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  1. StardustXtreme
    Hmmmm, CG renders of most Important huh... I suppose Asbel and Lambda.


    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. StardustXtreme
    Well duh, anyone woudl for his...tendenacies and what he's done.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 1, 2012 in forum: Anime and Manga
  3. StardustXtreme

    Harold rubbed his messy black unkempt hair and listened as he spoke. "I saw Hermione leave the Common Room to find Roxas, since he wasn't in here in the first place, odd to come bome back to a room where you just left minutes before to find someone despite the fact Roxas doesn't know the password, no?" He aske,d lettign that sink in Harry's thoughts to process and continued.

    "Not even with Serenity's abilites was I able to remove the soul fragment, so yes, Basco's gonna be with her longer, but Serenirt did help, me and her are kinda like those two now except I have my soul fully intact and Serenity has her own, it's a co-existence except it's a shared body now, I can allow her to gain control of my body while I take a backseat in it, but most likely guessing her innocent ideals, she wouldn't want to control it most of the time." Harold explained.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. StardustXtreme

    ~Boss Battle of the Beach!~

    Kirito nodded, the main Pain or Nagato as Naruto called him as all Naruto's as he knew his weaknesses and decided run at a Pain, namely the Asura Path, his eyes foscused, waiting to see what attack the Pain would do.

    ~Lambda and Daido~

    Lambda wtacehd as the white cloaked man moved Hermione and Roxas out fo the wya he gave a no reaction to it. "Humans are such reckless fools." he said and gathered two balls of energy in his palms. "Know this humans, I am a force beyond anything you could possibly imagine." he said and throwns the orbs of energy at the trio before using the groudn below him to materialize spikes to come out from underneath.

    Daido stared at the one called Saber. "A knight you say? Then let's see if your skills are noteworthy of such a title." he said bringing out a dagger that was a strange oen with a slot.

    ~Battle End~

    Yuri strenched as Goku returned from serious to goofy and he heard the black haired girl ask where a light was ans Asbel noted this. "He must of hidden himself somewhere." he said to Xion and looked at Yuri. "What are you, a monster or a human?" he aske,d hsi hand resting on his sheathed sword and Yuri placed his hands on his hips, not even slightly bothered by the sudden wariness of the swordsman. "I can change into a monster okay?" he said as if the fact was a normal thing for him.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Nov 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. StardustXtreme
    I changed my avatar and signature because of this series, pretty much explains my love for it.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 31, 2012 in forum: Anime and Manga
  6. StardustXtreme


    The Kamehameha wave connected with Cyber End and it connected, causing a explosion a sthe dragon fell from the skies, obviously wounded before the demon that Yuri changed into came down, punching down on it to quicken it's descend and the Dragon faded as if it were a hologram but Xion cast Thunder upon the Duel Disk, short-circuiting it Pardox groaned in irritation but he didn't need the DUel Disk to summon his monsters, he had a rare abilty to call forth the monsters of darknesss. "It seems I have underestminated my opponents, I must retreat." Paradox muttered as he commanded Malefic Rainbow Dragon to fire at teh ground, bringing up a big cloud of smoke to quickly retreat.

    The demon landed on the ground and a light covering him as Yuri was standing in it's place and he spoke. "That wasn't even a warm-up." He said as he put his gauntlets away.


    Kirito watched what ahppened before him and he puleld out his Elucidator Sword as Pain summoned more of himself, but in different forms and he looked ot his allies. "Six of the same person? I'd find it unbelieveable if I didn't see it with my own eyes, We better handle them before anything else, Minato, Naruto, you two seem to know mosst of them, any weaknesses?" he asked them.

