I was simply implying I didn't want to explain. You just sounded like a jerk once again.
No thank you.
Cancerous troll, fell now what it's like to be put in a box. I have already prepared the said box. Get ready for the end.
I have come to a realization. It all sums up to one word. Troll. Next person to post gets shoved in a box.
Avi: 10/10 I see nothing that could imporve it further. Sig: 7.5/10 kinda ugly glitter effects but bonus points for Skillet.
I wouldn't know then. Never actually even seen the show. -__-
I don't just mean a translation, I mean someone actually sung it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9I1riMpK5Y
There is already an english sung version of Hare Hare Yukai.... Besides that.... **** why do words always fail me when I need them?
All I have to say is E_E
What's a life? Yea, there is.
Did all our other members just die of a horrable plauge? Wtf happened to them all? I mean look at how many are part of this family that we haven't seen in months...or even half a year or longer. Also... D:< this place is more bad violent, and less of the good violent.
The first word I said of this year was the f-word. "3" "2" "1" "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Me: "F---" Yea... Besides that bit of randomness... I like... died over this holiday break. Being sick sucks. It leads to very....interesting thoughts though. I think I was in bed so long and so sick I was at the point of losing my mind. "that fold in the blanket looks funny HAHAHA" I've gotten nothing done. it feels like mid-day to me, even thought I should be sleeping now. ....I forget the point of this post. ... *wanders off*
XD I knew someone was gonna do that.
O_o you're still alive?
Edit: ah crap I forgot the E on the end of tissue.
I think I need a tissue... *dribbles slimey stuff everywhere*
Nothing exceptionally interesting happens here anymore, where the hell did all the fun go? If that super glue just leaked off B's post, does that mean it slid down to yours Snow White (I am now going to call you yellow(and because of that spot of randomness on iScribble, you're name is now Yellow 1/2)) Yellow1/2? Did it just keep leaking down? Are we all gonna die in a puddle of glue D: *flails*
Gotta love those insanely long titles. But he said he's the new cancer? CANCER?! BanHammer time
Actually that's only true in some aspects about 4Chan and 7Chan
Oh well, I tried. At least they raided other Twilight things before.