welcome to kh vids! post alot and have fun. dont be shy, there are lots of nice poeple on the forum :D
...put a marquee(sp?) in my sig?
i downloaded it xP its mah favorite song now :D
this song is ownage.
27724 /fillerz/
it looks good from what i can see :D
i didnt know the Master Chief had those kick-*** dance moves O.o
yup i've climbed a tree ^.^ i went all the way to the top then had to climb down again cause my mom doesnt like it when i go that high O.o
i like the first one, but the second one is the little box with a red 'X' in it :(
i dont :D /fillerz/
wlecome to kh vids! post alot and have fun :D
i have to get braces in november -.- imma need alot of asprin...
it needs work, but its better than what i can do on paint :)
it need alot of work. the head looks awkwardly placed, the shading on the back of the head is too... line-ish, and the hands are small and placed oddly too. but its a nice effort, keep trying!
thats a big list O.o i dont know how big mine is.
:D *hugs everyone* thanks. i feel special xD
thanks. i aprreciate it :) well now i can start a list of freinds :D lol thanks :D @dual wielder- kinda harsh...:(
im probably going to leave at the end of the week. no one know who i am, and i've been here since march. i dont really have any friends on this site, so i dont see the point of spending so much time in a place where i have no friends.
27171 /fillerz/