...I think so.
I could send you a card
Uhhmmm.... I'd have to learn how!! None of my WMM videos will post on YouTube =[ I'M SO SORRY~! *bows repeatedly*
Hi there! Welcome to the forum ^^ Read the rules, Post lots, and Have lots of fun! Hope to see you around sometime =]
Okayz *throws cookies everywhere* Hey, Val! How's it going? I'm having a bulletin war with my sister xD
Yeah! I'll need all the help I can get! ^^ Do you guys want a cookie?
I'mma still throw ya a "Surprise" Party =D
I went to make some ramen. :o Gomen.
This is perfect... Now my Shoe Buddy hates me too T^T *dies* *revives khchick*
-Shoe Buddy- 'Cause you aren't a thing! You're people! Speshulness people! *dies*
YAY!! *ahem* I mean.. I'm sorry.. -PKS- Awe, you're pretty!!
Well, I named you, but you dun count xD -PKS- I see it!!
-khchick- I'mma brain neenja!! >D PH34R M3H!! -PKS- I can't see it either, sorry =[
Awez, bye byez, HisNobody!! *wavewave* Ja Ne~!! -PKS- Awe, why is that?
Yeeesh. I am! :ninja: >D
-Shoe Buddy- Oh, yeah? Says you! What else have I named besides my cactus, iPod, PSP, trombone, piano, racket and guitar? You're the one who says a coconut is sane XD -khchick- Haha, thanks ^^ I agree, sugoi title, Noxy!!
I hate that freaking piece of technology!! *hugs PSP* I don't hate you, Jimmy... WTH?! *throws Jimmy down* You've been cheating on me?! xDD There's nothing to see here, just Macie being herself..
Arterial Black - Drist
@.@ And you people wonder why I am insane! *throws Vincent* ...Oh, crap. . . . That's a lotta vampire to deal with xD;
Haha, I know, I try ^^ *ish landed on* ...You okay? Ooooh, look! There's 5 Coffee-Crazed Yanagis! ^^ *falls over* -HisNobody- I don't blame you DX I probably would have done the same xP