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  1. StardustXtreme
    Why else do i call it Evil COuncil?
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme
    I seen both, even all of Bleach's Filler Arcs of Bount, Zanpuakto Rebellion and such whiel manga I read online.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 3, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  3. StardustXtreme

    ~Battle vs Hidan and Kakuzu~

    Ichigo nodded at kakashi and leapt forward, Zangestu in hand and with moumentum, sliced downwards intot he scythes, diggining it into the ground as so it cannot be pulled by it's chain. "Move now!" He cried otu and pierced Hidan's body witH Zangestu after Sai managed to jumepd back and Zangestu had run through Hidan and eye contact was made, Ichigo's giving off a serious expression. "Nobody harms any innocent people while I'm around." he stated calmly, if Hidan was a person who could tell battle experience through a person's eyes, he'd probably see unyielding power behind Ichigo's eyes.

    "You take the most powerful blows and still live, you remind me of the Espada, high speed regeneration is that it?" he asked
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. StardustXtreme
    And lo and behold.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 3, 2012 in forum: Forum Families
  5. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    very interesting.

    very interesting.
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Oct 3, 2012
  6. StardustXtreme


    Meta was abotu to answer the Bowtie Doctor and about Adam, who was punished by yours truly for using Time Travel to change the timeline of the mirco proccressor in the year 200,000 and woudl fo given the Editior and The jagafress access to all of Time and Space and the biy had a Chip Type 2 lodged in his head and now he had ot lvie a very quiet life, unseen and such, otherwise anyone would dissect him as River asked him if they met yet.

    "Asking for spoilers? Sorry, last time I asked you when we met, all you said was spoilers." He said, havign a smug look upon his face, getting his own back on River. "Besides why ask straight away when you have something to look forward to?" he cheekily answered and argeed with the Bowtie Doctor about it being a planet similar to Earth but not.

    "Can't be New Earth then, if it were, we'd probabaly see the city New New York." he mumbled.


    Asbel nodded. "I totally agree, it;s better than doing nothing, plus if we are lucky to coem across more people, we could find out why we were all brought to this place." he said to them.

    ~EVil COuncil~

    Lambda watcehd with mere amusement as the villians plotted their schemes.


    Edward merely followed.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. StardustXtreme

    Ichigo was left...well, stunned before Vert's words brougth him back to reality and he nodded to her, runnignup the stairs and outside, seeing the attack of Fire Style, Searing Migrane head for Asuma and Blanc and he disappeared in a flash step and appeared in front fo the two supposed victims and placed a hand on his chest. "Zangestu!" he called otu as he pulled his hand away, and out from within him, his Zanpakuto was in his hand and he swung it outwards. "Getsuga Tenshou!" he cried otu as the blue enrgy of the Getsusga collided with the intense flame, causing a explosion and ichigo's eyes were focused and he shifted his stance.

    "Just in time." he muttered and looked over his shoulder, seeing Asuma and Blanc's surprised expressions, most likely from him pulling his Zanpakuto out from within him. "Any notable attacks from this guy?" he asked them.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. StardustXtreme
  9. StardustXtreme
  10. StardustXtreme

    Ichigo did many things, had pretty good grades in school despite juggling the lfie of a Shinigami to send Souls to the afterlife and cleanse Hollows or on a very rare occasion send some Hollows to hell if their deeds were very unacceptable and unfit for Soul Society, he fought powerful enemies such as Kenpachi Zaraki, deflecting thousands of cherry bloosom petals as sharp a a sword, fought the 6th and 4th Esapasa's, the latter who was almsot the personafication of Death itself despite not being in control as hsi Hollow literally decimated him, fought in the Winter War against Aizen, trained in the Dangai for three months without any food or water as his spsiritual energy was enough for food against hsi Zanpakuto fusing with his Hollow to form a very unbeatable enemy, lost his powers at teh cost of defeating Aizen, regained hsi powers through Fullbring Training and defeated Ginjo and Tsukishima.

    But oen thing Ichigo did not know or udnerstand was the workings of the female mindor their small glances or crushes, granted, thsi was proabbaly cause his life wasn't a ordinary high schooler one, so when eh felt Vert's nsoe bump into his his by accident, he was tempted to open his eyes but did not since Vert did nto aks him to open them, so be still abided by the request by the blonde until his lips felt soemthing... soft and wet and Ichigo's brain was ebginign it's recongitnion scan.

