Damn it, it failed. e_e /b/ missed the raid thread, it got bumped off the page right after it was posted.
The one and only. /b/ hates Twilight, and if you wanna join be my guest.
If it makes you feel better I'm trying to start up a raid on something related to Twilight >_>
Well if you're not trying to do it for the lulz the anons will never help.
Thus shows you only have the mind of a newfag. Now you've gotten me into a raid mood though. I wanna go see if I can start something.
It's stupid, extreme to the point of being funny to laugh at. DDoSing kh-vids would be easier then an extremest site.
It is lulzy, it shall stay. If you want me to try and start up a raid, it will have to be something not to fun to laugh at.
They will only take part in something if it is for the lulz. What is it you are refering to that you wish they would help on?
Is it what the hell do I even draw that's so bad? XD
Actually no, haha, nobody can guess....well maybe if I ask a certain group of people, that they could, but hah, normal people wouldn't be able to. And I only stayed up till 5am, normally I stay up till 7 or 8 No B, you're not aware of it, if you where you would never talk to me the same again.
Ahahahah I do draw things that are that disturbing. I also just slept through the whole day. wtf why is it night already
http://www.iscribble.net/ Join us nao I'm in the board I made, Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro. It's public, anyone can join
Xennex, you should join us on I scribble~~~ JOOOIIINNNN UUUUSSSSS
idk, lol. I'm so hyper everythign is scary and funny at the same time.
Hmm? Not freaked out enough yet?
lol creepypasta
You think that's annoying? Hah, you haven't seen anything.
I have something to say about that....but that would be like writing up a freaking essay. It's a new meme, get used to it, it maybe around for a while.
All the planets are gonna line up. Or maybe it was something about the whole universe.... Poor ******s, never realized they read it wrong.
lol poor end of the world, never saw burnitup coming.