Time for some more villians! Daido Katsumi/Kamen Rider Eternal (Kamen Rider W: A to Z Gaia Memories of Fate) Paradox (Yu-Gi-Oh!: Bonds Beyond Time) Active Heroes: Edward Elric (Fullnetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) Jaden Yuki/Yubel (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX) Asbel Lhant (Tales of Graces F) Meta Crisis Doctor (Doctor Who) Captain Marvelous (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger) Shotaro Hidari (Kamen Rider W) Yuri Hyuga (Shadow Hearts/Covenant) Kirito (Sword Art Online) Villains: Lambda (Tales of Graces F) Daido Katsumi/Kamen Rider Eternal (Kamen Rider W: A to Z Gaia Memories of Fate) Paradox (Yu-Gi-Oh!: Bonds Beyond Time)
Ooops wrong thread lol.
Wrong thread for Heroes and Villans, my mistake!
I never done a Firmware before.
http://wololo.net/cfw4dummies/ Use this guide, should help.
Custom Firmware basically means your PSP's Version of Updates would be changed and the only downside to that is you won't be abel to access PSN.
~Gryffindor Common Room~ Harold heard Serenity's answer, if his gut instinct was correct, Serenity may have the power do something that no one in this room could do, he was being reckless, just like a Gryffindor to dare ventrue where even angels feared to tread as the pink cat-like creature hovering in front of him, looking at him with perhaps the most innocent eyes an animal could do and Harold closed his eyes, as if in thought and he thought carefulyl about how things were to occur. "The Hermione before us is a fake but I don't underestimate the abilites Doppelganger has, escpecially with that lexicon and the other dimension if we did not get saved... However if we attack now, 'Hermione' will most likely take a hostage and we'll be in a predicament, need to move the others away from her." Harold thought to her before he opened his eyes. "We all should probabaly get some sleep, in the morning, we'll most likely use the Galleon." He said a fale tired tone that was natural and as people were agreeing and heading their seperate ways Harold spoke again. "Hermione, we'll find Roxas before we leave, after all, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you like him as much as your books." he said to her before she was abotu to ascending the stairs, the others beign well away and Harold got up and strenched as he thought to her. "Hogwarts, Serenity, now!" He thought quickly and with those words, a set of white energy-like wings formed behind Harold and with speed honed from Quidditch, Harry-Hunting from Dudley, ran towards 'Hermione' as the door to the Girl's dorms swung open to reveal not where the room was but rather, somewhere outside and face-palmed her through the door as it closed behind Harold and 'Hermione'. ~Outskirts of Hogwarts School~ A door appeared from out of nowhere and the two came out as the door disappeared and Harold jumped back a fair distance from 'Hermione' but his eyes weren't green as before, instead, they were azure blue and his tone of voice was somewhat softer and bit a feminine, this wasn't Harold Potter anymore, Neo Queen Serenity was in control of his body as Harold had freely allowed the young Queen to take control. OOC: Aki gave me permission to control Serenity when she's using Harold's body. "Here we go." Serneity and Harold's voices dually spoke as Harold/Serenity thrust out their hands as if to catch somethign and light was gathering rather rapidly as Serenity's power was actually beinf aided by the Magical Core Harold wielded and it let losoe and beam of pure light at a rapid pace towards 'Hermione'', there woudl be no pint in dodging it either, eitehr DOppelganger had to retailate or suffer taking a pure conceration of Light power that would go through his defenses and continue it's onslaught when is exposed would appear.
Your PSP must have Custom Firmware if I recall.
I'm running out of Bravos.
I'm still here, yes I am, a new Kamen Rider Deck is being Custom Built by me.
Well, we have to take into account Akon actually managed to free Ichigo from his prison at the cost of his life but Ichigo is a person whose constantly evovling and thus no-one is able to steal his Bankai as Yamamoto did state Ichigo's Bankai is changing, plus Ichigo adapts to battle quite quickly even fi it make shim to take a attack potenially enough to kill a normal SHinigami.
