Lament smiled. " Yes but could help in the war, and I want to help." she said.
" That's true." She said.
" Do you know why he wouldn't tell me?" Lament asked. OOC: Sorry i gtg.
Diana sighed. " How is a ghost town supposed to help us?"
" Because Thorn said something about a War, but then when I asked him about it he wouldn't tell me." Lament said.
" I guess his soft spot is his ears. Good to know." Diana said.
" Oh. " Lament said.
Diana smiled looking over at Zane. " Yeah."
Diana couldn't help but chuckle a little. " You deserve it." She said to him.
" We just have to put up with him until the town then knowing him he'll suddenly recharge and run off and hopefully we'll never see him again." Diana said to Blade.
" Don't kill him, don't kill him, don't kill him." Diana whispered to herself.
" What?" Diana asked. OOC: Oh and you quadruple posted lol just to tell ya
Diana continued to walk, tuning out Zanes humming. " There it is. Up ahead there." Panthera said as he spotted what looked like building ahead.
" Good." She said putting her sword away.
" That's it!!" Diana yelled as she pulled out her sword and put it to his neck. " Stop singing or I'll kill you!"
Diana plugged her ears. " Ugh he's being more of a nusaince than he's worth." She said. " Tell me about it, at least you can cover your ears, and my hearing is 5 times better than yours so he's really loud." Panthera thought to her.
" No you do talk to much, WAY to much." Diana said looking ahead.
Diana rolled her eyes.
" Me too! I'm with him! I say we just leave him here. I don't get why we're bringing him!" Panthera thought to her.
" But I thought.........yes I do have a question. What is the war that Thorn mentioned?" Lament asked.