-Alex- I guess so x] Oh my God, Daniel, NO!! Yanagi.. Shut up...
Thanks for backing me up Alex =} Eh not much here, you?
So? Its his sig, its just what he feels. And hi rachel! This thing goes soo slow <>
Why are we talking about this?
On My Way - Tenimyu
Uh-huh, okayz. Whatever you say... It's not like I would've changed it anyway ^^
That judge deserved it. And I like how that sign says, "O RLY?"
Drowning Lessons - My Chemical Romance
..Whaaaat misfortune? You hate being called 'Shoe Buddy'? I see how it is.
Emotion Sickness - Silverchair
Screamer - Good Charlotte
If it makes you feel any better, I get told that a lot by normal people =/
Oh yeah, that's right xD Stupid iTunes.. From Yesterday - 30 Seconds To Mars
That's awesome x]
In Love With The 80s - Relient K
-Alex- I wish I had a computer of my own >.> -Shoe Buddy- ...No comment.
Yeah, that's what my mom keeps complaining about.. But she doesn't know it's MY stuff ^^;
>.> I've downloaded so many things, and I should probably delete half of them because I don't care anymore... @.@
Wow O.o I think pictures have more than 70% of mine >.>
Well, that's great to know ^^