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  1. StardustXtreme


    Harold crossed his arms and looked at Harry whow as being doubel teamed by Fred and George. "Gred, Forge, as much as know and accept the fact our parents are here now, it's something that is hard to accept since we've accepted the fact they were gone." Harold said and closed his eyes.

    "I'll explain what happened after I disocvered the Potter Line curtesy of Sirius, our parents written a will stating we should of never gone to the Dursleys in the first place as Petunia hated magic due to our mother being a witch, making her become praised to their family and Petunia swore to never talk of her sister ever again, the will also stsated taht we were to given to Sirirus Black and other candiadates should our Godfather be unavailable for some reason, there was Bones, Changs, Greengrassm, bells, Johnsons, Spinnets, Remus Lupin and the Longbottoms to name a few but they were all unavailable or rather it wasn't known since Dumbledore sealed the Will, never to be opened." he caught gasps form the adults because of this.

    "When I learnt of the line, I wrote to Gringotts and they informed me about my inheritance and helped me attend a private hearing of the Will which I gaine dmy status as Lord Potter as Dumbledore didn't want me to be an acting force on my own and get out under his thumb, and when I discovered Potter Manor, it's wards were indeed impressive as it had every charm to protect it, some being Goblin-made, the Vault contained our parents diaires and history of what they did and DUmbledore sent them to Godric's Hollow for protection.... you know hwo that turned out." Harold took a moment to breathe.

    "The reason why Dumbledore sealed the will was to get the possessions we had as well as gold and of course, the seat we ahd on Wizarding Law along Gryffindor's and the Peverells." he said and shown his ring, it chnaging to become a crest bearing the coat of arms of the three Family LInes he inherited.

    "I also discovered a marriage contract bewteen me and one Ginvera Molly Weasely approve dby DUmbledore and Molly herself before we were even born as Molly wanted her claws in the Potter Fortune and taught Ginny all fo the stories the Boy WHo Lived had done, her food would be dosed in Love Potions that'll make me fancy the redhead but thanks to the Goblins scanning my core to fidn it was sealed and such, they removed it and teh doseages." he said and harry was confused.

    "The Magical Core of a WItch or Wizard usually has a bind on it in case of accidental magic so it'll be controlled until you get older and the seal is uusally removed at the first time you enter Hogwarts, but Dumbledore kept it on so I basically fought Quirrel, the Basilisk and the Dementors at perhaps maybe 3 or 4% of my power being sealed, my core's probabaly about twice the size of the old coot's and it'll onyl get bigger until I reach 18." he said and gave a smirk like Slytherin.

    "DUmbledore doesn't know this yet as I was spending the holidays in Potter Manor before I got sucked into this world, btu when Fourth Year starts... I'll start rocking his world." he chuckled.

    ~Outside Bathroom~

    Marvelous looked at Luka with a calm expression. "You expect me of all people to be like that bratty human? Please, I'm not even remotely interested in the very thought of it." he said, arms crossed as he leant against the wall. "I'd rather soon quit finding the Greatest Treasure in the Universe than become someone of that caliber." he said rather firmly.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme
    I did, and parking spaces don't have owners, therfore your space was free to eb parked in, I don't have my name on a Parking Space, neither does Croow... okay Jack MIGHT of had one.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 14, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  3. StardustXtreme


    Harold looked at them. "Then tell me who decided you should be protected at Godric's Hollow?" He asked and somehow, he felt like he should try and transfigure a certain male into a ferret for something he done wrong.

    Marvelous bent down at Draco's well... punched out state. "That's one place I I never dare venture into blondie."
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. StardustXtreme
    WHy else is my Harold in CC calling DUmbeldore an old coot?
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 13, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. StardustXtreme
    I swear Dumbledore planned it all out, send Harry to abusive relatives so he'd be meek and shy and see him as a grandfatherly figure and be udne rhis thumb, besides, he says teh wards of the Dursley Hoem are protected by Love powerin- wait, lemme get this straight, when has Harry known any form of love in that house? vernon beats him daily, Petunia doesn't do it a thing and Dudley does Harry Hunting so the wards shoudl really be what's the word, oh right, not functioning at all.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. StardustXtreme
    The hell made me eligible for the Necklace?
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 12, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  7. StardustXtreme



    Harold nodded as the girls went off to wash up and spoke. "Reason why there is two fo us, we're different reality Harry Potters, I call myself Harold as Harry here is pretty much the original, the differences between us are that Harry here never discovered the Anicent and Noble House of Potter when he should of been informed of it at the age of eleven, I discovered mine thanks to Sirius after we saved him from the Dementors and fled away on Buckbeak but it seems Harry's SIrius didn't have the timeor he already thought Harry knew of his lineage." He explained.