    "Scanning new sensation... New sensation is comfirmed: Kissing." if his brain was a computer, ti would say that but if it were his Inner Hollow, he'd probabaly be howling with laughter at ichigo's newfound discovery and Ichigo just had to open his eyes and saw quite literally the transformation occured before his eyes but he nevertheless, didn't pull away, why? First time experiencing it was all it boiled ddown to.

    "..." Ichigo couldn't say anything, how could he when kissing Vert, but his heart was beating faster and this wasn't the adrenline from fighting in battles that could quite literally kill him and he could do one thing his instinct was telling him to do and he wrapped his arms aroudn the Transformed CPU.

    Somewhere within the vast world, he was sure a certain Mod-Soul was envying him right now and his father, wherever he was was cheering for another duaghter to the family like he did with Rukia's introduction to the Kurosaki Family during the First Arrancar Invasion.

    ~Black Mage~

    Black mage walked with his allies and he stood still, producting a book from his robes named pairings, he had a unhappy feelign and read through them, seeing a new oen beign set down anmed Ichigo and Vert and he closed it. "Godamnit... damn RPers made more pairing that should be impossible, next thing I know, an OC pairs up with a pretty princess!" he grumbled in his thoughts.


    harold merely nodded. "If he says he can handle it, who are we to argue?" he asked to the others.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. StardustXtreme

    Meta quietly listened to the others as they discussed the topic and 11th tellign him not to tell River, his apparent 'wife' abotu her death in the Library and the Vashta Nerada, he decided to answer as to how he got here first. "Wormhole, really, seems like a spilnter bettwen worlds like the Rift, but it's nothing like before, nothing forcing it's way though the Void like what i've seen." he mused as he heard alternate universes and their guide, Lightning Farron.

    "Shouldn't be that to find... if we had a description to go on, then again we always seem to find what we always need, even fi we stumble across it, more fun that way!" Meta said rather cheerfully. "I supposed we ought to go and see the planet then eh? I'm up for the adventure!" meta said and strided aroudn the consolde of the 9th Doctor as if he owned the place, well, technically, he did as did hsi other selves and he brought down one of the levers as the TARDIS lurched and descented, no more like tumbled for the planet. "Oh how I missed this!" he said gleefully, enjoying the bumpy voyage. "Allons-y!"


    Absel nodded. "Don't worry, I'll use what I know to protect us all!" he said rather resloutely.


    Edward merely ignored the comment as he ahd soemthing far more important on his mind. "I hope Al doesn't come here or worst, get lost."His thoughts pondered and he walked.


    Jaden's eyes changeed colour to orange in his right and green in his left than his natural brown eyes as his spiriutal partner, Yubel stood beside him, Ra could see her no problem but Tommy and Lukya, that was left for them to decide as he spoke. "That power..." He trailed off as Yubel gave a snide remark. "Finally putting my powers to better use? About time." as Jaden didn't comment, carrying his red duffel bag. "I say we follow the most powerful energy we're sensing and follow it sicne it may of brought us here, that soudn about right Ra?" Jaden asked in a very serious tone, his carefreeness from earlier seemingly disappeared.

    ~Voldemort's Council of Evilness~

    A black and reddish sphere was looming closer to the unknown occuphants of the room and when they did notice, it hovered in frotnt of them. "How intriguing..." A voice came from the red sphere. "What are your agenda's creatures?" he aske din a rather deep tone of a male.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. StardustXtreme
  13. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    Will edit that pronto.

    Will edit that pronto.
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Sep 30, 2012
  14. StardustXtreme
    It is, just doing some last few things/
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Sep 30, 2012
  15. StardustXtreme
  16. StardustXtreme


    Meta looked at Rose and spoke. "If you want proof I- no me and ummm.. Bowtie here should know what you done with Nine... Yeah, probably going to have to refer to each other by our number of Regenerations." He said to himself rather aloud. "900 years of time travel and never once, had I been slapped by someone's mother, then again, miscaluclated the return trip by 12 months instead of 12 minutes, your father is Pete Tyler who died in a car accident when you were eight years old but you asked me- I mean, Nine to take you to back to 7th November 1987 but you saved him, causing the Reapers to sterilize the wound by devouring everything inside." Meta trailed off.

    "And Bowtie here told you what happened the day you first met m- Nine... that's a hard thing to remember, calling my other selves like some numbers... anyway, the window dummies were controlled by the Nestene Consciousness and you saved Nine by using a chain to knock the anti-plastic onto it, saving London from being taken over by the dummies..." He trailed off again.

