obv damn spell check sucks! 171
Yeo just kidding about Diariahhh, but I have and Idea that is what happened unless.... 170
*-*!!!!!!!!!!! Diarihhhhhhha! 168
dihheria!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 166
Well ill hope for the best.
You had school today??????????????????? 163
Do you think there will be a versus mode, like the GBA version?
Just looked back at my game and it still looks pink.
Genesis and Angeal Making love in the middle of the night. 159
Your head in a bikini! 156
Right, but I really thought the time the game takes place is far off from that of Sora.
Im here! Im back! 153
Right? So its impossible?
Is there a way to play as cloud on KHII? For Codebreaker?
That too sounds good, but if its kingdom Hearts I like both decisions.
wow what a dicussion. I hate that long post.
Yeah thats what I would like to know.
Yeah both choices seem to be the best in this poll, thats my opinion though.
Well Im waiting, what happened to Roxas and Axel on the list?
Let go of me!!!!!!!!