~Streets of Europe~ A young male wearing a red jacket and carrying a backpack was walking along the streets of a peaceful city that returned to normal after defeating a madman who wanted to erase Duel Monster's creation by killing Pegasus and woudl of succedded had it nto been for a Duelist fo the Future, Yusei tiem slipping and gathering the male and the King of Games himself and creating a team-up to save the world, now that was over, he had to look forward tot he future and hopefully, meet his friends once again "What can I say? Synchro Summoning sounds cool!" The male stated before taking note of something unusual in a crevice of a two buildings, it seemed to be a wormhole, much like the spilt sin Dimensions the male was familar with. "I can sense a enromous energy coming from that Jaden." A humanoid figure though see though and invisble to others thean thsoe who are chosen by Duel Monsters, it was Yubel as Jaden nodded before he walked carefulyl towards it, but by mere condeince, eh tripped and without anythign to stop him, he was sucked into the wormhole before awaking ina field and he forced hismelf up, noting hsi belongings stayed with him, Duel Disk as well. "Is this...one of the other Dimensions?" Jaden asked to himself, eyes narrowing and he stood up and his spiritual companion shook her head. "i can't sense any Duel Monsters being in the area, but next time, watch where you're stepping." Yubel berated and Jaden sheepishly rubbed his hair but took ntoe of figures in the distance, a ladya nd two males. "Maybe they know something." he said under his breath and started walking towards teh group. ~Amestris~ A certain braided blonde was in the library, researching feverishly, tkaing notes, this was Edward Elric, a State Alchemist that obtained his license at the mere age of 12, he was working in the library for more infomation on Xingese's alchemy or rather, trying but so far, nothing was coming from it, his younger brother, Alphonse was somewhere else in the Library but little did the Alcchemist know, a Wormhole had opened underneath the chair he sat on and he dropped through it without anyone noticing and the next thing he knew, he woke up and sat on a broken chair and he stood up, dusting off his red coat. "Now where the hell am I?" he asked himself and he sighed, it seemed karma was always out to get him. "Better take a look around and see if there's anyoen who will help me get back home." he complained lowly to himself.
I send Amarylease to my Graveyard! Now I'll activate Heavy Storm! Any Chains?
~Standby Phase~ Nothing ~Main Phase 1~ First I activate Giant Trunade, this card forces your Spell/Trap cards to be returned to your hand! Any Chains?
Probabaly have to talk about if Ed and Greling met or it's before Greed's defection. StardustXtreme Actives Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood) Jaden Yuki (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX) StardustXtreme Reserves Yup gonna do reserves! Asbel Lhant (Tales of Graces f) Meta-Crisis 10th Doctor (Doctor Who) And I think for all people's sake, should call him Meta to differente beween him and real 10th Doctor)
Username: StardustXtreme Character Name: Edward Elric Appearance: Spoiler Media they are from: Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood Info: After losing his right arm and left leg due to a failed Human Transmutation attempt, Ed became the youngest State Alchemist in history by achieving his certification at age twelve. Three years later, Ed has become fully engrossed in his search for the legendary Philospher's Stone, an item with which he hopes to restore his younger brother Alphonse - whose whole body had been lost in the aftermath of that tragic experiment. Username: StardustXtreme Character Name: Jaden Yuki Appearance: Spoiler Media they are from: Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Info: A talented young Duelist who enjoys Duelling with all he has, but as time went on in Duel Academy with it's threats such as Shadow Riders, Society of Light, and his Yubel incident, Jaden became broody and strong arms his opponent quickly rather than enjoy a long Duel as he usually did sicne he has fought his life many times, he also holds the spirit of Yubel within him by willingly fusing his soul with hers with the one and only Super Polymerization card, this gives him abilites humans don't have, such as summoning monsters from hsi deck and protection from brainwashing attempts in form of biometic eyes of Yubel.
OOC: You may ahve to ask Jaden on that one. ~ Draw Phase ~ I draw! Hand: 6 Any chains?
