What the ****? She's a teenage girl having fun for ****'s sake.... Being offended by this irritates the living **** out of me..... **** them.
I've been trying to stop bouncing my legs when I sit. It's just so hard... :(
Coloring is </3 for me.
This game is good.
It's actually pretty recent. Now, the xbox on the other hand....
Killzone is a failure of a game.
No way am I ever gonna play such a **** game. Fun for tag making, though.
Made in 3rd period lol.
Almost there....
Yeah, with the ones who get them and only when they are appropriate.
This is true.
lol really?
He wasn't canadian either, which is a plus.
i<3cody How do i shot web.
went bak to a style I used to use way bak. 1. 2. Stock
It happens. Just let it and you usually feel better.
better. Good concept btw.
When was this site fun? bye.
border thickness irritates me.