Oh, please! I shall wait for Miley to kick the bucket.
The term is 'Non-gratuitous nudity.'
Very well. Strawberries & Cream.
I said STRAWBERRIES and cream. 'Berries' is in the name, but no.
An awesome combination.
on November 23rd, change Goimez to Shade Tail
The majority of those stickies seem rather pointless to me... The main reason the usernames aren't updated is because a ton of members have namechanges; which obviously makes things far harder to keep track of. The only thing I can think of to make that thread make a little more organized is to add links to the usernames on the lists. :/
I'm forever glad that I'm male :p My mom's choice of name for me was Wednesday. :/ If I could choose my girly name though, I'd be Nicole. :3
Me in my prom suit yesterday. :) It's hard for me to smile when the sun's in my eyes. :(
According to this website: http://www.websiteoutlook.com/www.kh-vids.net
I used to be fluent in French, but my knowledge of the language has dropped in the past few years :p I want to learn how to speak German :3
... Damn... I'm disappointed now.
You traveled back in time and screwed your own mom?
Yo dad is so STUPID that he... (Don't wanna say it)
40/62 here
I have a crush on a boy in my class, but I'm not sure if he has a crush on me... Might find out at the prom later :3
*points to avatar*
Neither. Condemned: Criminal Origins is an awesome game if you wanna be scared.
Sexiness with a drop of awesomeness ;3
Love that list, I can't wait! Thanks for this Kay <3