If you're thinking boobs, it's a no~
Well it should be well known. XD
What that picture is of~ It's not likely to be your first guess but it may come to mind, so just say whatever it brings to mind.
I bet nobody can guess what this actually is and what it's from. TRY AND GUESS ANYWAY be creative, do it for the lulz. It's not likely to be your first guess, but it may come to mind possibly~ So just say whatever it makes you think of.
I bet nobody can guess what this actually is and what it's from. TRY AND GUESS ANYWAY be creative, do it for the lulz.
All we need to bring this up to full speed 'wtf is going on to many posts at once' is for them both to log on at the same time when there are actually other people on and it's not 4am
Bleh, I'm not so great but whatever. What have you been up to?
Always one to make an entrance, aren't you Higer?
Oh god, that song....so many memories tied to it all from one day XD
So you can't take your wig then? That's gotta suck. You said pale blonde, what if your hair is naturally a really pale blond colour though, would they still make you change it? Ugh, my eyes are killing me, I gotta go lay down, maybe take a nap or somethign.
Sorry to cut this conversation short, but my eyes hurt, I gotta laydown and take a nap or something.
Not in person unless you're that stalker from yesterday.
That's a bit crule, sounds fun though.
That sounds hidiously ugly. Do you guys have any rules about how you have your hair? Ah, I see. I would be nice to actually be able to win though.
Now I really wish I could see that XD
Never heard of it, sounds amusing though.
It's fun to randomly wear a tie around, but if you're bing forced to, then it really sucks. I find that really stupid -__- And how are you ever suppost to get better if you don't have competition to try and beat?
Then you should play the bus driver game. How fun.
Harsh, I'm lucky our school isn't like that, we have rules about what to wear, but nothing as unreasonable like that. I guess there's always clubs outside of school, but playing for your school just seems so much better. You know the people, and you're playing for the pride of your school.
OBJECTION! You just said you played monopoly. Mind games are quite fun.