OOC: YAY!! *Hugs Clawtooth* We're on at the same time again ^^ Larpex nodded, extending her fingers as a tall staff appeared. The blue-tinted wood structure then began to glow, quickly transforming into a light blue sword. The gems on the handle were the deep color of the dark depths of the sea, glimmering under the pale light. Grasping it tightly with her right hand, she looked over at Cepxis and Abexecca. "Be right back." Within a few moments she had disappeared, hovering in the atmosphere. She moved spastically through the air and under the door, coming out on the other side and observing the nobodies. Abexecca's ice warriors had finished off around half of them, and were still fighting. As soon as a Dragoon came near her, she sent a chilling blast of icy water and icicles at its face, makig it disappear. "It's alright, come in! Only a few are left!" Reixa's hand behind her back formed into a thumbs up. She understood the foggy reception well enough to decipher what Xandlei had said. Using the aura once more, she messaged him again. Alright, I understand. You can stand beside me and help, and this fight will help you get better at using aura. She looked straight at Xaldin with a blank expression, until she heard another familiar voice to the side of where she sttod. Looking over for a second, she saw the unwelcoming face of Xigbar, standing there agaisnt a solemn tree. Crossing her arms frustratingly, she scoffed. "So, Patchy the Pirate has come to play? I thought Reggae Man here didn't need any help." Catching one of the last wisps of the white aura, she whispered This new guy has bullet guns, so watch out for bright red lights. Raising her head, she continued to convey the message to Abexecca, Cepxis, and Larpex. Come outside as soon as you're finished in there, both Xaldin and Xigbar are out here. Try to be discreet.
Rei smiled, standing next to Axel casually. Her left foot rested behind her right and over to the side slightly, ready to kick off at a moments notice. "Sure thing, although I'm not so sure about me being the loser. You haven't seen me run normally, have you?" Raising her eyebrows inquisitively, Rei looked forward and began to count. "Ready... three, two, one.... I didn't say go, not yet, don't go, almost, not now, GO!" Applying force through her legs and feet, Rei broke out into a fast jog that accumulated into a full out run. OOC: Heehee :D
"Hey!" Larpex exclaimed, but she lowered her voice as Abexecca spoke. In a hushed tone, she whispered "How do you know?" Looking back at the door, she backed away slowly and stood near Abexecca and Cepxis. "What should we do? I can distract them while your warriors finish them off, and you and Cepxis can attack them as well." Reixa, afraid of Xaldin overhearing, then led a portion of the aura slide down behind her to Xandlei. Can you fight confidently yet? Or do you want to sit this one out? This man is from Organization XIII, he's an enemy. If you can fight, that's great. But if not, then don't overdo it. We'll train later when the eace is estored. Outstretching her fingertips, she held an insignificant amount of air pressure in her palm and aimed it at Xaldin's head. Letting it loose, she hit him on the back of his skull. It would have felt like a kick to the head by a five year-old, but it was going to be comical to see his reaction.
Rei, suprisingly, didn't flinch even once as Axel took a hold of her lower arm and led her away from the parking lot. Despite this, however, she enjoyed ever moment of it. Smiling, she looked up at him and chuckled. "Well then, I guess we're going to get wet then." Walking a tad bit ahead again, she regretably took back her arm and clasped her hands behind her back. "Race 'ya. I promise I wont cheat..." Rei looked up innocently as the wind blew the beach air threw her long hair and ruffled her clothes.
