>.> I want you to do my profile all cool like yours..
I mean having the smile and symbol just barely in the full of the icon gives it an air of mystery.
XD <--- She says it takes quite a lot to miss this place. I wish we were back in the good ole days. <3 I miss those the most.
Hm.. Understandable, but I think it gives the icon an air of mystery to it. C:
Haha indeed. >:3
<3 No way, I love it so much that I think I'll steal it. :P Which should be an honor because I'm so picky with avatars. <3 XD hahaha
<3 Hai hai X3 I missed this place. I really need to get back in the gear of being active again. </3 v_v It makes me sad not knowing absolutely everything. XDD XD; Thank you..
xD Hahaha C: What's up?! Omgsh, you've finally changed your icon. XDD
;P I still remember.
<3 You're online~
<3 Totally loving your icon.
lol "hyperbeing". XD Hay lecouch~
'Sup vishez <3
xD I'm not naked. I was wearing a tuby dress. :3 ;_; <3
Something I Said - Safetysuit
:D I knew you'd be the one to reply first.
Thaannk ggodddd. Not that those other names weren't great or anything but... .__. I just like Roxasvsriku more.
ANYONE Gimme the link to the newest What Song Are You Listening To thread <: plzktnx <3
PS: Lovely profile.
I'm soooo happy you finally decided to change your name back to the orignal. RvR.4.evar <333