    "Now, kindly tell us your situation?" He asked them.


    Ichigo turned his head, if not barely to register Sai's appearance and the fact there was colorful dance being shown but Ichigo wouldn't move, how could he after spending that much energy, but there was one factor he had that Shinigami didn't, he was still a Human and Humans have a strogn force of will and adaption, he was weakened sure, but there were ways for his spiritual power to return, one was to rest and allow his supplies to replenish which would probabaly take a long time or eat a hell of alot of food to quickly get his energy back up or as Ichigo's spiritual power constantly spilled out of him, it would take perhaps a matter of a short time for him to get back to his usual power or if Orihime were there, she'd have him back to full strength within a matter of minutes.

    "I'll... be fine, I handled more unusual odds before." he said and grasped Zangestu, stabbing it into the ground and dragged his feet otu from the concrete and was literally using hsi weapon to hold himself up but he wobbled and fell forwards, hitting the ground.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 12, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. StardustXtreme
  9. StardustXtreme
    Greed/Ling Yao is already taken by The Hero of time.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. StardustXtreme

    ~Ruined City of the Future!~

    Meta nodded, it did remind him of home but eh knew he shouldn't let that get him down like his 9th Incarnation who was mostly bitter about the Time War, thankfully, Rose and the Ninth regeneration into 10th would help him let go of it a bit more easily, but eh wasn't going to tell Nine about that, Time was not to be messed around with, and any spoilers woudl most liekly cause a paradox or worse, a collaspe in the space-time laws, or maybe it'll just implode as Rose called out a man who was in the distance, Good old Rose, she still had eyes of a detective, abeit a pretend one when they went to the London 2012 Olypmics.
    Marvelous paused for a moment and turned around, hsi ears catchign a voice and he looked to see a blonde female waving to catch his attention, then again how coudl he miss her? her group seemed to be the only other bit of life in this ruined city and he decided to approach them, his Gokai Sabre grasped in his hand, they all looked pretty much human. "I'm just as lost and confused as you are, one minute I wa son earth and next I wind up in this place."

    "Same way as us then." meta said and Marvelous nodded. "And I assume you're all Earthlings? You lot don't seem be from Tokyo at all." He said and Meta had a thoughtful look. "Well, we tend to stick to London mostly if we're honest, Lea and River, well that's their story to say." Meta said and Marvelous looked at them. "Whatever you say, I don't really care, I'm more concerned as to where we are."
    ~Edward and jaden~

    Edward was going to go into rant mdoe but nevertheless, wore the helmet and had driven off with Haruto as Jaden shrugged and ran after the group.

    ~Shotaro of the Jungle~

    SHotaro's waist had the Double Driver materialized and he heard Phillip's thoughts and he closed his eyes. "About time Phillip!" he thought in relief.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. StardustXtreme


    Harold pinched his nose, he sensed a migrane coming on or what it a headache until he looke dat his 'mother' and then to Ginny Weasely and blanched a bit as he tried his utmost not to vomit. "That old coot... Ginny's a younger version of Mom and he wnats me to marry someone who looks like her? What a twisted idea, then again Susan's way better than Ginny, not that I'm gonna tell her that." Harodl thought and spoke his next thoughts. "IThen you must be dead if you recall Lord Moldyshorts killed you then." he said and got a look from harry, surprise on hsi face as if why was he saying that to his parents.

    "No spells or rituals can bring back the dead Harry, the closest thing you can do is imprint your magic onto a painting and it acts according to how the orginal magical person did so, that's why every painting in Hogwarts has their own lives, other option is you become like Nearly Headless Nick or Professor Binns, I swear that History of Magic lesson is a waste of time reciting Goblin Wars." Harold muttered and blame dthat one on Dumbledore's plotting.

