Shikamaru = My favorite!
No offense to anyone who likes Sasuke, but why do a lot of people love him?
Ice Queen - Within Temptation
I've noticed other pictures from various Anime that use that pose.
Rabbits Are Roadkill On Route 37 - AFI
Yeah. Do you mean background info? Wikipedia contains spoilers!! >.< It told me about Tezuka leaving... *shakes fist*
Movin' On - Good Charlotte
-Alex- Awe ^^ Okay. -Val- I know, we are sugoi~!! -rachel- Yesh, that'd be him!
Chain of Mind - Kimeru
It's storming over here =D But my mom won't let me go outside =[
Overlap - Kimeru
^^ I see. Well that's okay!
In The End - Linkin Park
Beautiful Place - Good Charlotte
Haha yeah ^^; It's one of my fandoms... Dun ask..
*pokes ichristian* You alive down there? O.o
I dun know who Daniel is.. Some guy Yanagi was playing from a commercial.. And Yanagi is the guy with the glasses. *points to signature*
Have you ever watched Prince of Tennis, rachel?
Never Surrender - Okiayu Ryoutarou
Pshhh, no you're not! *pats*