@harold~ Harold took note of Hermione returning asn her disappointment of trying to find Roxas here, he did take note of the Pokemon looking a bit scared of Hermione, but Hermione left the common room to... find Roxas and he knew he couldn't say anything, unless something awful should happen. "Could of Harry, but Hemrione has Basco with her, besides Roxas is proabbaly a capable fighter if he's a part of Vexen's group." he said and he silently commuicated to Queen Serenity. "Serenity, if you're in my mind, this means we're co-existing at this current monent correct?" Harold thought to her, if he was right, it was a different method of Hermione and Basco's connection, but since his soul was fully intact and Serenity probabaly had hers so that could mean they shared his body.
~The Rider, The Dragoon and the Oozelings~ Shotaro was surprised. "Not sure partner, but it's time we ended this, who knows what's happened to my body since Akihiko isn't around." Shotaro suggested as Double's rigth eye flickered and he flicked his wrist as he had control fo the right side of Double, well, he could influence it to say a least. "Whoever, you are, gather them all in one place, Phillip, we're going for a Maximum." Shotaro stated, he knew his partner wasn't suited for combat-role, that was why SHotaro was the more fighter. ~Jaden Yuki~ Jaden looked to everyone. "We shouls head that way, Yubel says she senses a strange energy there and we may find out something." he suggested to them as Edward looked and sighed. "Least it's not a godforsaken desert." he muttered. ~Kirito~ Kirito listened to the older version of his shorter doppelganger. "I suppose helping them out will let me figure out where I am, but this isn't SAO yet I cna still use it's functions, I'll have to see who's in charge of this place and ask them how they brought me out of the game without my NerveGear frying my brain." He thought to himself and spoke. "You may call me Kirito and what is it you want help with?" He answered Rainbow Dash amd asked Minato rather calmly. ~Goku, Colette~ Yuri studied Colette's personality of what she did, it was a sign she was innocent, reminding him of ALice but not as ditzy, no-one he knew was like that, Anastasina Romanov was teh youngest human member but she did have a way with her words. "Sounds like a plan." He said to ehr with a smile.
I don't think so since it's mainly the Main Characters or love interests for said Main Hero/Heroine.
~Skies of the World~ Kirito opened his eyes to find he was... flying? he was caught by a Rainbow horse who asked him fi he was alright and he merely nodded, perhaps still grasping the concept there was a talking animal a sthey landed and he looked to the other humans, one was a man with a straw hat, another wearing orange as if it were hsi favourite color and blonde spiky hair witha white haired yougn adult male, Kirito got off the aforementioned 'Rainbow Dash' as the pony called itself, he he looekd at them, there was no green or orange cursors above their heads or HP bars, his NerveGear should easily recongize any other Players of SAO, unless there were like Yui, a AI. "Where is this?" he thought to himself and moved hsi hand to the air beside him as a selection of options such as Map, Weapons, SKills and etc from a MMO appeared before him and to the sight of the others close by, ingoring the surprised tones of Rainbow Dash and the other males as he scrolled to the Map which said 'Unavailable' and Kirito was surprised, evident in his widened eyes. "Impossible, the system should be downloading the data of my surroundings right now." He thought in surprise and quickly shifted to his Friend List but the indicators said 'Cannot Locate' as well, but the icons shown who he knew wasn't in red meaning they died but still green. "It can't connect? But... I can't be back in the real world, i still have my skills, items and cannot log out, my HP bar and last i checked, no-one has even reached the 75th Floor or higher yet... is this another plot by Akihiko Kayaba?" He thought to himself and closed the menu and looked at the group he was brought to. "Is this SAO?" He asked them calmly, he couldn't recall anyone with unique armour or accesscories like the group before him, and especially a talking pony, unless one of them was a Beast Tamer. ~Saiyan and the Angel~ Yuri heard words beign spoken and slowly apprache dteh two talking to one another, a blonde yougn woman wearing a unique article fo clothing, in fact both of them did but the blakc haired man seemed to remidn him of Joachim Valentine, a wrestler with those muscules, so he must be one of those people or a martial artist with that kanji written on his gi as he heard soemthign about a halo and that the man wasn't dead. "Certainly not the afterlife then. but I better approach these guys and find out where I am for starters, because I'm pretty sure I'm not in Wales or anything, in fact..." Now that Yuri thought about it, there was no monsters pworling about which was a odd thing, the whole world he knew was infected by demons except for towns or cities. "Hey, you guys know where I am? I'm kinda lost." he said to the two people, approaching them.