    "And what in Merlin's sane mind did you all decide Peter was a good candiate for the Fidelius Charm, please tell me Dumbledore didn't recommend it, Potter Manor had more charms than that building in Godric's Hollow." He said to them.

    ~Planeptune, Ichigo vs Huge Fuggin' Meteor Part II~

    Ichigo was tiring out at this point, his Bankai's shihakusho had reverted to his ordinary attire but Tensa Zangestu still firmly in his handand he cried out one more time. "Getsuga.... TENSHOU!" he fired another getsuga into the current one and with it, the Meteor was slowly leaving orbit and where was it goig gto go? Ask the RPer who decided it was a good idea to summon a huge Metetor on a floating landmass and perhaps destory if not half of the world but the other side woudl suffer tremendous dammage, tsunamis, freak weather conditions etc.

    Ichigo fell to his knees, panting hevaily, sweat pouring off like he done a world marathon without rest, then again, who can blame the Subsitute Shinigami? He survived a nuclear blast from Aizen in the Winter War, only gained a singed arm from the impact, took a Cero Oscuras from Ulquiorra point blank, shattering Grimmjow's best attack, oh let's not forget deflecting all of Senbonzakura Kageyoshi's petals in rapid succession within mere seconds and fougth Kenpachi and actually winning as Tensa Zangestu revrted to the enmorus Cleaver as ichigo's Shihakusho was completely white, his exhausted if not most of his spiritual power.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 11, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. StardustXtreme
  13. StardustXtreme

    Lambda scoffed as he wa sleft to hsi own devices and looke dupon the map, nothing really useful to help him find Protos Heis, his sworn enemy, she'd appear whenever but this world seemed different and she ahdn;t located him thus far, but who coudl he use for his gain as the cohort sof this room left to do their own devices and Voldemort offered him to kill someone outside the forttess to have his body, Lambda noted teh cruelty and disregard for their soliders but he woudl take that offer.

    "Then I shall find a suitable body... one with greta enough darkness." he said and decided to apporach teh footsoliders, if one listened, screams were heard and Lambda was in a new body.


    "This appearance of that fool, Richard seems most appriorate, now what shall I do? Target this Albus Dumbledore?" Lambda pondored and shook his head. "No, not until I learn his abilites and this world does not seem have Eleth flowing at all to further increase my powers... how annoying." Lambda stated and returned to the map room, looking upon it. "Perhaps I should recruit more to this group and see where their loyalties lie."


    A man wearing a red trenncoat was walkign aroufn what appeared to be a ruined futurisric city, this man was captain marvelous, he was just doing his usual thing on the Planet Earth until Gai, a fellow crew member asked him to meet him, sad to say, that appointment may never come. "Is this the Earth's future or what?" he asked, his Gokai Sabre at his side, he didn't know what to expect in this world.

    ~ANother Location~

    A man wearing 1930's clothign removed his hat, Phillp, his parter upped and vanished and SHotaro discovered a Wormhole before falling through it and now, he was what appeared to be a jungle and it was hot as he used his fedora to cool himself down. "Why did I end up here of all places." he complained lowly to himself.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. StardustXtreme


    Ichigo gasped at the size of the meteorite coming for them, it could level Planeptune and he grasped Tensa Zangestu tightly. "Zangestu, cna we do something about about that?" he commuicated to his Zanpakuto whose voice was hear din hsi thoughts. "It is possible, however, it'll drain if not, most of your spiritual power and unable to enter Bankai for a unknown period of time, are you willing to take that risk?" A young male's voice sounded, it wasn't the same old man from before but rather, his younger incarnation and Ichigo nodded and his spiritual aura flared up around him, creating a crater under his feet, his eyes glowing a intense blue.

