" Umm no sorry." Lament said.
" Oh ." Lament said OOC: Ooooooohhhhhhh right!!
OOC: lol kk BIC: Diana looked over at Panthera who was waiting by the teleporter. He moved his head in a movement that told her to come. She stood up but she didn't want to leave everyone.
Lament looked back at him. " Who is that?" She asked.
" Ok your not cute, your big and strong." She said letting go of him.
" I know he's a bloodling but he helped me. He doesn't deserve this." She said.
Diana ran up to Zane. " CID PLEASE STOP!!" She yelled.
" CID NO!!!" Diana yelled.
" Oh right, here. And thank you." She said handing him the key.
" What are these things? And what do they want?" Diana asked mostly to herself.
" H..how did he do that? Didn't you just kill him?"
Lament stood up and hugged him. " Please don't be mad." She said.
Diana ran out to him. " Hey. You ok?" She asked.
They followed him behind the building. " What do we do now?" She asked
Diana and Panthera followed him. " I don't trust him." Panthera thought to her. Diana didn't respond.
" I'm sorry." Lament said smiling.
" Yes right here." Diana said holding out they key that Creed had given her.
" He said somthing about teleportation but not where." Diana said.
" Well there were Lizardmen down a road and so he gave us two of his feathers and a key and said that the first person we meet down this allyway is supposed to help us get to our next destination." diana said.
" How should I know. He just came to my balcony and saved me." ( wow that sounds fairytale-ish lol) Diana said very calm.