It was going sooo slow. >.< Haha, hi ^^. I'm okay, thanks. How are you all?
Stupid PSP >.<
Uh... Am I missing a lot?
That video was awesome, Val! -*Oblivion*- Same. It's one of my main ways of talking to my friends.
It's not cooperating with me *shakes fist* Soooo, I'm gonna do something else with it.
MySpace hates me right now >.>
My eyes hurt @.@ The warning should also say: "NOT ADVISED TO WATCH IN DARK!!"
=[ Bah, bye Shoe buddy! -*Oblivion*- It is addicting! XD
You all right, Val?
And here I thought Pocahontas died of Small Pox. The real reason was Noxy shot her!!
"Do itashi (mash ite)" And that's one word. ^^^^ You're Welcome =]
-*Oblivion*- You ish so pretty!! -Noxy- Very nice ^^ I like teh tigers!
No thank you, I just had a PopTart. Thanks though ^^ It looks beautiful easter!
Oh my God, Daniel, NOO!! *slaps* Shut up. Daniel!! *hugs Yanagi* Yay!
O.o I leave for 5 minutes...
I will! As soon as I restart my computer. See you in a few!!
Okay then. Hiya, Noxy! I'm lookaheartless, the always Insane Child. I go by LAH or Macie ^^; *ahem* "Welcome to our happy flock." ^^
*hugs* Hi there ^^ I'm okay, thanks. How are you all doing? I sees him tooooo~!
Oh noez! We'd better catch that ferret!! *chases* Why so early...? Quiet, Shirotan.
Do Your Best - Tenimyu