    ~Avengers vs Gilgamesh~

    Shotaro heard Thor's demand and he didn't want to know what were to happen if he were that man's enemy, but next time, he'll use Double to tarnsform with as being Kamen Rider Joker increased his fightning potenial.
    ~Lambda, Daido and Tobi~

    Daido merely looked and he pulled out the Lost Driver which wa sthe same as SHotaro's and placed it around his waist and pulled out a white USB Stick with the letter E on it and presse dthe button. "Eternal!" It said and he slid it into the belt. "Henshin." He said as he opened it to a L shape as the armour formed over him and hsi blakc cape billowed in the wind and Lambda created a ball of dark energy and thrown it at Hermione and Roxas.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 31, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. StardustXtreme


    ~Ichigo vs. Sakura's Mud Cakes?-

    Ichigo looked at Sai wuitha deadpan expression moved teh offered food away. "That stuff doesn't even look edible! You trying to kill me!" he said in a rather comical way, ichigo was dumb but not dumb enough to have food poisioning, whoever made those honestly was trying their best btu didn't taste it themselves and so Ichigo stared at it. "I'm not having a taste of that...Mystery Food X." he said and for some reason, he found that self- proclaimed title of the food sound familar (OOC: Reference to Johnny Yougn Bosch voicing Yu narukami in Persona 4)


    Yuri strenched and started walkign away to see aroudn the place until harold stopped him. "Thanks, but who are you?" He asked and Yuri turned around, his red eyes staring into Harold's mistached ones. "Yuri, I'm just a guy passing through." He said and walked on, Harold blinking. "What a strange guy, is he a human or a monster?" he thought and rubbed his hair messily and walked towards the Gryffindor Common Room in the Tower and teh portait opened and he stepped to the boy's dorm, noting Harry's head moving to confirm who it was and it seemed he had a question and Harold yawned a bit.

    "You're not going to sleep until you ask what's on your mind are you Harry?" Harold asked as he was stripping off his shirt and such.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. StardustXtreme
    It'll end just like how Bleach is coming to a end, only Manga that seems liekly to go on forever is One Piece.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. StardustXtreme

    ~Boss Battle~

    Shotaro's eyes widened considerbly at the Volley of weapons and he quickly inserted the Gaia Memory into the slot but alas, it would of been too late if the woman named Termari didn't wave her fan to make the weapon's projections go off course and the belt hummed as he move dinto a pose. "Henshin." he said before moving the belt to form a slanted L as it spoke. "JOKER!" as a wind blown around Shotaro and piecesof metal formed upon his body and it completed, revealing a new form as the person flicked his left wrist and spoke. "A King of Heroes doesn't kill innocent bystanders." he said and turned to look at Fluttershy. "Hide youself, we'll handle it." he said and looekd to the Avengers and the Suna Siblings.

    "Let's go." He said to the others while kepping an eye on Gilgamesh, moving into a stance.

    ~Other Boss Battle~

    Malefic Cyber End was smacke diwth the Keyblade thrown by XIon but it did graze him, perhaps from the magical propeties the weapon had, and it was a Blizzard Raid too as Asbel ran across the field as Malefic Cyber End dived for the groudn to eat and Asbel withdrawn hsi sword. "Incineration Wave!" he said and swing his sword, alit with flame as a streak of fire colldided with the monster as Asbel nimbly moved out fo the way and Yuri gave a smile as it came towards him.

    "Not planning on eating me are you?" he asked as he gloved inw white light, blinding all thsoe who were close to him and in Yuri's place was a demonic looking creature that seemed to be torn from the stuff of nightmares and it pulled it's fist back with a charging glow and punched the middle head with such force, the Dragon was damged as it returned to the air but alas, the demon looked up and followed after it.

    Paradox groaned. "These people aren't as weak as I suspected, what's more, they have a monster fighting on their side." His thoughts wandered as his Malefic Rainbow Dragon fired another rainbow blast upon the group.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. StardustXtreme


    Lambda merely grunetd as Daido to their new accompliace and joined him.


    Pardox watched as someone formed a wall of wood but he took this time to draw another card and in the same fashion, summoned another Dragon with three heads and he directed teh new creature to attack. "Malefic Cyber End Dragon, attack with Strident Blast!" He commanded as teh Dragon fired three fireballs, slamming into the makeshift wall that crumbled. "Looks like we got our work cut out for us!" Asbel said, moving into a fightning stance as Yuri pulled out a set of gaunlets and moved his neck.

