*pokes your knees* Haha-hck! XP
Yo, there XD doing any better?
*tries to bite finger* omp! XD
*pokes three times* X3 *pokes your toes* waha!
*pokes back* heehee X3
*pokes back* >3
I know *huggles*
That's ok. Studies to keep me occupied -_-
Long and dull, but okay
So, foot appointment aside, how was your day? Good?
lol I doubt I'd stand a chance XD
What's your reason? XD
Good. Tired, but good. You?
*pokes back* Haaiiiii yourself X3
XD I'll talk again when you're done with school
It's ok XD
Better her than your mom. *huggles* I'm glad you're back on, though. (brb, need to take the trash out)
That's good, both that you went willingly, and that your grandmother found you. If it was your mom, it might not have ended as well.
lol who caught you? Your mom?
lol so you were playing hookey earlier, was that it? XD