    "What else... oh yes, took you to the year five billion to witness the End of the Earth by a solar flare on Platform One, my present to guests was air from my lungs, revealing Cassandra's plot and we had chips, need I go on?" He asked her, hands in his pockets.


    Jaden nodded. "This isn't like the Other Dimension I visited, like the Second and Third Worlds where duelling meant losing your life." He said calmly, as if getting sucked into another world was a everyday thing for his life despite looking like he was still in school.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. StardustXtreme
    You'd be surprised, it is random, I did shuffle my deck good but that's what I ended up with.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 30, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  18. StardustXtreme

    ~Planeptune, Nep-Nep's House~

    Ichigo listened to Vert's strange request, to close his eyes until the Nerd said something that would make any man blush and Ichigo did, abeit faintly before regaining his composure as the Nerd left and Ichigo rubbed his hair a bit. "Well, um sure,, since you did ask." he said and closed his eyes, respectively, Ichigo would of done it anyway since even though his father was pretty much a strange one, he was taught to respect the women, perhaps from it stemming from his mother's death by Grand Fisher.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. StardustXtreme


    Meta was about to answer his 9th self until a knock came about and it opened to reveal the man calling himself the latest model, and the 9th finally making the connection and actually commented on either the hair or bowtie, and introduced Rose and the other occupant of the TARDIS to them and they didn't know what they meant by it.

    "Well, initially, Nine here does explain what a 'Regeneration' is." He said and was asked how things were in theparallel world by his 11th Incarnation and answered that one next. "Oh just wonderful, oh and Rose did make me better and I managed to brush off that roughness of Donna, didn't fit right with me." he trailed off and smiled at Rose.

    "Rose Tyler, one of the most brillant humans on Planet Earth, course, can't give you spoilers since honestly, when I was Nine, I didn't remember this event at all and you are probably travelling with him so you'll meet me eventually in your timeline, though I did meet my fifth incarnation, oh that was nostalgic right there." He said happily and his expression turned serious. "But onto the questions, where are we? I know we weren't pulled from time since the Game of Rassilion and the Time Scoop is no more, it also can't be the Time Lords sending out our other selves to avert a crisis since the war is Time-Locked." he said to them, getting confused looks from Rose and Lea

    "Oh that's rigtht Rose, you never heard about that sicne I was quite private during my time as Nine, the Game of Rasslion was played in the Death Zone, where all sorts of lifeforms end up for surivival of the fittest or rather, being a gladiator's show but also, a race to get to a Tower where Rasslion, a Time Lord who discovered teh secret to beome immortal, I took part unwillingly into the Game along with my three other selves." he explained to Rose.


    Edward shook his head. "Sadly no town's around, I did see if there were any in the distanc eby getting to higher ground but all there is just a logn strench of grass." He said to them.


    Jaden wasn't bothered by it at all and just smiled. "Well, I haven't got a clue where we are." he answered honestly before following Ra.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme

    ~TARDIS of 9th Doctor~

    Meta-Crisis was teleported into the exterior of the TARDIS as hsi back was to his Ninth incarnation and Rose Tyler. "Oh, that's brilliant, using the signal emitting from the sonic's waves to isolate and lock on and bring said person on board, why didn't I bother doing that before?" He said with a excited tone before takign note of the theme, it was coral so that meant he was in his TARDIS, or his original selves and he heard a famiara voice, two in fact and turned, seeing his 9th self and Rose.

    "What? What? What?" he asked three times, obivously confused. "I don't remember this happening." he muttered to himself and wa sstill holding his Sonic Screwdriver and gave a smile. "Trust me, I'm just as confused as you are, well, let's get introductions out fo the way first shall we? I'm the Doctor!" he said cheekily and paused for a moment. "Well, a different Doctor to be more precise., except I only got one heart, can grow old and all things you brillant little humans have." he said and pocketed his Sonic Screwdriver.


    Asbel nodded to Xion. "Yeah, nice to meet you all." he said politely and bowed.

    ~With Juilet~

    "Edward Elric, a Alchemist." he introduced himself.

    ~Jaden with Ra, Tommy and Lukya~

    "Combat skills? You sound like Axel, well, I suppose, summoning is one of my skills." Jaden admitted, shrugging a bit.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Sep 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home