    "The bigger they are, the harder they fall right?" he asked aloud>

    "Attack again, Spectral Surge!" Paradox commanded as Malefic Rainbow Dragon fired a ranbow breath upon the group.


    Kirito heard the question asked by the white haired man, named Kurama apparently "A war?" Kirito asked aloud, in Sword Art Online, nothing liek that ever occured since if someone's Hp was 0 they'd die, but there were peopel who'd kill without much hestation, like the Orange Cursors above some people's heads to indicate they killed a player since tehre was 10,000 people when SAO started, but he is a front-line fighter and solo-ed, Asuna was one as well as he looked at his hand, looking at the ring he wore to signify his marriage to her, rigth now, he was suppsoed to be on vacation with Asuna on their honeymoon for two weeks to get away from the front lines for a while.

    "It seems that I'm always in a life-or-death situation regardless where I am, I never get much of a break do I?" He muttered the last few words to himself.


    Shotaro pulled out a belt remarkbly similar to the DOuble Driver except it had one slot for inserting his USB Stick and it wrapped around his waist and he puleld out the Joker Gaia Memory and looked at Gilgamesh and Joker respectively. "Sorry, but bowing down to someone I don't know isn't my thing." he said to them.


    Jaden was surpised as a turtle was thrown at him he caught it surpsingly, courtesy of his fast reflexes. "What kind of guy throws turtles at people? Aren't they a protected species?" he asked in confusion.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. StardustXtreme
    Seems like Asbel, Xion, Jiraya and Light.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. StardustXtreme
    Okay then.

    Edward Elric:

    Jaden Yuki: - Just use the clips of jaden avoiding blasts and summoning Neos to guard himself

    Asbel Lhant: You know what he looks like, use those clips.

    Lambda: Unavailable (SInce there's no good clips of him)


    Marvelous vs Basco

    Shotaro Hidari

    Eternal (Daido) vs Double (Shotaro/Phillip)

    Paradox: Use Jaden Yuki link for scenes of Paradox.

    [video][/video] Example of a Battle
    [video][/video] Opening1 of Anime
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. StardustXtreme

    -Wizards, Alchemists, and Company-

    Jaden looked at Shikamaru and placed his hands on his hips. "Stop complaining will you Shika? Just accept the help that's being offered, that's what friends do." He said as Neos merely nodded and picked Shikamaru up in his arms as Sai asked him what kind of creature Neos was and the Summoning Jaden used. "He's a Duel Monster, one of many cards made where I come from." He said with a smile. "I summoned him with my powers." He said thoughtfully.

    "Powers?" Edwrad asked and Jaden nodded. "Well, I am kinda the reincarnation of the Supreme King and fused my soul with my previous favourite Monster, Yubel who wanted to fuse the 12 dimensions with a very powerful card and make me and her the only ones left, but instead I changed it to fsue our souls, so I'm kinda... as someone said I'm not human but I'm not a Duel Monster either." he said rubbing his hair.


    Paradox was heading for his destination and came upon three people, Yuri, Colette and Goku as he raised his hand. "Malefic Rainbow Dragon attack! Spectral Surge!" He commanded as the Dragon twisted it's body and fired a rainbow blast at the three.

    Yuri saw the attack coming and grabbed Colette, diving forward to narrowly avoid the attack as he manvuered hsi body to take the landing of the ground. "Urgh... never a dull moment is there?" Yuri mumbled.


    Lambda looked at Sephiroth and Volemort's obivous indication that he was teh oen who had teh faintest hint of leadership. "Well, it's not likely all of the heroes are in one place together are they? SO we attack and study their strengths and weaknesses and return to the Fortess to see where w'd most likely hodl a advantage." lambda said and begun to walk in a direction. "Of course, I'm not going to hold anyome responsible if anything should kill our enemies." he said with a menacing tone.