Reixa took deep breaths to calm herself, but Xandlei's question made tension in her nerves. She turned for a second to give him a wuick, reassuring look. Holding one hand behind her back, she let the auric energy flow once again. She let it turn into white wisps that cirrculaed around her lower arm. Condensing it into a small sphere, she controlled one strand that began to climb up her arm. As it came up behind her head, she inhaled it nonchalantly and began speaking into it with the art of a ventriloquist. Moving her lips as little as possible, she quickly sent a brief message. Abexecca, get your ice warriors to take out some lesser Nobodies that just broke into the castle. They are near the main room, they broke into a window near the balcony on the third floor. Larpex began to stat towards the balcony door, reaching her hand out to grab the doorknob." OOC: Stop her, Star!!! xDD
Aaron walked into the cafeteria to get something from the snack machine. With each step, he hummed another note to "I Wanna Be Sedated" playing into his ears. Turning up the volume on his iPod, he approached the snack-food-haven and inserted his money. Pressing the buttons A6 boredly, he watched as the Star Crunch reeled forward and fell to the bottom. Retrieving it, he spun around and began to walk out. He almost missed Angel standing there on the other side vacantly. Stopping dead in his tracks, he stared at her and blinked, slowly raising his hand to take the earbuds into his palm. Grasping the collar of his shirt nervously, he stood there, frozen. After a few moments of silence, he managed to move his right foot forward. Soon afterwards, he had broken into a full stride and his feet involuntarily led him to where Angel stood. "Um, hi..."
OOC: Don't worry, you'll see :D Reixa shrugged, folding her arms as well. "Fine by me." Watching him strut across the cold grass she dug her nails into her arm, tenaiciously forcing herself to stay put and act uninterested. "Do whatever the hell you want," she muttered under her breath.
OOC: Lol... what was that again?? (Sorry, gutter head here) xDD Rei nodded, jumping out of the car and shutting her door with a slam. Strolling around the car, she came up to Axel at a small skip. "Well then, what shall we do first, Spike?" Sticking out her tongue for his previous comment, she walked a bit in front of him. "C'mon, slowpoke," she muttered in a sing-song, teasing manner.
OOC: LOL! I used to play that game all the time. "K.O.!" Reixa didn't move one inch. She resisted temptation to attack, but she knew that was precisely what he expected. Every muscle in her body went stiff, and she barely even blinked. block... make it stop! I was writing paragraphs just a bit ago... *sigh*
OOC: "One Week" by Barenaked Ladies. Lol, I've studied the lyrics too xD. I can sing it just as fast, I love it! Rei hummed along with him, awaiting the following verse, her absolute favoite part. "Oh really? It just so happens that I know the lyrics just as well as you do." Turning it up even more as the acustic guitar strummed, she heard the last chord and took a decent sized breath. "Chickity China, the chinese chicken, you have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin'. Watchin' X-Files with no lights on, we're dans la maison, I hope the smoking man's in this one. Like Harrison Ford I'm getting frantic, like Sting I'm tantric, like snickers guaranteed to satisfy. Like Kurasawa I make mad films, 'kay I don't make films, but if I did they'd have a samurai." Taking another gasping breath, Rei tried hard not to laugh as she began running off the words like crazy. "Gonna get a set of better clubs, gonna find the kind with tiny nubs just so my irons aren't always flying off the back-swing. Gotta get in tune with sailor moon 'cause that cartoon has got the boom anime babes that make me think the wrong thing." Rei eventually broke out in a short fit of laughs until she finished off with "Birchmount stadium, home of the robbie..." and sighed. Looking over at Axel, she smiled and stared straight once again. The car pulled up over the hill, and Rei sat up to see the crystal blue water shimmer under he sun. It gleamed brightly in a blinding way, yet still pleasant. Rolling down her window, she smelled the salty sea air waft in and heard the melodic waves crash against the shore.
OOC: xD Nope, just stuck. Others need to get online, it's Friday! (I know, I'm not one to talk ^_^;)
OOC: Yeah, CG hasn't been online, and I wanted to see if I could rp Toxcst. If I had permission, I'd have him come for Xangel. Larpex and Rei are tied up. :Sweatdrop:
OOC: YEAH! , that would be sweet. *looks around* ..................oh! You mean meeee.... xDD
OOC: Gomen... my bad ^^; "Hmm?" Larpex stood still, peering over towards the door past the balcony. "Really? Well, it may have to wait then. Did you say she was with Xandlei, Abexecca? They're probably training." Larpex looked down at her hand, and she noticed Cepxis' had started turning blue. She immediately let go feverishly, color rising in her cheeks. "Oh! Sorry... 'bout that." Reixa bit her tongue as Xaldin evaded, his weapons being summoned one by one as they all came crashing down to the ground with a loud thud. Wind surrounded each one and created a small vortex that seemingly protected him, or displayed his large ego, take your pick. Wincing, she flexed her hand gracefully as wind began to cirrculate around her as well.
