" You know, you probably shouldn't complain about us walking slow since your not walking at all and we can just leave you here to die." Diana said to Zane.
" Oh hey. Um Sara said you wanted to talk to me." Lament said sitting down next to him.
" Oh that's not very far at all." Diana said smiling.
" ERIF!!" Lament yelled as she walked through the forest.
OOC: lol BIC: Diana walked next to Cid and Panthera walked next to her. " So how far away is the town anyway?" She asked Cid.
" Thanks Cid. Your a life saver." Diana said to him. " There happy now?" She said to Panthera. " Yes I'm satesfied." He said to her.
" Thanks Cid." Diana said to him. " Ok Panthera why don't you carry Zane on your back untill he gets his strenth back." " WHAT!!?? Nope, no way am I carrying him around." Panthera said lifting his nose in the air and turning his head away. " Oh c'mon it's not that far, is it?"
" Who knows? Let's go find out." Lament said as she started walking through the woods.
Diana rolled her eyes. " Where is the town exactly?" She asked.
Panthera's ears layed back on his head. " FLEAS!! I'll have you know I've never had one flea before. NOT ONE!!!" Panthera said. " Calm down. Did you find a town?" Diana said to him.
Diana came back carrying a small bundle of firewood. " Aww Panthera likes you." She said when she first saw him on top of Zane. " Tch yeah right. More like hate him and having fun torturing him right now." Panthera thought to her. " Ok so maybe not. Panthera get off him." She said. " Fine, just ruin my fun why dontcha." He said getting off him.
Panthera made a noise that almost sounded like a laugh. " Hee hee hee. How do ya like me now? Huh? If only you could hear me." Panthera thought.
Just to anoy him Panthera stood up and layed right down ontop of him.
Panthera arived before Diana as soon as he got back he flopped down next to Zane breathing hard.
After a couple hours Diana returned with some mercats and other odd animals. " This is all I could find. Watch over them while I try to find some firewood to cook them with." She said.
" Ok thank you." Lament said.
" How? We don't even know what direction to start walking." Diana said. " Oh for pete's sake I'll find the town. Just stay here and try to find some food." Panthera thought to her. " Ok but be careful." Diana said. He nodded and bounded off. " He's gone to look for the town, now you stay here and rest while I go find some food." She said.
" Well what are we supposed to do here? And how do we get out?" Diana asked even though she knew he wouldn't know the answer.
" What are we doing here?" She asked.
OOC: Sorry i gtg