I suggest anyone that suggests a chatroom should be banned. am i doin it right.
wat .
Color the skin of the stock in with a dark brown.
whai hallo thar.
Never knew you butttt.... Welcome back.
You can see that around all of the text on the page. OMG YOUTUBE IS FAKE!
Quite frankly i'd just rofl.
braces n00b.
Yeah, it's slow the whole time on both of my computers.
They won't listen to you, MSUK.
laggy as ****.
All of you are useless.
Finally got off my lazy ass and made dis for you. rep n credit. pm for revisions. Thx ^_^ V.
It's just you then.
Cody Cody Cody Cody Alex C:
Ask me again and it'll be never :)
Yeah, the coloring is pretty wack here. Also, maybe add some TEXTURIZIN to make it spicy.
My visit count is ruined. ****.
Pentool could use some work.