There's a reason why I click these kind of links (CLICK ME!!!) *throws a marshmallow at you*
This isn't going to happen, because: I believe staff have to do this sort of stuff manually. There isn't some automated thing. There are still some threads that are posted in that have gone beyond page 50. If there's a 'Lets create many threads' fad in the spamzone, many favorite threads will just be lost. And many many more Besides, if you feel the need to have less threads displayed, you can change the Thread Age Cut Off in the options panel. Also, a tiny bit off subject, did you get this idea from the RuneScape forums? Because they are the only forum I know of that have a 50 page limit.
*throws marshmallows*
Well that's just too stupid. PETA need to get off their asses, and protect the animals that DO need protecting. An fly only lives an average of 2 weeks, and eggs hatch in about 15 hours, so what harm is a single swat going to do?
Y'know, I haven't posted here in 3 days. ... Not that anyone cares...
I agree; The eggy needs incubation in order to hatch.
Both. The egg could come first because it hatches the chicken, but the chicken could also come first cos it had to have laid the egg. What came first? The human or the embryo?
*revives you* =3
*walk into profile* *dances*
i'M BORED!!!!
Aww ...
Is her daughter silly putty by any chance?
You twisted individual.
Where's the hole?
I honestly have no idea. My brothers probably thought of it cos it sounded like my real name's evil twin. (James & Goimez :p)
*throws orange peel*
Bamboo fishing? Where the hell have you been?
Actually come to think of it, Goimez was my nickname when I was 6... Joined here when I was 13