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  1. StardustXtreme

    "Oi oi! I'm always hard-boiled Phillip!" Double's right eye flickered again as Shotaro spoken in a annoying tone.

    ~-Wizards, Alchemist, and Company-

    Jaden looked out to the distance, being very quiet as he felt a apparition appear beside him. "Something wrong Yubel?" He asked to seemingly no-one to everyone else's eyes as the Duel Monster looked to the Savannah. "I can sense a great amount of energy coming from that place Jaden, and it's not dragons." She said and Jaden had to close his eyes and smiled a little, remembering what she was refering to when Paradox tried to rid the world of Duel Monsters and taking out most of Europe in his era in time.

    "Looks like that's where we'll find out where we are then, perhaps whoever brought everyone to this dimension." He noted and ingored teh stares he was receiving.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme
    I hereby reserve Kirigaya Kazuto from Sword Art Online~!
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. StardustXtreme


    Shotaro spoke as the right eye of FangJoker flickered as he talked. "Instead of fists we should use what we have at our disposal partner." he suggested, besides they were getting gooey fluid hands because of the beings.

    "Plus, I don't think a Maximum Drive will help since there's so many of them." He noted.


    Edward merely watched as did Jaden when asked of a medical kit, Jaden didn't carry one around in his duffel bag, just his usual day-to-day needs such as food, drink and a few other survival needs along with the laptop.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. StardustXtreme
    Me: DOn't worry about Yuri, he's defeated a GodMe: Well now it's Ooze-lings vs Kamen Rider FangJoker, a fight si finally occuring!
    Marvelous: Lucky for him, or them?Me: Them. Double is a two-in-one person, Phillip forming the body while Shotaro forms the mind.
    Edward: But isn't that like... gonna be tough sinc eyou have 1 of them and Aki has the other?
    Me: Already figured that one out~ If Phillip becomes FangJoker, Aki has control of SHotaro's movements as Double requires them to in fight in synchronization, but I can make Shotaro speak for any suggestions and when it's Shotaro formign DOuble while Phillip's the mind, I gain control of Phillip's movements btu AKi has control over Phillip suggesting.
    Edward: So it's a sharing between characters?
    Shotaro: Of course! It's hard-boiled!
    Jaden: That does kinda leave Shotaro's unconcious body while he fights as Double right now though and SParrow decided to wander off.

    Me: Yeha yeah, Yuri's not gonna appear to Shotaro though.
    Yuri: When am I going to appear then?
    Me: When the oppruntune moment presents itself unless you rather appear to Goku and Colette?
    Asbel: What does Yuri do anyway/ He uses his fists doesn't he? So isn't he like Tifa?
    Me: He's a Harmonixer, basically a person who change into a monster and when he defeats any monster he can take their souls and fuse with them to power his own Fusions to greater heights, Three Stages though, but Yuri has to content with the monster's souls inside him, if he lets his guard down, well, monsters come out of him, so think of him as the one in charge and the monsters obey his rule inside of him.
    Meta: People would definitely mistake him for a monster if he's in monster form and try to kill him.
    Me: Don't worry about that, Yuri's quite strong as he amnaged to take down a God from beyond the stars, hence some call him a 'God-slayer' as Yuri also has the God of Wrath's soul inside him and also a incarnated God from the soul of the Earth which controls over death and rebirth, Yuri wouldn't use those abilites though, he's still a human after all.
    Lamda: You just spoiled that fool#'s powers here Human...

