Clean out your cache and your history. If you don't it'll invade your computer and slow it up.
HURRY! THEY'RE IN YOUR GARDEN!!!! Oh, and then their also the butterfly of nightmares. Beautiful, but deadly.
2nd that. <silence>
Demons bunnies have escaped form Hell! AND THEY TAKE YOUR SOULS! If you see little black bunnies with red eyes and claws, lock your doors, close your windows and blinds, don't leave food out, and get your gun!
Oh, that's creepy. Don't lick me! I hate those things! >-<
I'm heading to 7th grade. But I'm going to be home-schooled, and my home-school starts Sept. the 4th. Actually, I like home-school, I can be more creative. I'm taking Mythology as my elective.
You need the Grammer Hammer!
Does it remind you of the disco times like it does me?
Nope, that's okay. My birds are loud enough. They're Zebra Finches.
This reminds me of the times when everything was really colorful, before everyone went emo.
I used to be obssessed but then I got bored with some kids running around fighting Nobody-zombies and pulling out giant keys.
You know what I do when I'm bored? I wash clothes, lol. But since we have no detergent, my washing clothes for no reason and sniffing wonderful detergent has been post-poned until I get detergent.
Just be very nice about the dares, nothing grotesque. So, just have fun and be daring! ;) I Dare You... to make a rubber band ball, put peanut butter on it, and stick it down your neighbor's car engine. >:3
Of course I'd hate you! You messed up my stuff, lol. Very simple logic there, Xaldin. Mess up stuff=hate for the rest of eternity
I've been reading books but I usually finish them and then have nothing else to do. And when I surf the internet I'm like, "lol, what should I do?"
You know, I was going to make a thread on n00bs with generic usernames that make no sense at all, still invading the Kingdom Hearts forum till they bore themselves out with Sora, Roxas, and Axel.
I swear if this keeps happening, the Antichrist is among us. >_>
It's too hot, lol.
I've been writing stories on my computer so I've been spending a lot time with that. (No, the stories aren't Kingdom Hearts.)