Currency originally, but now he's just playing as he goes >.>
You'd have to have seen Gunslinger Girls to get it. You'd also likely have to read the comic. There's still no point in letting the whole thread go 17 ahead :\.... 16840
Oh no, you're post was correct. <:3 16835
16833 This is the correct number >:3, it's getting screwed around. You'll see eastercat's last post was #16830
What's with all the MS Paint crap on here? XD 16829 EDIT: Jesus Christ that number was off >.>
Bouken Desho, Desho? ~ Hirano Aya
Wasurecha Oshiokiyo ~ Kyon no Imouto
I cannot believe I laughed at that. XD I fail.
Wait, did you even note what was quoted in that post? I didn't say THOSE ****ING VAs. I said it was the fact that CN completely throws stuff away due to content. Yeah, that whole paragraph was completely irrelevant to what I said. :| Meh, Japanese children are apparently expected to be more mature than American ones. Yugioh? It couldn't have been that bad. Though I wonder how that would conflict with the storyline....Not like most of the children watching it would pay detailed attention anyway.
It's the butchering that really gets to me. CN loooves to cut stuff. :3
Dubbed version?
Um, no it's not. Guess where I found this? :\ Yeah, actually try searching for something before you make assumptions. You'll live if you have to go past page one. Naruto is really no better. X3
I feel like I'm being almost incriminating with this redline. Yeah, I'm not going to go into much explanation. Just take reference from it. And sorry the other figure isn't on here. I did this as quickly as I could in about a minute, but my tablet is getting to the point where the pen won't even cooperate that long. Blargh. I tried to retain as much style as possible, but it's difficult when there are so many anatomical and general problems in forum. And as general suggestions go, I've said it so many times before, but DRAW FROM REAL LIFE FIRST. It can't be stressed enough. You need to learn how to actually contain symmetry and work a drawing before you can start stylizing stuff. Respected artists like Murata and Kobayashi can draw a portrait just as easily as they can something you'd see in one of their artbooks or CG sets. On a minor note, don't be afraid to use reference lines in regards to facial features. :3 They're very helpful and can be erased. And yeah, this should be in A&G~
Members list of who's been on today?
Who let the five year old on the internets?
Download subs. I won't list websites for obvious reasons. Seriously, you guys need to learn how to fucking Google.
I'm going to have to agree. :3 At least you didn't put it in A&G again.
Don't feel alone. XD
You guys, just stop. He's not going to ban you. This is literally just getting ******ed :\...
The sad part about it is that Xaldin would have responded nearly identically.