~Neku's Group which is known as Ragtag group now.~ Gentarolooked at teh scene as Mieu stated two people, namely Magnus and SHizune were a couple and they were walking away as he agve a smile and noted he still had the Fourze Driver on and he sheepishly removed it before somehow hiding it behind him as it vanished (OOC; it's true, teh Rider Belt's vanish whenever they put it awaya nd bring it out whenever) Gentaro decided to take this time to introduce himself to everyone seeing as he was going to be stuck with this group and who was the nearest to him? Well, that'd be Tear and Mieu as he approached them. "I'm Kisaragi Gentaro and I'm going to be friends with everyone, including you!" he said with a smile, if one took him for appearance with his pomadour hairstyle and clothing they might conside rhima high school deliquent or something. ~Narutaki~ Narutaki watched as events unfolded from a seperate space, He did note more people were somehow falling through their worlds or time to Disgaea, and so far iit seemed the people were stirring from their first day of ruination from the Reaper's return. "Cure you, Decade!" he cursed to himself, when the others woudl wake, he'll try to recruit them to his cause of Decade's destruction. ~Ventus, Aqua and Takuya~ Takuya was up and awake, sitting outside of a abandoned house, his trademark hat and goggles off revealing his rather natural brown hair as Ventus came otu from the house. "Can't sleep?" he asked him and Takuya turned his head to him and nodded. "Not everyday you end up in a strange place with huge monsters of destruction leering everywhere." he said and Ventus gave a smile at that. "That's true." He said beside him and stared up at the night sky. "Small world isn't it?" Takuya asked him and Ventus spoke. "but, a part of one much bigger." ~Lexicon Dimension~ GokaiRed/Marvelous had to give a grin to the new arrival's attitue, he was liking him already. "You certainly have a showy entrance, I like that." He commented and harold looked to the man and to Doppelganger. "But, he has a piece of our friend's soul and we want to get it back, are you able to... help us retrieve it?" Harodl asked him. ~Woods~ Eiji was waking up and sat up, rubbing hsi messy hair.
It did say acceptor's choice, so since I accepted, i say 40-50 cards.
I know how you feel, getting Internet in Cornwall isn't a great place, even mroe so when you live in the middle of nowhere and the bandwith has to be shared. What have I played so many times? Kingdom Hearts I and II were most prominent, even with Proud Mode beng the hardest difficulty, Persona 3 and 4 is getting there as well since it got it's Animation, Arena and Golden titles. I did play Star Ocean's first PSP game like 3 times for different choices.
I'm here and I accept, you may go first however.
Lol I don't remember what I did at 5 years old, oh right... trying my utmost to beat SOnic on Sega Genesis -_- I'm so ashamed I didn't complete even one of those.
Nah, i'm not a good person to choose.
Should see me when i get a FF game, I'm all focused and adapt to the battle sysyem and reach lieka quarter fo the way through in one day.
Huh, I thought all old gamers like that were already known, unless you YTed the whole game.
We have toilets? I recall there's those expensive ones with buttons or whatever they do.
ell maybe you should put a base for the post like where it starts in a town, city etc
ell, You coudl ask the one fo the more detailed Rper's of the cove to check if your post is good
Not off the top of my head
Oh great ichigo's got some fellow Shinigami! Hmmm I don't have any Dead People unless you count Ichigo being in Soul Form as classifed as dead, Tidus being a Dream so technically never living to begin with and... who else? oh yes Phillip being a kind of dead person when he's the avatar of the World's Library which holds tons fo knowledge of everythign that occurs or happened in the past but they all alive in a sense.
~Dreamworld~ Fourze placed a hand on Tear's shoulder as he vanished with her, returning to reality. ~Real world~ Gentaro was lying behind a convient boulder with Fourze Driver attached to his waist and he woken up before forcing himself to stand as he saw the familar people and if one looked at what he was wearing, well, it'd may be unusual, then again, eveyrone else had unusual clothing so it wasn't a bad thing, there was a floating blue creature with a ring around it's tummy and it actually spoke, he managed to learn their names before they left whatever they were in, the woman was called Tear by the creature, but he knew RIkku since she shook hands with him and when he saw what she was like, well not small and needless say, his jaw dropped, he never seen anyone dress so... freely? "What would Kengo and the others say about this?" he thought to himself but managed to shut his mouth and approached them.