" Oh." Lament said.
" What mask? What's going on?" Lament asked confused.
Diana rolled her eyes.
OOC: kk bye BIC: " There happy now?" Diana asked.
Lament started eating the pancakes, when she had finished the plate dissapeared.
Diana walked over and took the top off for him. " There." She said shoving it back to him.
Lament chuckled. " C'mon let's eat." She said.
" Magic. Isn't that cool, that's how I make my potions apear but I don't have to say the name of the potion for it to come to me." Lament said as suddenly some money floated out of her pocket and dissapeared. " Oh right, forgot to pay." She said chuckling.
Diana narrowed her eyes at him. " What's your deal? Why do you constantly want to bug me till the point when I'm ready to just smash your face in?" She asked.
" How about....Pancakes with maple syrup, whipped cream and strawberries for two?" Lament said and suddenly two plates with pancakes, maple syrup, whipped cream and strawberries apeared on the table. " Cool huh?"
" Actually I havn't already made it. What would you like, I'll show you something cool." She said.
" He didn't find anyone. So I don't know what you were laughing about." Diana said.
" That's ok. I made you breakfast, want some?" She asked.
Panthera came back, " I didn't see anyone or anything. This place seems pretty deserted." He said.
" Rise and shine sleeping beauty." Lament said making fun of Thorn.
Lament slowly opened her eyes. She got out of bed and went into the kitchen to make something to eat.
" I'll go check it out." Panthera said to her and ran off to search the town.
" NO! Now will you just tell us who is here!" Diana said getting impatient.
" Start talking." Diana said.
Lament was sound asleep.