Yup, there ya go
And an ambulance XP
Yeah...*collapses on chair*...on the upside, we're not covering any new material for the rest of the class. Bad news is, we're going to have more...
I'm in my room, with a fan set on low, and make it up to 10 degrees cooler if I set it on high. I'm good for the moment.
No joke, we had class immediately afterwards: We went on a field trip, out into the wooded areas about 15 minutes outside of town, in 85 degree...
*slowly huggles back* idk...the written portion may have gone okay, the lab part killed me...it's afterward that's rendered me exhausted...
I'm back. How are you?
(Hey, I gtg for now; gonna go review for the test. I'll ttyl. Bye bye)
lol yup. I used to hit my forehead on doors...fun times...
eh, depends on how messed up you already are XD
ok, I'll grant you that one XD
lol I'd find it funny if it happened to me, afterwards XD
lol that's funny XD
lol any faceprints when you woke up? XD
I gathered on that lol XD (hey I'll brb, gonna grab lunch then come right back)
lol okie doke then XD
XD So, since you're home, do you want to talk via pm?
It helps, thanks
Cool (awesome! XD I'm glad)