Does this count as art if all you did was type in some letters? :\
Rats live on no evil star. :3
You're one to talk. :3 Heh, ironically yesterday was a really bad day.
Super Mod.
In better lack of terms, I thought you were here for the whole mess with namine and it's following threads. I must have been wrong though, I wasn't really devoting my full attention t the forums at the moment.
Eh, thought you were here for the drama. No, recent events have put him on permaban.
We're in ****ing spam zone.
It's not locked...
Silence breaker~ EDIT: Roxllen beat me to it.
*siiiiiiiiiigh* nra is right, you worked that purple phenomenally.
I thought you meant as to whether you leave or not.
Actually it does, heavily in some contexts.
Could you maybe hesitate from starting something? You know, you could haver brought this issue up with him privately rather than bumping this thread for more pointless drama.
You bandwidth thief. :3 EDIT: Damn, that was your photobucket. XD
Yeah, evidentially I was getting herion off a friend when I started wearing a lot of long sleeved shirts.
Ryuk and Light.
It was bound to happen. :3
It was originally on Acceptable TV, which airs on VH1.
Saw this on VH1. It was EPIC.
Quite honestly, I wasn't even considering it. EDIT: Well, making some sort of remark I mean.