the rumex crispus one will definitely come in handy (riparian)
X_X *falls backwards*
What're you mad about?
Good enough for me
Okay: Astralagalus sp Blue Wild Indigo- Baptisia australis Plains Wild Indigo- Baptisia bracteata Partridge Pea- Chamaecrista fasciculata...
Do you want the common names or the genus and species?
I've got a list, yeah
...nothing, yet. I haven't gotten that far.
-_- let's try that again, why don't you ask me something at random about these plants?
What do you want to know?
Hmmm....neither did I...
Huh....okay, what does 'early successional' mean?
Umm...well, ok. I'm dealing with a large number of plant species that have been introduced/escaped (that is, they were originally from another...
How do you mean?
I hope you're right. I've prayed about it last night, but I barely remember any of the genus and species names...
I'm reviewing for my botany test, which is at 1...I'm very scared about it.
Especially when you're right.
*shakes head* nothing's wrong, I'm going to try. It's just hard to 'not worry'.