That's 404. ಠ_ಠ I think you know very damn well what I was talking about.
Liar. There where ****ing numbered. Read it. Right now.
All 441. if they confuse you, repost them. E_E It will help you know better English if you know them.
It's not hard though E_E I suggest taking a look at Deii's edit.
E_E They are pronounced differently, they have differnt meanings that aren't hard to remember at all. Affect: The death affected her deeply. Effect: The setting sun cast a beautiful effect on the water below, turning it to liquid gold. Deii just posted the dictionary definition >_>
.....okay, WHY exactly?
If it doesn't have to do with 4Chan or Twilight, no idea. What is it?
Alright then, I'll repect your request.
You're the one that asked, B.
It adds on points too Childish Ignorant Arrogant Mostly the childish one.
B, that one post just proved about 3 things about you.
Uh B, we've been here over a year, maybe even two, I can't remember. It takes two months, maybe three to get to know a person.
Avi: 10/10 Can't think of anything to change to make it better. Sig: 5/10 It is nice, but it seems kinda large, and the image looks like it was just taken from photobucket or somewhere.
3000 posts left... if it somehow makes it to 5000posts and we have to make a new thread, may I be the new leader? First post needs a huge amount of editing, upkeeping the first post should mean more than just adding someone when a new member comes along. This whole place needs a new start. Not to mention some of us should look over the rules once more.
Open your eyes B, this is just like what happened to 4Chan's /b/. This place has cancer.
A flower on the grave. It's only a matter of time. It was nice while it lasted...mostly. I wouldn't have know you guys (besides Deii) without this place So even though the fact is FireNanaki probably won't read this Thanks. It's been fun. See you guys on the other parts of the forum.
Mini game? Fun? I sure hope it is~ Minigames can't make the game, but if there fun they REALLY add to it. FFIX for example has almost additively good minigames. Cardgames and Chocobo Treasure Hunting FTW.
Avi: 8/10 There seems to be somethiing missing, but the art for it is nice. Sig: 10/10 it made me lol, the sprite looks like it's dancing.
Fourth. I guess there's always visitor messages if we wanna talk to eachother. As it looks like this family may disband soon... Here's to the fun times we had in the past 5 threads? *holds up a glass*
There's no reason he should have to calm down, this place IS turning into just another spam thread. Maybe take a minute to actually look at this place. If you're not even gonna take the time to type up a response (note the rules even say you need at lest 6 words to count as it NOT being spam) just go to 4Chan. It's an image board, post how ever many ****ing pictures you want, you don't even have to type a response unless you feel the need to. Oh, but don't whine if you get called a newfag, it's bound to happen if it's all just insanely old reposts.