    Me: What? it's good to explain what a Harmonixer is, after all, the Shadow Hearts Series is a good RPG.
    Jaden: Who else you gonna bring in?Me: Well I would of done Sora from KH if someone didn't reserve a buch of good RPG characters many peopel know -eyes HoT- Maybe I'll bring in Justin from Grandia, that's a very good title and I'd recommend those who haven't played Grandia play that.
    Jaden: Shameless plugging in now Stardust?
    Lambda: You should have some enemies for the ones you control, you already have myself and that fool, Asbel.
    Me: ...True, but Someone reserved Father sicne that'd be Edward's opponent, Jaden... well, for him, Darkness is defeated in Season 4 and Paradox as well, Meta's got Davros or Daleks, Marvelous has Basco and SHotaro/Phillip has no-one probably bring in Kamen Rider Eternal/Daido Katsumi for that one and Yuri... maybe I'll bring in Nicolai/Astraroth perhaps.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 20, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. StardustXtreme


    ~Deep Jungle or AKA, the Forest~
    SHotaro listened to the man who said he was Captain of a Black pearl and called himself Jack Sparrow and asked him who he was. "Shotaro Hidari, a hard-boiled detective of Futo." He said before the Double Driver suddenly re-materiaized on his waist as he heard Phillip's request and he nodded, obivously confusing Jack Sparrow as SHotaro put a hand into his his coat, the udnerside of it and brought out a Purple/black USB Flash Stick as well but this one having a J emboldened on it with the words Joker written on it and pressed the button. "Joker!" A voice came out from it and moved his arm toleft, forming half a W with his arm. "Henshin!" Shotaro called out before he slid it into the gold slot of the belt and it suddenly digitalized, vanishing from the belt to reappear whever Phillp was in his own belt in the gold slot as Shotaro's eyes closed and he fell upon the ground, unconcicous.


    Asbel nodded and walked along the dirt trodden path, in the distance was a desert.

    ~Wizards, Alchemists and Whatever else?~

    Edward and Jaden merely listened.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 20, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. StardustXtreme

    Harold got out and was klying in the Common Room red plush chair with the fireplace burning as he stared into the commuciator on his wrist, his Original COunterpart and Ronald with Fred and George in the bedrooms, Marvelous had commandeered a bed as well, only taking off his boots and slept.

    "It's not a natural thing having someone inside your head... Voldemort's cursed scar on my head as the Goblin's said, creates a connection between us, good thign the Goblins exocrised it from my body... but what coudl you calll this kind of thing, a Horcrux? No. Serenity looks too innocent and pure to have killed any living human in cold blood." Harold thought a sthe method to create a Horcrux wa skilling willingly and in cold blood, so perhaps there was another term for it. "Co-existence maybe?"
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. StardustXtreme


    Absel nodded at Light's answer. "The more the merrier right?" He said to her and rested hsi hand on his sheathed sword.

    ~Doctors, Humans and Space Pirates?~

    Meta listened rather intently to Nine's explanation while ROse and lea were spekaing to Marvelous. "A Goddess? Seriously?" He said in dsibelief then he relaxed, he met would-be Gods, The Beast sealed in a Asteroid so it would be really possible for a Goddess to exist. "So doesn't this Lightning Farron have anything we could contact her with?"

    "I thought you said no one can contact with anyone on this planet." Marvelous's voice came and Meta looked at him. "Well... except for maybe us three... or maybe four." he indicated to Nine, himself, River and Eleven. "We're just that brillant, I made contact with my other selves through my Screwdriver." he said and Marvelous blinked.

    "A Screwdriver?" he asked in disbelief and Meta brought out his Sonic Screwdriver. "Well, a very advanced technological Screwdriver that is very Sonic-y, oooh Sonic-y.... doesn't sound like a good term, Allonsy is a much better one."

    Edward was about to break off into his ranting until he stopped and got off the motorcycle and with a devivous smirk, clapped hsi ahnds and transformed Haruto's motorcycle into a scarecrow with it's arms being the wheels as Haruto had held onto it. "Ahhh... the wonders of Alchemy."