    ~Thor uses Thunder... it was.... Wait, wrong attack!~

    Shotaro looked up at the skies as lightnign was being formed and he let out a surprise yell, then again, he seen many impossible things before he heard Thor's declaration of asking if teh two before them were enemies or allies, well, why would anyone want to kneel before someone they didn't know? "Geez, this guy thinks he's a king or something." Shotaro mumbled as he let hsi thoughts take over. "But I don't want to get on this Thor's bad side... or any of these people for that matter." Shotaro thought with a reason, but if a battle did occur, he'd transform into Double or Joker if Phillip wasn't busy, but since he couldn't access the Gaia Library and go off a mad desire for knowledge of some of the most normal things that everyone knows.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. StardustXtreme
    Profile Post Comment

    it's okay.

    it's okay.
    Profile Post Comment by StardustXtreme, Oct 28, 2012
  15. StardustXtreme

    ~Entrance Hall~

    Harold was about to answer Basco until Barbossa had come from somewhere with his mistmatched eyes and asked. "Who in merlin's name are you?" Harodl asked, Serenity had retreated back to his mind as Harold crossed his arms and the demonic figure that joined Harold in the battle was giving Hermione the shives, as if ti was a monster from a nightmare and Harold rubbed his hair. "And you for that matter? You helped me at least so thanks."

    The demonic figure waas covered ina brillant flash of light and there stood a brown ahired young man with red eyes and a coat on witah brown backpakc on his wiast, thsi was Yuri Hyuga as he placed a hand on his hip. "Just someone who was passing by." he answered.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. StardustXtreme


    Shotaro listened to their answers for Futo, it apparently wasn't around at all a stheys eemed to com from avery different place entirely and he ehard something about a belt and that caught his interest before as this Gilgamesh was ordering them to kneel and SHotaro looked at Banner. "A belt? A Kamen Rider's maybe?" he asked them.


    Lambda looked at Voldemort and spoke. "As if I have the abilty to track down out enemies, I suggets we all spilt into teams of two, this way, if something goes wrong, the other can distract them and we can make a quick retreat, because no doubt that we coudl be outmatched to these fools." he said as Daido was merely staring. "Then I'll go that way and see if we cna get aqcuatinted with them." Paradox said and drawn a card froma strange contrapion on hsi wrist as cloudys formed around it and witha flash if light, a majestic dragon appeared from the skies and he hopped abord.

    ~Wizards, Alchemist and company:

    Jaden turned to Shikamaru. "Then all someone needs to do is carry you if it's just your legs, but it looks like noen of us are that strong to carry you, and I Doubt Slifer and Ra would allow it so..." Jaden gave a grin and activated his Duel Disk and drawn a card from the top of it and palced it on the Disk a sthe Duel Disk glowed for a moment and ina see-though-like appearance before forming completely was a creature staninding before him. "How about a little help Neos?" he said and Edward spluttered.

    "The hell did that come from!?" he asked and Jaden looked at Edward as if he was the weird one. "I summoned him, it's no big whoop." he said plainly.

    ~Colette's clumsiness~

    Yuri turned to look at Colette's spectactular fall and he palced a hand on his hip, he never had someone loose their footing before. "You now how to walk?" he said ina humourously dry tone.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 27, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. StardustXtreme
    Could always borrow control or something.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. StardustXtreme

    The Villians seperate and find groups but that paticular villian doesn't see their corresponding Hero and perform a unbeatable battle in which the Heroes realise they need to retreat and group up with one another, this would give the heroes a reason to get stronger and Cosmos to explain their purpose all are gathered together.

