Please tell me this *isn't* the book you're talking about. First off, if it is, throw that piece of **** away right now. It's a horrible influence, and I'm appauled to see it was even published. Now actual critique P:. These all lack any sort of style - they're generic and theres nothing recognizable about them. When I say generic, I mean like more generic than my stuff. The eyes, facial structure, it's been done tons of times. You're obviously a beginner, so I wouldn't expect anything too developed, but you should likely consider going with things your own way than ripping from a book. I'm not even going to comment on the rest, just because I think you need more experience in general drawing before you go into animu stuff. Draw from real life. learn how to manipulate a pencil before anything else. You need a much better grasp on anatomy before you start drawing manga or else you'll look like that random person on dA.
I love you, too.
Ruki Suta. :3 Anyway, yah. You could likely /r/ some on 4chan, assuming your request wouldn't get washed to the next page within a matter of seconds. Plus, those Schooldays ones I posted a while back. If you have them.
I lol'd. Yeah, I've been here for a short period of time compared to other members. :3
Well, I've gotten into ordeals with people on the actual forum and that never works out very well [lol, closed], so it's likely better than posting it. Though I haven't read any rants of yours, seeing the icon bit I'll have to agree. They suck quite a bit of ass.
Yeah, when it originally aired in Japan they aired the episodes out of order. For full effect, you must watch it in Haruhi order. :3
Lost my Music ~ Hirano Aya
Wow, I fail for missing this thread. XD And Bush is exiled from my cult, for being a prick/fucktard. :| Thank you, SomethingAwful forums:
Yeah, phone the police. They'll likely ask you if you have any family members in the area, their contact information, etc. I'm not sure what state you live in, so I can't say exactly how they'll handle it. Last time I was put into the state's direct care I stayed at a residential girl's traatment for a week or some issues with PPOs my mom had set into place previously. And of course, my sympathies.
Posting twice in a row is considered double posting.
I had one of a girl holding up a bunch of Megami magazines, but I can't post it on the forums due to content. I have about 250 *checks* 237 sub folders in my pictures folder on my hard drive. And some of those have 3-10 folders within them. Anything not in a folder is named appropriately, so it's fairly easy to locate something if I have it. I'm an extremely unorganized person in real life, but when it comes to my computer I archive like a librarian.
:B XD I concur. There just aren't enough cute mascots for fast food. :\ Wendy's girl doesn't count, since she's total rip from Pippy Longstocking.
Dry Japanese humor...I doubt you would.
Yeah, I chewed gum all the time when I had braces. My brackets never broke. They really only hurt the first few times you get them tightened because they loosen you teeth so much. It also depends on just how bad the disalignment is. BRUSH YO' TEETH FOO
I dunno, they're equal to me. BK has better sandwhiches in some cases, though I like McD's cinnamon melts and fries better~ I'm partial to McDonald's for this reason: Sorry, I don't want to wake up with the King. And if I do, I did some pretty strong shit last night.
Every occasion guys, every occasion. I have many sources: 2chan, 4chan, and just random artist's websites. Some of them [like below] are ripped H-games on my HDD.
If you want to make a logical rebuttal you more or less have to understand the opposing argument. You can't very well say something in correspondence if you don't have a clear vision of the other's point. A good debater has a dynamic and open mind. On that unquoted note, I'm fourteen.
Gotta be good if it comes from her.
Intense Haruhi moment.