Sorry I'm not much help
I'd inform someone like a principal or an officer if he's threatening you. Other than that, I don't really know what else to tell you :/
Does he live close by to you?
First off, calm down and take some deep breaths. Second, change your password, make sure to include some numbers.
What's wrong?
*huggles back* X3 I back
I'm going to go get something to eat. I'll be back asap. Bye bye
Good (sorry it took so long to reply; youth church was starting XD)
Lol hey. How are you?
I'm going to go get something to eat, I'm starving. I'll brb in 15-20. Bye bye.
hai hai, I'm back X3
Hey, I've gtg for a bit, need to get something repaired. I'll get back asap. bye bye
>3 muahahahahahahaha...with this, I shall conquer the world! *pulls out the waffle-iron* HEEHEEHEEHEEEEEEEEEE! @w@
Good, but I'm about to log off, though :( need to get ready for church.
Morning XD
Mornin' X3
Ah ok. Sorry I missed you.
I sowie *huggles back* send me a pm, and I'll get back to it when I can. I'll try and reach you before 5. Bye bye. *hugglecuddles* X3
lol yay! But I'm about to log off to go home ;-;
Alrighty, I'm back on.