Search Results

  1. chula-claire
    OOC: Whoa there, Cloud.

    Rei heard Tifa's voice as if it were in the distance, almost in a nagging way. Sighing, she slowly opened her eyes and rested her chin on the back of the couch. Looking over at Tifa nonchalantly, she stood up straight and walked around the couch, sitting next to her. She looked around as if nothing had happened, and eventually looked back at her. "What?" she asked innocently, shrugging.

    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. chula-claire
    Tada! :D There ya go.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. chula-claire
    OOC: Haha!!! His mom?! xDD. What are you plotting?
    And check this out, most of them are pretty funny.

    Rei watched him with utmost interest, and was disappointed when he pulled his swim trunks on quickly. But, he had turned slightly, and Rei focused in as he left himself vulnerable to her peeking, regardless as to how quick the glance was. If her eyes would have been open, they would have widened from amusement as she caught a glimpse of Axel's "junior", so to speak. Her physical body tightened a little, a bit of color coming to her face. She covered her mouth and giggled. How was she going to keep a straight face on their date now?

    But when he exclaimed, she gasped. "His... mom?" Her face became one of concentration, listening to what he would say next.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. chula-claire
    OOC: Seeya, haha, it's almost 8:00 pm here xD

    Reixa nodded, putting her hand on his shoulder as she teleported them both outside the lab in the Organization XIII's basement. Taking her hand back and putting her finger to her lips as a signal to be quiet, she crept along the wall and put her hood up quickly. It was then she heard voices and stopped abruptly. She looked over her shoulder at Cepxis and winked, closing her eyes.

    The aura behind her eyes intensified, and she secretly took her view into the lab with out moving physically. She could see Zexion and... Xangel?! It didn;t make her happy, seeing him all over her like that, but it would have to wait. She didn't seem in danger, so it should be fine. Looking around more, she finally saw Roxas in the corner of the lab, standing by himself. Perfect...
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. chula-claire
    OOC:Hey Fire, I replied up above in my other post ^^
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. chula-claire
    OOC: Haha, I play clarinet (2nd chair as a sophomore, woohoo!) in the symphony. We just had our concert last night. I'm in the a cappella choir too. I wanna join madrigals next year so bad, if I make it. Both of them are audition choirs. Mine is a big group and mads is a smaller group with really talented singers.

    Reixa opened her eyes slowly, hearing Cepxis' voice. Stirring in the brush, she looked up to see his worried expression. "You... were looking for me?"

    Thinking back to the dream, she blinked rapidly, standing and dusting off her coat. She... had to talk to Roxas and Larxene... as soon as she could. Glancing up at Cepxis with bound determination, she sighed and stared into his eyes. "Cepxis, I need to go back and talk to an enemy member. If you want to come, you can. I could probably use some help. But no fighting, unless we're attacked. Okay?"
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. chula-claire
    OOC:Haha!! This'll be fun.

    Rei couldn't help bursting into an amazed laughter, surely scaring the sh*t out of Cloud and Tifa. But... he was right there... with absolutely nothing on. His broad chest became narrow as it descended, his hips making his shape become wider again. But then again, to Rei's disappointment, she was only seeing his back-side. Sneering menacingly, she eventually decided against changing views. Axel deserved at least that much left of his dignity. Unless, of course, he so happened to just turn around. That, she had no control of whatsoever.

    Aaron smiled again, seeing Angel's bright one. She was so pretty when she smiled, and her laugh was so cute... Nodding, he stood and went to her side of the table, offering his hand again. "All rightie then, miss. Shall you be needing a chauffeur to your suite?"
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. chula-claire
    OOC: Cool! That sounds like fun. And can Cepxis come find Reixa plz? :D
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. chula-claire
    OOC: For us, we go and perform for judges and sightread for ratings. My band, Symphony band, is the high band and had gotten ones for over 50 years. So no pressure (xD). But yeah, I like festival.

