Looks pretty awesome, the 'tactics' part of the text is a bit hard to read though.
Corrected .
Break it up you two...
You pretty much got the jist of it. This may be online, but save the text talk for when you're sending an SMS on your phone. :3
MJ Can't hear you! You're in the spamzone, and he's up there. At least increase your post count [thread=83764]here.[/thread]
That is just stupid and cruel. If a person is gay, let them be.
Wow... I honestly can't think of anything to say now... Rest in peace Mickey
I was only joking, lighten up. :3 (I know I have a sick sense of humor) Still waiting for BBC to confirm the death...
I've just been watching about this on BBC news, I hope that he isn't dead... Michael Jackson concert tickets for sale!
In the bedroom, with the lead-pipe.
I didn't say I had a point.
... [thread=69213]Clicky[/thread]
*gives you a tea leaf* <3 I like my tea white and hot, with 2 sugars, stirred 11 times anticlockwise, once clockwise.
*drops anvil on toe*
I remember seeing your middle name, but I can't actually remember it...
... Waha!
Click me to do nothing
Am I the only one that hates button mashing games on a console due to the fact that it's broken 2 of my controller's buttons?
Ate: Cereal Drank: Tea I've just woke up :p
... ¬_¬