    Jaden looked at teh newly transmuted bike in surprise. "Too cool! What are you?" he asked and Edward crossed his arms. "A State Alchemist, also known as the Fullmetal Alchemist." he said with a grin.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. StardustXtreme

    Username: StardustXtreme
    Character Name: Yuri Volte Hyuga
    Media they are from: Shadow Hearts & Covenant
    Info: He is a Harmonixer one who possesses the ability to fuse with the souls of monsters he has defeated and during the second game yields a distraught Yuri after the death of Alice, his lover. He has taken up residence in Domremy, where some of his lover's family live. With World War I upon Europe, he has taken it upon himself to protect the town from the German military wanting to take it as a pawn. His adventure begins after an agent from the Vatican curses him using the Holy Misteltoe.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. StardustXtreme


    Ichigo was non-responive as he was being carried by Sai, then again he had a good reason for it, you try blwoing back a huge friggin' all by yourself and see where that gets you. "I'm gonna need food.... and alot of it to replenish all that energy" Ichigo thought to himself.

    ~Prefect's Bathroom~

    "It's just water, and it's not whateve ryou think Vexen." Harold said to the man and stared at him. "The hell did you do to get that look, you look like you stuck your finger in a plug socket that was left on." he pointed out.

    "I'm getting out, catch you lot later." Marvelous said and stood up to dry go and dry off.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. StardustXtreme


    ~Ruined City of the Future!~

    Meta thought abotu 11's explatnation and took a moment to consider it. "Of course! The Rift is able to pull things out from their place in time and the object ibn question ends up elsewhere!, so this world is perhaps within a space between multiple universes and it's energy is enabling us to experience things in real time while not blowing up the planet or create a paradox, it's nothing like the Reapers so Time hasn't been damaged..." Meta trailed off as Marvelous looked at Rose and Lea asking about a Lightning Farron.

    "No-one I know, and Tokyo is where my crew are residing for the moment, I'm Captain Marvelous, or Marvelous fi you prefer, I'm a space pirat, as for hwo ende dup in this place, I was going to meet oen of my crewmates until some hole sucke dme in and here I am, what's more, I can't contact my crew, something's probabaly blocking the signal." he said as Meta looked at him.

    "Makes sense, the energies are so strong they are cancelling eletronical signals from coming out, but we are a world away and in a different space, so that'll be natural."

    Asbel was surprised, Jiraya was already dead? "But that should be impossible! There shouldn't be a way to die yet still be alive!" he said in surprise.

    ~Shotaro & the Pirate~

    Shotaro fell to the ground as a figure literally came out fo the air and made him a landing zone, thankfully, no bones were broken but it did hurt like hell and SHotaro pulled himself up, dusting off the dirt off his clothes and reached for his fedora hat that he let go of when the man landed on him.

    "Geez, that hurt, and just who are you?" SHotaro asked the man who looked pretty much like one of those pirates out of a fairy tale, except for having a hook for a hand and have a crocodile stalk him everywhere.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. StardustXtreme

    "That's most likely the case." harold said, hearing Harry and Don's conversation. "if you think about it, this world is crazy, people who are suppsoed to be dead are still alive, so it should be possible for a past and future of yourself to appear." he continued and marvelous looked at him.

    "So she's in your head? Isn't that, i don't know, something bad?" he asked and Harold looked at him as he tapped against the side of his head. "Normally it's illegal to be inside someone's mind without their permission, in our world, if someone done that, they'd be sent on a one way ticket to Azkaban for it." Harold said and had everyone's attention.

    "But she somehow surpassed my mind barriers and didn't look at my memories or anything thankfully, but why she came to me of all people, I don't know, so now, she's just living in my head." he said sheepishily.

    "Azkaban, what's that?" Marvelous asked and Harold pinched the bridge of his nose. "The Wizarding World of prison, it's in a seculuded island with water as far as the eye can see but Dementors prowl it's grounds, beings that feed off every happy emotion the prisoners have until you're left with the bad stuff, they can even kiss you and take your soul, the only ways to probabaly retain your sense of self is to become a Animagus as your primal instincts are more resistant to the Dementors, Sirius did this by becomigna black dog and actually escaped Azkaban, he probabaly broke the record for that one." He said cheekily and relaxed.

