Even still though. I'm not entirely against it because I'll admit I do like some yaoi. But there's some others that bother me. I'm just kinda halfway, I guess.
XD Oh, my, now I really can't wait to see it *laughs*
-Dual Wielder- Hah, very nice! I like your hair ^^
Yeah, now that I actually think about it... He's probably around my height, maybe? (5'5"-ish)
Yay, I'm so excited! Oh, what about Forsaken? or Mookip? *throwing out names* Those are really good chibis, though *nod nod*
*cries at its beauty and the fact she's not in it either* xD But yeah! It looks Awesome!!
Isn't he always kinda bent over, though?
Yeah. I was 5'2" when I was 11.
I was actually wondering that myself the other day. But that should be about right?
Shut up, you know it's true. And I never saw that picture of HisNobody! You look so pretty there!
It's not that I have anything against people who like this pair, I'm just not really a fan of it myself.
Nice. ^^ Sounds like you had fun.
Lies! If ya say so... So how are you doing?
Bah, I knew you hated me *dies* ^^ Anywayz..
Thanks, iP. We luff you too!
Poke it until it tries to eat you? Verrrry nice!
*laughs at the thought*
*waves* Ja ne, eastercat! Have fun! ^^
Yeap. They pretty much eat anything, right? I can't! It's against my principles!!
Bah, teach me, master! *bows*