RIght then onto mroe improtant things, Jaden requested a Duel, I shall give him one.
Then you'd have to wait until I'm ready as I cannot do it today.
Then it'll take Cloud to beat his ass again.
Lambda stared at Voldermort as if examinign the deformed man and gave a stern expression. "Why target this... 'Dumbledore?', if he is clearly a threat to you, then there must be a reason for ths, do not think I'm just a puppet to be used easily human." He stated and stared at the man. "But if you wish for this man to die by my hand, I require a body to use and see if my enemy, Protos Heis is not in this world, if she is, it will complicate matters." He explained. ~Asbel~ Asbel looked in surprise. "Light in charge? But he cannot fight Jiraya!" he said to him.
Let me guess, you want to duel me now?
Username: StardustXtreme Character Name: Shotaro Hidari Appearance: Media they are from: Kamen Rider W Info: A self-proclaimed 'hard-boiled' detective providing the body formation of Double as he's more used to fightnign as Double while his partner Phillip provides infomation as well to form the soul and mind of DOuble, however, their roles are be reserved with Double's seventh memory, Fang, however, Fang is used for dire situations with it previously having the effect of Double going berserk but it now mastered, the transformation and fighting style of Double relies on the synchronization between Shotaro and Phillip, if distracted or weaker than tne other half, it can reduce the power of Double's Maximum Drives, however if his partne ris too busy, Shotaro has a back-up form by using the Lost Driver to become Kamen Rider Joker. Username: StardustXtreme Character Name: Captain Marvelous Appearance: Media they are from: Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger Info: Marvelous is an unpredictable sort of character who does reckless things to satisfy his curiosity, stating his actions as what any pirate would do in that particular moment. He is much stronger than he looks, evidently seen in episode 7 where he throws darts while wearing a heavy bracelet that Don can barely carry with both hands. His strength is also displayed in a flashback in episode 12, where he rips the Zangyack tracking collar off Joe's neck. He also has a rather hearty appetite but also someone who cares much for his crew and for others even if he doesn't show it.
Absel looked at Xion who seemed surprised and he could probabaly wonder why, Jiraya and Itachi were friends yet they almost killed one another, he should know, war is something no-one ever wants to experience in their lifetimes, since he did take part in overthrowing Barona for hsi friend Richard to reclaim the throne after his Uncle poisoned him. "I wonder hwo the others are faring...?" he said quietly, he and his friends were travelling to stop Richard who was absorbing eleth from the Valkyines and almost seemed hellbent on making sure no oen gets in his way but Asbel coudl still see good in hsi friend. ~Lambda~ Lambda decided to make the sphere he was encased in disappeared and he landed before the villians, looking no older than perhaps a child, but his eyes, well what the others could see had teh swirling emotion of hate and he spoke with a rather demonic tone. "Who here desires the power to end all conflicts? To end all manners of rebellion? To make sure not one person objects to his rule?" he asked them. ~Meta Doctor~ Meta was walking with hands in his pocketes of hsi blue striped suit, one thing he missed was the good old coat of Janis Joplin, unfortnately, his original self was the owner of it, whenever he was however. "Come to think of it, I wonder if our other selves are here? Oh ho..." he said in fascination. "Would be nice to meet the me wearing that piece of celery, met him once but the most Doctors in one place was during the Death Zone with First, Second, Third and Fifth, Fourth was kinda stuck in in a time eddy... wibbly wobbly timey-wimey all that stuff." he rambled a bit.
Easy one to figure out. Starts with a S.
Ichigo still beat Kenpachi without learning the Getsuga, Shunpo, Bankai, Hollowification or go Final Getsuga, while Kenpachi was overly powered using a eyepatch to give himself a challenge to weaker opponents but Ichigo onyl learnt to harness spiritual pressure into a energy arc from Urahara. Ichigo was overly handicapped. Kenpachi handicapped himself with just eyepatch.
Someone asked me if I was joking about Xyz Spam Summoning, what did I do? I proved it.
My bankai, being awesome? Yes, I was a long haired badass and facepalmed Aizen across Karakura Town, fought him on equal terms even though he kept evovling until i grew tired of him complaining and decided to Final Getsuga Tenshou his ass. Rule Number One of main Protagainst: We're always gonna gonna do badassery things to someone who no-one else can defeat.
I may bring in some Crossover Cove Characters if anyone asks me to.
What is it with you and tsunderes?