OOC: Turns out I'm fine, bu the way. If I would have gotten the meningitis, it would have already kicked in by now. Now that I think about it, I was a bit warm for a while. Prolly kicked it to the curb ^^. Rei looked over at Axel as he began singing the lyrics, at first slightly bewildered. But as he began his mini~dance the only possible function left in her body was to simply bust a gut and get an aneurysm. His flaming locks bobbed back and forth until the song ended, and Rei greatfully began spinning the dial. She spun it around feverishly as she listened for a random song to come on. efore she knew it, the Barenaked Ladies began blasting through the speakers. Rei giggled, starting to sing along quite fluently with the lyrics. Hold it now and watch the hoodwink As it makes you stop think You'll think you're lookin' at aquaman I summon fish to the dish although I like the chalet swiss I like the sushi 'cause it's never touched a frying pan... OOC: Oh yes, I went there xDDD
OOC: Sure I do xDD.
OOC: 'ello! Hey CG, would it be alright if I rp'ed Toxcst for a while? I don't just wanna leave Larpex in the dust... Reixa gritted her teeth as the energy within her fist began to crackle. She grunted, feeling a small drop of sweat form on her forehead from the intense concentration. Opening her fist ever so slightly, she quickly rose er arm and let the aura flow past in a spastic fury, headed straight towards Xaldin. It swayed and seemed to burn as it flew through the air, puffs of multicolored smoke emenated from it. Jumping back from the kick, she grasped Xandlei ad shielded him to prevent him from being injured by the attack. It was aimed right at Xaldin's face, inches from his skin.
OOC: Hey, that means that Rei wouldn't hate Cloud either. Hmm... he could use that lawlz :D. But seriously, a Stigma breakout? That would be sooooooooooo interesting to rp. I mean, it's the same situation as if mrsa broke out in a school too, right? We should try it. Oh, and guess what? After volunteering at band s & e on Saturday, someone went through my warm-up room with viral meningitis. Just my luck, right? Well, if I do get it, I just searched up a bunch of stuff about symptoms and crap like that. So I'm all set ^^;. But I am a bit nervous. But I'm really healthy, and whenever I get anything viral I always fight it off with a fever. (Thus knowing how to rp Reixa's lethargic ways, see? I don't make everything up... well... lol) Rei drummed the dashboard with her fingertips as the radio blared in her ears. The beach was close, and she sighed as they passed her old home near the train station. The tall, yellow bricked building wit hthe green roof stood tall, towering over the neighboring houses. In a blink of an eye, she saw a small face peer out of the window, a tiny paw raised up to the glass as yellow eyes blinked. Her cat sat there on the inside, staring back at her. As they drove further from the house, Rei smiled to herself and looked back forward. Lalalalala.... :sweatdrop: haha, bored.
OOC: Oopsie, my bad xD gtg, I'll see ya guys in a few hours. ^^ Reixa gritted her teeth, clenching her other fist as well. "Hmph, it's all the same to me. You're all just pathetic old men that have nothing better to do than excercise your pedofilic ways." Remembering that Xaldin was a wind element, she would have to be careful. They couldn't control each other's wind, but they each knew a lot about the element.
Larpex waved, almost dragging Cepxis along with her. "Hey, Abexecca." She looked around briefly, surveying the room. "Where's Rei?" Reixa tilted her head up, looking over to see Xigbar standig there lamely. Taking a brisk step in front of Xandlei, she held her arms out protectively. "What do you want? Oh wait, stupid question. Why are you here? Don't you have some poor, innocent animal to torture or something?" Holding her right hand in a fist, she fixed her acute eyes on Xigbar. "Huh, Patchy?"