she took his hand. "Shall we?"

    OOC: I started a drawing of Reixa!! ^^
    Post by: chula-claire, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. chula-claire
    OOC: Larpex is sitting twidling her thumbs, go for it ^^ Whatever happened to Captain Kuchiki? Toxcst was her bf :cryinganime: but oh well.
    Post by: chula-claire, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. chula-claire
    OOC: I know, it's messed up... and genious!

    Reixa folded her arms looking down at Xandlei in an almost pitiful way. "Okay, but you've got to understand one thing. Aura isn't something to mess with. It's not just pretty colors, they can be dangerous if you're not trained properly. I had my books to help me, and I'm going to help you." Bending her knees to see eye level with the young boy, she stared at him seriously. "There's no backing down, either. You're stuck with it. Got it?"
    Post by: chula-claire, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. chula-claire

    Post by: chula-claire, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. chula-claire
    Gomen for not coming the other nite, I fell asleep (obviously xD). And I just got done with 9 hours of volunteer work for NHS at Band Solo and Ensemble, so I'm pooped. But a few hours after Death Note tonight I'll be back to RP. Seeya for now! ^^
    Post by: chula-claire, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. chula-claire
    OOC: Hi!...... Bye!..... lawlz xDD
    Post by: chula-claire, Feb 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. chula-claire
    OOC: Haha, I know what ya mean :glomp:

    Reixa quickly turned her head to see Xadyn standing there. Seeing the blue-haired man lifted her spirits, and she turned to face him. "Hey, it has been a while." Crossing her arms, she shrugged ad smiled. "What's up?"
    Post by: chula-claire, Feb 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. chula-claire
    OOC: Ookie doke, seeya later ^_^
    Post by: chula-claire, Feb 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. chula-claire
    OOC: lol xDD

    Rei stuck out her tongue at Axel, raising her own finger and poking him lightly on the nose. "Don't worry, Spike. Wind blows the flames away." Despite that, she reached over with her other hand and grasped the seatbelt, clasping it tightly. "There, happy?" Rei snapped friendily in her English accent. "Now come on, let's pedal to the metal!" Sitting back, Rei smiled as she reached out and turned on he radio. The song "Crazy B*tch" was playing at low volume, so she turned it up louder.
    Post by: chula-claire, Feb 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. chula-claire
    Reixa almost flinched when Abexecca spoke, not expecting a reply fro her. Smiling back pleasantly, she then shifted her gaze over to Xandlei. "Hey little guy, how are you?" Suddenly remembering about teaching him, she sighed. Staring down at the small face, she shrugged at Abexecca. "Did... you still want me to...?"
    Post by: chula-claire, Feb 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. chula-claire
    Reixa felt her forehead quickly, only to find it cool and at its natural temperature. Walking into the main room, though, she immediately spotted Abexecca at the couch. Timidly moving forward, Reixa blinked. "Hi." As she continued to walk, she noticed Xandlei's small body laying there, asleep.
    Post by: chula-claire, Feb 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. chula-claire
    Rei rose an eyebrow, Axel's aura snapping around like... oddly, fire. Shaking her head, she stopped in front of her old, blue clunker truck. "It's in good shape, but it's been through a lot." Peering over at Axel, she felt the wind in the air whip at her face involuntarily. "You're not the only one that likes driving recklessly. I'd like to see you and me head-to-head." Walking to the other side of the truck, she began tapping her foot impatiently. After a few moments, she coughed loudly and looked at her wrist, glancing at a watch that wasn't there. "Hello? I'm waiting, Mr. Gentleman."
    Post by: chula-claire, Feb 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. chula-claire
    Reixa lay there for a few minutes, failing to think of what could have possessed her to have that vision. There was only one possibility coming to mind, but she knew that that was impossible.

    Yet again...

    No... it couldn't be. He was dead. Axel was dead.

    But that doesn't mean he's not there. Remember the dream? For those few moments? He was there, in the flesh.

    But that was a dream.

    So? It still meant something.

    Finally sitting up, Reixa shook her head slowly, standing up and leaving the room.
    Post by: chula-claire, Feb 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. chula-claire
    OOC: Lalala... snowday!!!

    Rei looked over at Axel curiously. "You?... Drive?" She started laughing beginning to skip. "If you promise not to cause any major damage, why not?" Whipping out her keys, she picked out the appropriate one and held it out to the redhead, smirking. "Or are your aesthetic charms too powerful to keep that promise?"
    Post by: chula-claire, Feb 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. chula-claire
    OOC: YAY!! I'm the Baby Sister! ^^ Haha, but I think I'm among the older ones in the thread. And I'm an older sister xDD. I miss elementary school.

    My new fanfic

    Reixa sat on her bed, her heavy head plopped down on the pillow. She atared at the ceiling, staring at one spot. It was the usual routine, the auras were already beginning to mix. She knew it was risky, but this burning in her stomach told her that something had changed, and she was going to find out what. Feeling the dizziness and fatigue kick in, she slowly allowed her body to lose consciousness as it grew limp and seemingly lifeless.

    Walking into the pure darkness, the images began to form around her. Reixa saw a long estranged hallway making itself visible before her, an open archway to the far right. Light was pouring in through it gallantly, and Reixa curiously approached it. As soon as she urned the corner to peer around the adjacent wall, a searing flame engulfed her body mercilessly and blinded her.

    Forcing herself awake, Reixa shook on the sheets, her body drenched in sweat. Instead of the usual fever, however, her entire body felt overheated from the simulation. She looked down at her skin feverishly, seeing it red and flared. After a few blinks, however, it was back to its previous pale shade.
    Post by: chula-claire, Feb 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. chula-claire
    OOC: Lol, saw that one coming out of nowhere. *tsk tsk tsk* Axel... don't break the car...

    gtg, I'll be back soon
    Post by: chula-claire, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. chula-claire
    OOC: Heh... Reixa and Axel haven't met in a while... *evil laugh*. Haha, I was listening to Meteora earlier today and got an idea from "Lying From You". It's like a little preview for you guys on my idea

    Post by: chula-claire, Feb 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home