    "But in all honesty, you can't miss that blonde girl's hairstyle anywhere, I think she's the only person with it." Harold Finished.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. StardustXtreme
    Another Tales of Character huh?
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. StardustXtreme

    Jaden looked at the old man named DUmbeldor,e he certainly had a very long beard and Edward stared at him, he was surprised too but then one of their party asked DUmbledore just who he was.


    Shotaro was suprirsed Phillip couldn't access teh gaia Library, this meant that this place wasn't Earth. "How troublesome, and what's more is we're seperated." SHotaro thought to Phillip, that was a problem since anything could happen while the other was used to form Double, the Hardboiler or revolgarry wasn't brought here either.

    "Our best bet is to find some allies and eventually meet up with one another." Shotaro answered.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. StardustXtreme
    Well, they do use Diadanks and such.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. StardustXtreme
    Oh great, Jaden will be pleased.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. StardustXtreme
    Same here but I do have Sony Vegas to work with fi I ever had the interest.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. StardustXtreme
    I spy some familar faces.


    Marvelous: "It's not that bad at least."
    SX: I suppose...
    Jaden: "Least you still got us when you couldn't have me in the other RP!"SX: You're just a bundle of happiness aren't you Jaden?
    Asbel: "Well, when do we get fightning time?"
    SX: Whenever there'll be a boss battle for your group -_-
    Edward: "But he's like with who, Light, Xion and Jiraya, what would be a good candiate for that?"
    Shotaro: "Now now, we'll go at this hard boiled!"
    SX: Half-boiled Shotaro.
    Lambda: "You humans never cease to amaze me."
    Meta: "Well, if you coutn the fact anything can possibly happen in this RP is bound to do anything."
    SX: Okay you got me there Meta.
    Marvelous: "That Lightning woman uses a gunblade correct?"
    SX: ...Yeah, where are you going with this Marvelous?
    Marvelous: "I use a sword and gun during fights, she had to make do with one or the other, should be a interesting fight!"
    SX: What, you vs. Lightning Farron? -thoughtfully thinks fo the skills that they had- Okay that does make a good match-up.
    Lambda: "You just compared a man from a Super Sentai Series up against one of the most overkilling women of XIII? What kind of mind are you running on?"
    SX: Nothing compared to writing fanfictions with crossovers, that's where my mind is.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. StardustXtreme


    Harold nodded, it was a good tiem to wash-up, epsecially from everything that was occuring and the prefect's bathroom always seem to have a bubbly water, perhaps it was magic-ed that way or to make things more relaxing? Harold was relaxing in a corner of the huge bath, grateful for nto wearing glasses as that would fog them up, Harry would have a different view on that since hsi eyesigth was proabbaly awful with those oversized glasses as he sighed.

    "Just what we needed, a good soaking." He thought and started to think of other things. "Still Mom and Dad are alive and they did die but somehow were brougth back from something, I guess I should at least get to know them since I've probabaly been with them perhaps a year as a baby." Harold's thoughts wandered, what would happen after this worldly crisis was over? Woudl eh go back to his own reality or stay with his original self? If so, he would have to pass himself off as a relative of Harry's, but that did mean he'd miss his friends back in his own reality.

    "Best not think about it for now." He thought finally.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. StardustXtreme
    it's gonna be another danned cycle with Extras!
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 14, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme
    You may be surprised, all Archtypes have their strengths and weaknesses, it's also good to master the deck you currently have but perhaps out there, there's a deck that may or may not suit you better, but I think I'm going to try and use different decks to see if any are suitable for me.

    Plus using another deck does give me a different angle on my own deck and see what improvements or changes I could do.

    After all, I use like 3 different decks, Synchro, Fusion and now Xyz and duel against eahc of them to see if it'll win or lose and gain aperspective, DN also does that tremendously.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 14, 2012 in forum: The Playground