Both Panthera and Diana looked over at him.
Lament walked up the stairs to the tree house and walked into her room.
" Ok." Lament said as she started walking back to the tree house.
" Ok so now what?" Lament asked. OOC: brb
" What a mess." Lament mumbled.
" What!?" Lament said standing up quickly. " Blade heard everything?"
Lament sighed. " Yes the reincarnation does have to do with the spirits. When I die I am reincarnated into a baby, and sometimes, it's not very often, but sometimes the child ends up looking like or acting like the other person. So I could be an reincarnation of your sister. But that's only if she had to duty of mourning the spirits which she couldn't have because when you have that duty you aren't aloud to see your family. Ever." She said
" How did you find out?" Lament asked.
" Ok I know this seems a little... out there but I was thinking she might have been me.... at a time... considering I get reincarnated because.....oops I've said too much." Lament said wishing she hadn't said anything because she might get in trouble now.
" Oh it's nothing, just thinking out loud." Lament said.
" It's so bizzare though, how much she looks like me. Maybe it's because.... no it couldn't be..." Lament said to herself.
" Still I'm really sorry." Lament said.
" Th...that's terrible. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked." Lament said.
" She does look a lot like me. If you don't mind me asking. What happened to her? I mean, where is she now?" Lament asked not taking her eyes off the picture.
" Oh and who is...she?" Lament asked looking at the girl in the picture.
" Who are these people? And what do they have to do with the war?" Lament asked.
" No really. What were you going to say." Lament said.
Panthera stood right beside Diana very alert.
" And what?" Lament asked.
" Who?" Diana asked.