    So for example, Voldemort finds like, Garra's group and bests the hroup but allows them to retreat to feel like they cannot do a single thing while Sasuke locates Light's group and does the same.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. StardustXtreme


    ~Hogwarts Outskirts~

    Harold had inwardly cursed as he and Serenity were in fact unable to do any real damage. "Any plans on how to get around that?" he asked Serenity who shook her head before a slam came from outside teh barrier, it wasn'tanyoen from Hogwarts though but not human either a steh figure was soemwhat demonic looking as the barrier shattered and it floated beside the combined being as Harold/Serenity brought out the Hollow and phoenix feather Wand with a pitch black one. "Prisma Advent Rumpere! (Prism Advent Burst)" The dually layered vocies spoke as a barrage of light flown at Doppelganger and Harold's golden eyes changed to one green and one yellow. "You have Hermione's Soul fragment but wih it, you have created your own magical signature and Hogwarts has it registered so I hereby banish you from the grounds of this school, you cannot enter it's ever again, so mote it be!" he declared.

    ~Hogwarts, Within Headmaster's Office~

    Very well hidden from prying eyes or evil intentiosn laid out a book with many of the student's names and date of birth written upon it registered every magical being that entered it's hallowed halls and one was glowing before vanishign off it's pages.


    Hogwarts School had disappeared from Doppelganger's sight and the memory of knowing the school ro even it existed was wiped from his mind, the Fieldius Charm at work as the dmeon figure punched teh ground, creating a smokescreen fo dirt as the two rereated to Hogwarts, entering the Main gates and shuttign behidn them, now, Doppleganger wouldn't be able to enter teh castle again and any trace or remains the creature left behind was gone, he wouldn't ever be able to enter teh castle ever again, with ot without the Soul Fragment.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. StardustXtreme

    Kirito looked at Minato who was insistant he'd face this masked man alone and all he asked was for them to provide perhaps as a dsitraction and judging from Minato's experience, he fougth him before and figured out his skills, it did sound like himself, He was a Beta Teaster for Sword Art Online before it's mass production and you had knowledge of how the game mechanics worked, and during the first boss fight to get to teh next Floor, he was branded a Beater, someone who played the Beta and a Cheater for hiding infomation as Beater's mainly taken the best spawning grounds to advance further to complete the game, leaving plenty of people without much for a grinding.

    Kirito then glanced to Naruto who said he had a friend to save, most likely someone he treasures dearly to him.

    "Your father has the right idea, if he's fought someone of that caliber before, it's likely he has a strategy that works to our advantage, but since we do not know how the way this world operates, it's better to stick together as a group and cover each other's strengths and weaknesses until we figure out how to return to where we initally came from., so I suggest we'd try and find the cause of all this." Kirito suggested to them.

    ~Colette's Spider Sense?~

    Yuri nodded. "We'll head for the voices if that is okay with you guys?" He asked Goku and Colette.


    Shotaro awakened and got off the horse he was on and dusted off his dirt clothing, noting Sparrow was gone and he sighed. "Friendly guy to leave someone unconcious in the middle of nowhere." he muttered taking note of the horse who carried him but he didn't ask a question cause he heard voices and followed them, as it wasa group they introduce themselves to a group as oenwas claled Garra, a Kazekage, Kankuro, a guy with warpaint and Temari with a huge ass fan as hsi eyes widened. "How is that woman able to carry that thing?" he thought to himself and palced hsi fedor aon his head. "Might as well try and stick with this group of people until I get to Phillip." he thought and made hismelf known, obivously he was unarmed. "Yo, you guys know where Futo is?" he asked them.

    ~Villian's Group of well, Villany?~

    Lambda had arrived and he moved his arm. "While you fools were busy wasting time, I found two allies to join our cause." he said, moving as two males were behidn him, oen having soem sort of blue hair lock in his hair and wore mainly white and black clothing whiel the othe rlooked like he was from far from the future. "Daido Katsumi, he says he's a 'Kamen Rider', whatever that is and a man named Paradox, his power seems to manifest huge dragons that will do anything he commands, now if you all have had time, I say we strike the nearest group of pathehic humans we come across." He said in a no nonsense tone.
    Post by: StardustXtreme, Oct 26, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home