Misery - Good Charlotte
*gets knocked out* @.@ I'm pretty good, thankee ^^ *throws Lexicon* PH34R T3H L3X1C0N!!
Oh. Okay, give me a minute. *walks away and laughs* *comes back* Gomen, gomen! xDD *pulls* -HisNobody- YOUR MOM THREW THEM AWAY~!?!??? *dies*
...Did you get stuck again, khchick? *pulls on leg* *pulls on leg* *smacks* No, you go away. Play with Shirotan or something..
-HisNobody- Okay x3 SHOE BUDDY~!!! *throws shoe* How are ya?
-HisNobody- Anyone who comes into my city gets shot with a Bazooka! >D -khchick- Yeah, I noticed that before I left >.<
Uhm... So did I miss a lot while I was at the bank with my sister who wore her Leapard Print slippers?
-Zexion- Beach! That hair ish MINE!
Yeah, let's steal it >D
DX Zexion can't help EVERYONE wants his beautiful hair >.> To the upstairs! Away~!*smacks*Thanks...
Yeah. That really stinks for people who were holding onto that hope, but... I'm not upset over it either. I always kind of figured it wouldn't come.
-khchick- If I gotta live, so do you!! XDDDD
Get to higher ground!! "Get up on the Hydra's back!" *stabs Phil* *revives khchick*
Haha, it means, "Awesome, Great, etc..." ^^;
I'm gud, thankee! ^^ Sugoi, khchick!
-HisNobody- I know! Isn't in terrible?! xDD Haha, so how are you?
Haha, I guess so ^^ -PKS- We're being random, like usual.
*Revives* ^^ Bah, Seymour... He reminds me of Saiix
Haha, thanks ^^ I. Am. Bored.
^^ Bahh, fine. *kills self*