You can get Sony Vegas. Thats the only other program I know of.
Sure! Wanna start now?
Well, I can pm you a tut or something like that or if you have a screen name I can teach you over that.
=/ Just leik go to his house and dont leave until he lets you play :D
Thank you! :D lol I can teach you if you want :)
I wish I had Halo 3 *cries* Is it on the pc like the other halos? Cause I dont have a 360..... =/
That was creepy... But I thought it said 'He was Ansem' backwards?
I'd say a 2% chance since it would be too expensive to have the real actors =/
Same here! Girl characters should be playable too =/
Yeah I know! I guess people are running out of ideas for songs O.o
my friend wrote this poem and wanted me to post it here. let us know what you think! The Window Seat I could sit here for hours and let my tears pour out I could sit here for hours and shout at those who don't beleive I could become a prodigy and show the world what I can do take a walk in a millionares designer shoes to be on stage and set to have my own private jet to walk the streets of L.A to run out of ink for autographs everyday But for now I'll just sit here for hours and dream of the life that they think i will never know.
Can I have a cookie?
According to this quiz, I'm asleep. Whats wrong with you?
welcome to kh vids! have fun :D if you have any questions, ask anyone on the site. we're all friendly :)
you can buy shirts and stuff to alter them, or go to a joann's and buy the fabric to make it.
i might be misa amane from death note. then after collecting 10 pounds of candy imma go crash my neighbors party, since last year's try wasnt very sucessful =/
It's sad that she died, but they really should leave her be. It's been what, 10 years and they're still trying to prove or solve something? Let her rest in peace.
uhhh, they showed namine merge with kairi. before you fight the dragon thing...i forget what its called.... namine opens a portal to destiny islands and talks to roxas, then merges back with kairi.
pink usernames are premium members, green is are forum helpers, red is sectional mods, purple is super mods, dark red is banned, and blue is admin. i think thats all of them.
i leik sugar. especially energy drinks. good stuff...