Me: Aki-chan, Sorry! Forgive me! -I was on my knees, head bowed- ~back with everyone else~ Kirito: Looks like Stardust finally introduced us. Yuri: This'll be fun. Lambda: I'll make another appearance soon fools! Jaden: You're not crazy enough to attack a group are ya? Lambda: ...WHo says I'm attacking? Marvelous: Well, what you gonna do, Voledort and etc did leave the Fortess. Lambda: You shall wait and see. Asbel: if I meet Colette, it'll be a Tales Crossover wouldn't it? Shotaro: Well youa re both from different titles, but it'll be interesting. Edward: Nice entrance though Kirito, you're gonan die ebfor eyou do anything. Kirito: I was asleep! Those wormholes could be placed in any place. Jaden: You're married though? You look no older than me! Kirito: I'm 16 and I'm married virtually, you try having your mind trapped in a Online Game and if anyoen removes your headset, it'll fry your brain and you die, only condition? Clear 100 Floors to clear the Game and everyone goes bakc, but whoever dies in the Game stays dead. Yuri: That's tough, and fighting for your life at that age? Anastasia is only like 14 and Blanca, the dog is 2 years old. Jaden: Just how old are we all anyway? Edward: 15. Jaden: 17. Asbel: 18. Lambda: ...Meta: Well.. technically, I'm 900+ years old give or take few years. Marvelous: in the 20's Shotaro: Same as Marvelous. Yuri: 25.
~???~ Spoiler The young man was walking towards the Carriage Door after bidding a brief farewell to the love of his life, who died a year and half ago but her soul was within the whoel time, he just promised her that he'll return after takign care of a few things but a white flash overtaken hsi vision and he didn't notice he stepped through a wormhole. ~Goku's Whereabouts~ The man looked around where he was, he didn't recall being in this place, was it a part of his soul? "I don't recall this place... I should of woken up and be in bed." he said quietly to himself, the ground and wind felt real enough, did his body get sent elsewhere while he was sleeping? ~Aincrad~ Kirito was relaxing under a tree as he just basked in the sunlight, he was on Floor 22 and married to Asuna, this was a virtual reality but little did he know, a Wormhoel appeared udner him as he slept and he sank through it. ~Skies above Luffy, Kurama and Naruto~ Kirito was freefalling through the skies, the sudden rush of wind and speed did wake him up and he wa sin surprise but he reached out a hand to re=equip his usual attire, his coat, Elduciator Sword. "Even if I do equip, this fall will make my HP hit Zero...then it's the end... damn... Asuna..Sorry..." He thought to himself, even though he was Lv. 96 with 18500 HP, a drop liek this wouldn't matter.