    Another story was about how a guy at the gym liked peanut butter on b*lls and being around other men (don't ask) even our teacher was laughing his face off.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. chula-claire
    Aaron drooped a little, but remained smiling. "Oh, okay. Just wondering." He sighed lightly, trying to think of something to say. Finally getting an idea, he met Angel's eyes. "Hey, I had fun. Did you... wanna hang out again sometime?"
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. chula-claire
    OOC: Haha, my mom went to the same middle school and high school as me... and I know some of her old teachers :sweatdrop:. My band director (band nazi) had been teaching for like almost thirty years I think.

    We had a sorta improv game in choir for Friday Free Time at the end of class. 5 ppl stand in a line and make a story one word at a time. After they got through with once upon a time there was... this is how it went.
    1: Symphony
    2: band
    3: didn't
    4: get
    5: ones
    1: at
    2: festival
    3: and
    4: mr.
    5: *insert name here*
    .......1: died
    2: the
    3: end

    xDD. Just search for district band festival if you dont know what that is.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. chula-claire
    Aaron took her cup and smiled, getting up with both cups in hand. He slid to the trash can and let them drop from his grasp before coming back at sitting again. After a few moments, he cleared his throat and smiled a bit sheepishly. "Do you... have a phone, by any chance?"
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. chula-claire
    OOC: Yeah, last we knew the kid at our school was in treatment and getting better, but that's too bad. It's not a very common thing, it happens every year. I just think that notices should be sent home during that season about symptoms and stuff, so if you do get it, you'll catch it early on and treat it.

    But anyay... SPAM AND EGGS!!!
    lol xD. Gtg for a bit, gotta eat.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. chula-claire
    Aaron looked over at Angel. "Here, I'll take your cup." He smiled, taking his in one hand, waiting for hers with the other.

    Rei almost gasped, seeing Axel emerge from the bathroom with a towel hanging loosely from his hips. Sustaining herself, knowing that Tifa and Cloud were watching her, she resisted the urge to squeal. Seeing his muscular body practically made her melt. His abs, his biceps... it was enough to make anyone drool. Surprisingly though, his hair was in its natural shape instead of flat, like it would be when wet. Maybe it was because of his element, or because it was so spiky?
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. chula-claire
    OOC: Our tree is up, but no presents yet ^^. And yeah, I can't remember if there are lock downs (drug searches) in middle school or not. But my high school has them twice a year. Oh, and have you guys had MRSA anywhere near your homes? My school did, we had a Friday off and a three day weekend for school cleaning. It actually smelt clean. Well, during first hour, anyway. xDD.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. chula-claire
    OOC: Heehee :o I've been looking for stuff (aura, meditation, etc.) for Reixa, it'll be cool. Although she is a little... stretched right now, wouldn't you say?
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. chula-claire
    OOC: Sweet :D. Whatever happened to Xin? Did she get lost or something? xDDD.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. chula-claire
    OOC: My teacher gave the main characters a couple pieces of paper with [arts of speeches to get the personality and view down, so not much research. It was fun though. And yay! ^_^

    Rei looked back at Tifa, a little confused herself. "Well, at first it was like I was watching normally, but half-ay through it changed, more like day time. The clock read the present time, so I guess it was more of a spontaneous gift. Heh, even that sounds cheesy." Rei smiled, but the thought of the broken heart had bothered her. What had happened?

    "Maybe I'll try again and see what happens." Rei giggled, closing her eyes again. Of course, she had to maneuver her way back to his dorm, entering like an invisible thief. But as she came in, the sound of running water sounded through the room. Rei smiled devilishly, peeking at the bathroom. She debated with herself as what to do next... stay and invade, or leave?...

    Not finding any solution, Rei decided to bide her time and wait patiently for him to come out. In the meantime, she looked around his dorm room. It was in fact tidy for a guy, with the random article of clothing lying about and some trash. But other than that, she way impressed with the neat organization.
    Post by: chula-claire, Dec 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home