Mornin', sunshine XD
lol sorry, but I'm tired and need sleep! Bye bye.
lol going okay. I'm going to log off soon, though.
Connery...we meet again...
Ah, I see! lol
lol you're easily amused XD
There ya go! XD lol
....BRILLIANT! lol
Chillin' mainly. Eating dinner, then gonna draw. Yourself?
brb gtg get dinner. back in 15-20 bye bye.
lol occasionally ;)
Ok, done. Go for it XD
Dadgummit...*huggles back* Gimme a sec...
I seeeee.... I am Darkcloud. I have a short-attention span. And I- ooooo sparkleeeeesss....
*twitches again* I see...vat are your hobbies?
*jots down* I see...and how long have you lived there? *twitches psychiatrist mustache and beard*
Welcome aboard XD. Would you mind telling me about yourself? Nothing private or anything like that, just general stuff.
Good afternoon. Are you new on this site?
Sorry to cut this short, but I need to get going. I should be back on around 4-ish. Get better soon! Bye bye.
lol nope, I was trying to go for a dark version of Cloud Strife; I wasn't aware there was a game called Dark Cloud until much later. Sorry XD