Cait Sith jumped up on Scarrac. "CLOUD!" He said. Tifa came out. Tears were streaming down her face as she hugged Cloud. "Why did you leave us?" she whispered. "I know, I'll tell Cid." she hung up and turned to Cid. "You all right, Al?" She nodded. "Cloud's at the church, can you please go?" Cid nodded and turned the Shera towards Midgar. Alsix put her head between her knees, feeling like she was going to throw up. "DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" Loz snapped angrily, wishing he could yank Yazoo's hair out of his head.
That's probably because the game wasn't as challenging as KHI.
Alsix sighed. "Yes, I can explain. I'm with Cid and Vincent, we got attacked by Loz. Phisoxa's not doing so good," she said, glancing at her friend, who was unconscious. "We fought off Loz, I'm fine, but I'm afraid that they'll come back and..." she broke down into tears. "I'm sorry," she sobbed, "I's frightening." Loz's face contorted and he glared at Yazoo. "I AM NOT GOING TO CRY!" he yelled at the top of his voice.
You know you're sacking yourself, right?
Loz glared at them both. "I was fightin' that brat and her friend, almost had her...but then she brought her friends." he grunted angrily. Alsix hurridely called Cloud's phone, hoping, praying, that he would answer.
Loz came up behind Kadaj and Yazoo, looking half beaten up with a bruise on his jaw and his leather jumpsuit ripped and torn. Alsix had totally forgotten about Cloud...he was probably coming to church now, but she had been fighting Loz. She glanced worridely at Phisoxa as the Shera flew over the clouds covering the sky. She felt torn. Cloud or Phisoxa?
"Er, where should we take her?" she asked worridely. Cid scratched his head. "Tifa will know what to do, come on." OOC: I'm logging off, sorry. I'll be back in the morning! :)
"Dang it!" Loz glared at them before jumping on his motorcycle and disappering. Alsix wiped tears and sweat from her face and stood up. "Thanks, you came before Loz killed Phisoxa," she smiled up at Vincent.
"Well, let's hope they speed up!" Alsix looks up at the sky. Loz laughs. "You're a wimp, bat girl." he taunts Phisoxa.
Alsix jumps free and rolls a few inches. "Phisoxa! Where is Cid and Vincent? We need them!"
This insults us females...>:O Just imagine what we have to go through: PMS, that-time-of-the-month, guys...and not finding the right size in jeans. LOL, I don't understand men and their fantasies about women's breasts and butts.
Loz kicked Phisoxa so hard she fell back a few feet. "Now, for you!" Loz ran at Alsix, grabbed her, and ran to his motorcycle. "PHISOXA!" She screamed, kicking frantically.
Yesh, our awesomeness is so addictive, ain't it. ;3
Alsix summons Ifrit. "GO!" She says, and the large flaming red wolf jumped at Loz, who laughed a dodgef them. "Good one!"
"Okay!" Alsix flipped out her phone and called Cid. "CID! We need you really bad! Me and Phisoxa are fighting with Loz, there's a wolf with us and...bring Vincent with you." "All right, we're comin'." Cid replied, and she hung up. "They're coming, but for now, we'll have to fight Loz alone." Alsix stood up and helped Phisoxa up. Loz wiped blood from his lip. "Ready, girls? I'm going to kill your friend, first, then take the little one."
You know that Xaldin sig with the bunnies is creepy.
Loz would not give up. He shocked the wolf and held Phisoxa up. "Tell us now, brat, or else we'll go and find her!" he said, shocking Phisoxa. "NO!" Alsix came running up; she was weilding a scepter, and she screamed a spell, and Loz fell to the ground. "Phisoxa! We need Vincent, can you get him?" Alsix panted as she dropped down to the ground next to her friend.
Loz yowled in pain and threw the wolf off. "WHERE IS SHE? WHERE IS THE GIRL? Tell us now or we'll force you with pain!" Loz said, holding up his shocker.
Ok, bye. :) BIC
Loz crept up behind Phisoxa and grabbed her around the waist, pushing her down. "Where is the little girl? Alsix?"