OOC: little note, Bartz is mine Aki lol. Lambda: Congratulations human, you just signed yourself a death warrant, would you like anything written on your tombstone? Me: ...I didn't finish. Kirito: You dug yourself into a grave with little to no chance of getting her back? Me: Okay I admit those things are kinda disrespectful, but FFX was in fact, the first PS2 Game I played. Kirito: And that changes things how? Me: I'm a avid FF fan, I do enjoy all of the games... okay maybe except FOR the Online ones. Shotaro: What your first game FF game then? Me: Played 7 during a cousin visit but the first one I owned was 8, I was so stupid during Disc 1 of that though, Didn't know where Squall change sinto his Dollet Invasion outfit cause there was no indication to go there. Shotaro: You should go and apologize to her before she dumps you then man. Me: Oh sure, apologize when seh's got that many dangerous charcetrs running after her to calm ehr down, I'll probabaly die. Kirito: So? I was stuck in SAO for 2 years and fought on the front lines and if my Hp bar went to 0 you die and I was a Soloer for most of the time. Me: ... Okay, point taken there and you were 14 at the time you started, wish me luck! -runs after Aki and Lambda looks to the others- Lambda: The title of Fool suits no-one else better than him. Jaden: Come on, have some faith in the guy! Edward: You're way too cheery for your own good Jaden. Jaden: Haha, that's me! Asbel: Cheria would proabably incinerate me if I said things like that. Yuri: Give the guy a break, I remember pushing Alice to her breaking point and she didn't like me at first. Bartz: I think out of all the things Starduist has encountered, beating final bosses, meeting Vic Mignoga, Johnny Young Bosch, Cosplayers, Fangirls of the British Accent... Edward: ...What the hell are you talking about? Vic who? Bartz: The guy who voices you in English, he's known for other roles like Dark Mousy from DN Angel, Tamaki from Ouran High School.... oh and he met LittleKuriboh, Vic that is. Edward: WHy do I get the sudden urge to beat this LittleKuriboh down a few pegs?
Me: Wait, Garland actually has a corner? Kirito: Seems like it. Me: That just shatters his image completely now. Shotaro: When did he ever have one? Me: Oh i don't know, actually manpulating the events in I to cause a paradox and in the end, no one in Cornelia knew what deeds the Warriors of Light did to save the world as time was reset. Jaden: You make it sound like that one episode of that card capturing show.Me: You mean Cardcaptor Sakura? Now that's a old show, I still got the VHS tapes of that show. Lambda: You watched a magical girl series? What a strange human you are. Me: Hey! I was only little during that time, plus I enjoy anime as much as I did back then, even if peopeel tell me it's for kid when I'm old, I don't care, I'll enjoy anime! Meta: How true, never let anyone tell what's right or wrong about enjoying what you like! Me: I know right? Yuri: What's anime? Me: Oh right, your second title is at the begining of World War 1, so you wouldn't know about that, plus you did spend most of your first game following a voice talking in your head. Meta: You're giving spoilers. Me: Not much, I mean do youe ver notice how mucha character bounces, it proportiosn how badass they are? Zell boucnes around, Cid just sways and Auron just stands still, well look at his competition, Rikku's voiced by a powerpuff girl, and as HoT said about Tidus being Meg Ryan and he whines like a girl, Wakaa's a racial sterotype waiting to happen, Lulu has more belt than Micheal Jackson in bed, Kimarhi's a bad cross between Cid Highwind and Red XIII and finally Yuna who somehow outdoes Rinoa in uselessness. Edward: You do realise you just blanantly insulted X's cast right there? Me: i know, but did anyoen expect Rikku's change of attire for X-2? I don't think anyone expected that.
Me: Who would of thought? Edward: Of what? That there's a gay clown? Me: Okay, APART from that. Shotaro: Almost everyone has a Dissidia Character. Me: Well, it's only FFVI, VII, VIII, IX, X and XIII. Meta: No one really loves Vaan do they? Since XI's counted as a MMO. Me: Ye olde english is a annoying part, but there's easy hints to Star Wars there, You got a tall thuggy sidekick, Fran, they pick up a annoying blonde kid in the desert named Vaan, and Balthier is exactly like Han Solo and they all have to go and save a princess and destroy the Empire... good thing Sqaure's original eh? Lambda: You actually made a point there, what's Basch and Penelo then? Me: They aren't important. Meta: WHy not reserve a Dissida character then, you loved that game! Me: I would if all of the good ones weren't taken, but there's still Bartz and he mimics and uses every weapon so I'm getting him. Bartz: Someone called me? Oh the gang's coming back together again!