Jaden turned around, carrying his duffel bag, lookign off intot he distance before somehow...spying perhaps the path leading to the mountains an dhe started wlaking towards teh path and placed a finger in his mouth and put it up to feel the breeze as Edward looked at him. "What you got there?" he asked him and Jaden turned in confusion before noticing Edward was refering to his bag he carried with up after leaving Duel Academy.. "Just the usual stuff, but I kinda forgot about it." he said and placed it down, opening it as he pulled out a small laptop from within it garnering looks from the group he was with and turned it on as it came to life and he tried to access to the Internet but alas, it failed. "Not getting a signal, thought it could help us discern our location, but I guess there goes that idea." He sighed and turned it off. "Then we get to higher ground, if anything, the mountains will provide some cover right?" he said and looked to the others. ~Asbel~ "Then north it is." he said and walked north, his sword remaining sheathed. ~Lambda~ The dark red sphere of Lambda hovering above Sasuke's group, duly noting no one took notice of his appearanc,e then, who would bother staring up?
Important Villians? Black Mage would be dancing for joy if that were him.
Ichigo charged forward to izuna as kakashi was stuck with Hidan's head being in the unfortnate shield until time paused around him and he foudn hismelf puleld into his mind as his surroundings were starnegly enough park in the mass of buildings when eh last visited ehre looking strangely like Karakura Town as he stood in frotn of Zangestu who starngely enough, hadn't changed at all. "Whata re you doing old man Zangestu!?" he asked as Zangestu stared at him. "You may not sense it Ichigo, but the eyes of that man may conjure what you call Susanno like the one called Madara performed, are you willing to take that risk despite what you gained today?" he asked and Ichigo looked at him. "What I gained?" eh asked and Zangestu started walking towards him. "The one who you call Vert, you cherish her close to your heart, perhaps even more so than anyone else you encountered so far, your nightmare also shown evident proof, where you are berserk and destroy everything in your path, if you retreat now, you may live to be with her." He said and ichigo looked down. "But... if I don't fight, then everyone else will die! I swore I'd fight to protect everyone, even those I don't know!" he answered firmly and Zangestu stood behind ichigo. "Those words reasonated within your soul Ichigo, but this change occured because you found your happiness, will you throw that away to fight to save those you want to protect?" He asked and ichigo closed his eyes. "No, I won't throw it away, I'll keep these feelings close to my heart and protect the others." ichigo placed a hand over his heart. "I'll protect Vert and cherish my time with her while protecting everyone, that's my resolve and I won't waver from it!" he stated and Zangestu closed his eyes behind his shades. "If that is the path you choose Ichigo... I will be honest, I like this mindscape and what you are expericing, there's no rain pouring down." he said and ichigo turned to his Zanpakuto. "You haven't changed a single bit even after what's happened." He said and Zangestu faced ichigo. "You chose to protect those who cannot protect themselves, and I, will protect you Ichigo." he said and ichigo nodded. "Right, then, let's go!" He said and leapt forward in his mind scape, covering a vast distance as Zangestu was forming into Ichigo's free hand. "Look forward Ichigo, never stop, retreat and you'll age.... be afraid and you'll die! Now shout out your power!" he trailed off as Ichigo called out one word. "Bankai!" Ichigo was back in normal time as a coat of red and balck aura coated him as he charged forward and it dispered, revealign Ichigo in his Bankai attire as he spoke. "Tenza Zangestu!" he stated and brougth Tenza Zangestu against izuna and with the force of the blow, pushed Izuna back with izuna's feet making rather distinctive marks across Planeptune's ground.
Edward snapped. "Say that...again...go on... I dare you." he said with a much restraint on hsi voice as a tick amrk forme don hsi forehead and hhis little antenna in his hair swayed as he was raising a fist. "Now now, let's not fight now, we're here to discover why we came to this strange world remember?" Jaden said to diffuse the situation and Edward looked at him. "Finally someone's talking sense." he said and Jaden rubbed his head sheepishly and turned serious. "Judgining by our outfits and so, we aren't from the same dimension." He said and Edward looked at him. "Who made you exper on such things?" Edward asked and Jaden crossed his arms. "Because I been though two other dimensions, no big thing really, but I think the bottom line is we're all here to save the world."
Jaden looke dupon the group they come across, Slifer in a form similar to Ra's whiela young male wearing glasses witha lightning bolt scar, a brown ahired youth with another one being 4'11 with blonde hair, red coat and black clothes. "Not everyday you see two Gods fo Egypt meeting together." he said and actually remmebered he fought against Slifer when he duelled Yugi and fought with Ra, that's two God Cards he witnessed, Obelisk was one he never met although he did shuffle Yugi's Deck and coudl see the raw power of the deck that made it so legendary in it's own right.
~Planeptune, the Million Credit Question & Answer?~ Ichigo had withdrawn Zangestu from Hidan's bound body and turned away from Neptune's sudden... squeeze attack to Noire until his ears caught Vert's question asking what he, Zexion and Nico what they do fi they had a Goddess as a wife,that was a big question to ask and while he never considered marriage, it was something he planned to do in the future, mainly to setlle down and secondly, stop his old man from asking if he'll ever find a woman, btu now he had a question to answer and eh couldn't exactly put it to the side, nto after his... 'experience'. "I suppose I'd protect and love her to the best of my abilites while also helping her with her own problems." Ichigo said thoughtfully.