    "Everyone, I'll handle that meteorite." he said firmly thought. "I'm giving all my power to you, Tensa Zangestu, use it as you see fit." he thought and his was forming above him as a demonic like face in red and raised his black sword and cried out his attack. "Getsuga...TENSHOU!" he swung the black zanpakuto and a blast of black energy with red outlines shot forward, causing the road behind Ichigo to visbibly crack under the pressure and then it collided with teh overly oversized meteorite but it was still progressing on even fi ti was being delayed and if one looked at Ichigo's face, he was almost straining from the force but held his ground, his feet soon becoming buried under the concrete. "Come on! Come on!" he thought desperately and he cried out, a wave erupting from Tenza Zangestu to increase the power behind his attack and gradually, it was putting the meteorite to a stop and gradually sending it back, but Ichigo at this point was tiring as his Bankai outfit was fading into his ordinary garments.

    ~Gentaro with Mystearica Grants and co.~

    Gentaro looked up at the sky, seeing a rather big meteorite being pushed back by soem dark aura, it seemed a landmass was in the sky and he was surprised. "W-W-Whoa, is that a Meteor!?" he aske din surprise.

    ~Eiji Hino and co.~

    Eiji looked to the sky and saw the same thing, but that attack pushing it back was familar. "Kurosaki-san..." he said in a toen that was placing hope in the young man he knew.

    "Seems like someone's putting all their effort in." tsukasa noted, lookign at the scenery.

    "Yeah, but who can generate that kind of power? A Dopant?" SHotaro questioned.


    Zidane was in surprise too, the attack looked like Vivi's Doomsday Spell but the little Black Mage didn't cast anything and what's more, somethign was attempting to push it back, perhaps out of orbit. "It can't be Ozma... could it?" he asked as he paled, Ozma was a class by itself in gaia, A failed Eidolon SUmmong that required a entire village of summoners to seal away and he and the others fought him, it probably took all their Trances to even survive that battle and it seeme donyl one person was doign the impossible.

    "Who in their right mind is trying to deflect that?" Tidus asked curiously, it was bigger than SIn that was for sure.

    "Caius could summon something like that, but... it's not Lightning stopping it." Noel noted.


    Takuya with Aqua and Ventus note dthe red sky and far away,a meteorite in the distance colliding witha dark aura. "What's going on there?" he asked the two keyblade Wielders as Ventus shook his head. "I don't know, but who could of summoned something that big? Not Terra." he stated in surprise.

    ~Tsunayoshi with Rika, takato and co.~

    Tsuna with the others did not see what wa shappen but the skylien was a light red witha mixture of black, what was happening they did not know.

    ~Dean Stark~

    Dean was standing atop of a mountain and saw the sight and was in surprise, nothing coudl coem out from his mouth.

    ~Yuri Hyuga with haruhi Fujioka, Dalek Sec etc~

    Yuri felt a shaking occur and wondered what the hell was going on outside.


    Harold nodded ot Harry and heard the newcomers talka mongst themselves as Marvelous gave a dark look at basco but no one notice dthe red light piercing through the glass to make it look like evening. "You two are supposed to be dead." he said to James and Lily and had a hard stare. "Voldemort killed you both with the Killing Curse, no spell can bring back the dead, I know thta much, unless... you are a different james and Lily Potter that surivived." he said calmly.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 10, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    it can be ebfore Voldie left.

    it can be ebfore Voldie left.
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Oct 10, 2012
  16. StardustXtreme
    Proabbaly should have the people who post on tumblr ask questions for the RPers of the Cove we can answer them or even better, host a live recording of us all answering their questions.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. StardustXtreme
    Basically yeah, Middle of nowhere.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 9, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  18. StardustXtreme
    Already planned on it! I'm on DN now -gives a smile somewhat cheekily-[DOUBLEPOST=1349819599][/DOUBLEPOST]I curse the connection of my home for the duel being interuptted -insert rage here-
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 9, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  19. StardustXtreme

    ~Harold's current Location~

    Harold was processing what he was seeing, he saw Sirius Black, his gofather, well if he was his realities Godfather, Remus Lupin, their previous DADA teacher but there was his father and his mother, James and Lily Potter, okay, he should be overjoyed at this surprise but his mind registered these two as dead by Voldemort and he ahd to put up with 11 years of hell with the Dursleys and his distant expression was evidently seen on his face.

    "...What in the name of bloody Merlin is going on here!?" he asked, no, that's the wrong tone for this, more liek screamed out.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 9, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Oct 9, 2012